The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 407: : Shen Wei is amazed!

The breath on him seems to be strengthening!

On the side of the platform, a lot of eyes stared at the teenager, and I was able to feel that the boy’s body was stronger than before.

At this moment, the arrogant atmosphere of Su Yi’s body is constantly rising and becoming more and more horrible. The gray robe hunting is like a young **** of war!

On the other three sides of the platform, the disciples at the moment did not know what happened.

They couldn't see it, but the terrible power was the same and shrouded them.

They can only lift and see that the void is already turbulent, the world is discolored, and the terrible pressure is so high that it is worth paying homage!

Su Yi is carrying a slap in the face, and the pores are undulating at the moment. The flesh is shining, and the crystal clear is like Wen Yu.


The eyes are red and the sun shines. The sacred circle of Su Yi’s body is undulating, carrying the atmosphere of majesty and destruction, and continues to climb towards the seventh floor.


Throughout the summit, a mighty pressure, like the turbulent winds, the world is discolored, and the downfall against Su Yi, the horror of the sky, so that all the people present are trembled and feel a terrible horror.

Su Yi is fearless and fearless. If there is a kind of gods and sorrows, he will step forward, and the whole body will be enveloped. The whole body is wrapped in red light, and the unparalleled arrogance and destruction will spread, and the amazing momentum will be filled.


Daddy, the beast is like a thunder, in the depths of the sky, the dark clouds rolling, the lightning shuttle, there is a fierce beast looming.


The beast is amazing, there is an eagle hitting the sky, and a huge cover half the sky.

There is a roaring hammer and a towering hill.

There are tigers who make a fuss and cross the void.

There are dragons and claws, and they are squatting.

This is too shocking, the world is in turmoil, and the wind is rising.

At this moment, the entire Excalibur door suddenly shook.

The tides are rising, the mountains are shaking, the clouds are rolling, and the lightning is thunder!

God, what happened!

Inside the Shenjianmen, a figure jumped out and his eyes were scared.

Immediately, a gaze followed the direction of the heavens and earth and looked into the direction of the platform.

There is a flash of light, lightning and thunder, and the wind is soaring!

It is the movement of the roof, what happened!

In the Shenjian door, there is a strong discoloration, vacated and headed for the direction of the platform.

Around the roof, it is full of breath.

The other three disciples can only see the turbulence above the roof, the lightning and thunder, and the radiance.

Among the large clouds, a savage beast with a terrible breath, the whole world is blurred.

Everyone trembles and squats.

This breath is terrible, no one can resist.


A sinister beast slammed down towards Su Yi, as if to crush Su Yi.

The big beast is a virtual shadow, but the terrible power is real.

If this is the same level of cultivation, I am afraid that it has already been crouched on the ground and destroyed by this momentum.

However, Su Yi is still headed, with a hood on his body, a red light eruption, no fear and fearlessness, stepping up.

A sly big beast imaginary shadow, directly colliding with the light of the **** ring shrouded in Su Yi.


Every time the collision, the creatures between the heavens and the earth are like the sound of the thunder and the thunder of the dragons and the thunder, the sounds of the thunder, the resounding of the sky, and the dazzling light.

Every time I hit, Su Yi is getting more and more difficult, and the speed is gradually slowing down, but it is still standing upright, it is terrible!

All the sights that can be seen are not stunned and eclipsed.

Many of the strongest swordsmen have appeared in the void around the roof, and they have seen everything on the platform.

When all the strong swordsmen of the Excalibur, seeing the movement caused by that teenager, they are all stunned and shocked!

Someone is on the seventh floor, no wonder!

Is there a enchanting sorrow in my sword?

There are more and more strong people around the Shenjianmen, and they see everything and dazzle.

It is no wonder that the Sword Gate is turbulent and turbulent, and there are disciples who are on the seventh floor.

The roof is full of hurricanes and energy!

Su Yi stepped, heads high, and the scorpion squats, step by step.

Every step fell, Su Yi's foot on the platform was like shaking, with cracks flowing under his feet, cracked open.


The fifty-step step, the horrible sly beast on the emptiness began to disappear gradually, black clouds rolling, lightning and thunder, lightning shuttle.

The thick black clouds gradually smashed the silvery lightning of the heart, and the arc was raging, with terrible lightning pressure.

On the towering peaks, the right guardian and Situ Liuyun are like a torch, locked in the distant platform.

This is already Tianwei, the will to crush, if it can resist, unless there is a heavenly gift!

Situ Liuyun said such a sentence, at the moment there is a big wave in his heart.

The roof is the place where the Shenjianmen ancestors are strong, and they communicate with the world. They want to climb to the seventh floor. Unless they can challenge Tianwei, they have the talent for heaven.

Otherwise, it will be crushed.

What's more, Su Yi still relies on himself to climb the seventh floor. This is to provoke Tianwei, and he is afraid that it will suffer more severe pressure.

The right guardian law did not speak, and it was already a chicken.

Tianwei is crushing the will, and the kid is challenging Tianwei with his own will. It is too fierce. If it is successful, this kid is even a mediocrity, but by himself, it is more powerful than the heavenly talent. .

In the lightning and thunder, Su Yi's black hair danced and continued to move up the top.


Oh la la la

The lightning flashed, the arc converges on the Thunder, and it immediately falls toward Su Yi.

The thunder of the road fell on the ring of Su Yi's body and disappeared.

Lightning is shocking, lightning and Shenwei are released at the same time, to destroy everything!

This side of the world is ups and downs, it’s terrible!

Every thunder and lightning fell on the light of the **** ring of Su Yi's body, and they all made a thunderous sound like a thunderous thunder.

Su Yi stepped out every step, and the platform was shaking. It was like stepping on the souls of all people, making people feel trembled and scared!

Su Yi is terrible. This time, at the Wanjian Conference, he is going to attack from the outside disciples, and he must fight against the top geniuses in the door!

Everyone is scared, that is a young **** of war, it is terrible.

He is that Su Yi!

The more and more sacred swordsmen of the surrounding world have changed dramatically. Such a teenager is terrible. The pressure on the roof is so strong that they can’t even approach it. They can only look far!

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