The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 411: : High hopes!

what happened

It seems that there is an accident on the roof!

It seems that the pressure on the roof is greatly reduced!

In the distance of the void, the strongest of the Excalibur Gates also noticed the anomaly. At this moment, the pressure on the platform was greatly reduced. Basically, all the disciples were able to climb the fourth floor.

There are still a few steps, I am successful!

Hey, mother, I want to succeed!

On the four sides of the roof, there are disciples excited to cry.

Their five-year efforts are for today, I thought that the opportunity was not big, but I did not expect that it was really successful now. I went to the fourth floor and entered the battlefield of Wanjian.

One disciple climbed to the fourth floor and immediately entered the space portal to the battlefield of Wanjian.

Other disciples are continuing to climb the ranks and want to climb the fifth floor.

On the platform, the pressure is greatly reduced at this moment, but it is not completely without pressure, but the force of such collapse is less than the usual one or two.

So many disciples feel that they have the opportunity to climb the fifth floor.

It seems that there was an accident on the roof.

What is going on here, how can an accident happen on the roof?

The excaliburs of the full field, the deacons who went to the top of the platform, have some gaze at this moment, and have never heard of accidents on the platform.

Wanjian battlefield, this is a separate area. Under normal circumstances, the disciples who have been trained by Yuan Lingjing want to go out, at least for a month.

The vastness of the Wanjian battlefield is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. There are also many dangers and crises that can be faced at any time. It is the honing ground used by Shenjianmen to temper disciples.

According to the data of the past years, in the Wanjian Conference, in the end, it is possible to successfully walk out of the Wanjian battlefield. Among the 10,000 inner disciples, there are hundreds of them.

Wanjian battlefield is almost exactly the same as the outside world. There are also sun, moon and stars, but this is a separate area. The ancestors of Shenjianmen took control of it a long time ago. Everything was arranged and screened to sharpen the door. Young disciple.

There are many pretty monsters in the battlefield of Wanjian, but the level of cultivation is not too strong. It is fatal to the inner disciples, but it will not be without any help.

In short, in the battlefield of Wanjian, it is the real forging and grinding, there will be real bloodshed, and even life is dangerous.

Competition is cruel, but no one can say anything, the world is strong, and everything is like this. Everything depends on strength, and it is the same in the sword.

Wanjian battlefield, somewhere, has a space transfer door.

Two and a half, the old-fashioned old man stood in front of the space portal, and he had a sword guardian badge.

Behind these two guards, there are still disciples who are not sweeping the swordsmen. They are all about the appearance of the past ten days, and the breath is quite good.

They are waiting for the outside disciples who can enter the battlefield of Wanjian, and they can also find out the talent level of these foreign disciples.

The Tiantiantai once again tested these foreign disciples. To some extent, it is also that Shenjianmen is not willing to miss any disciple.

I don't know how many people can come in this time. I still remember that five years ago, a total of one hundred and twenty people came in. The number of people has been extremely high.

In the two methods of protection, the old man with a big waist on the left side opens, reminds the micro-fat, and the lower abdomen rises slightly, but in the eyes of a pair of eyes, there is a light that can not be underestimated.

Time is almost over, no one has come in yet, is this time outside the disciples so useless?

On the right side, a tall and thin guardian said that according to the time of the previous Wanjian Conference, it has already been three days long, and someone should have come out from the space transfer door.

The year is slightly better, the year is worse. This is also a normal state. After all, it is a foreign disciple. It is impossible to be able to do a good job.

The micro-fat protector sighed and understood that Shen Jianmen did not want to miss any disciples with talents, but he did not have much hope for these foreign disciples.

After all, these disciples were already losers when they did not become internal disciples.

Fortunately, among the young disciples of this session, there are enchanting guys like Liu Yunchuan, Yun Lingfeng, Gong Dai and so on, but it is my fortune!

The slimy disciple smiled. Five years ago, Liu Yunchuan, Yun Lingfeng, Gong Yi and other disciples entered the Shenjian Gate and shocked the entire Shenjian Gate.

In order to hide the strength of these guys in these years, I am afraid that the outside world will know that the guys are also deliberately let these guys show up less.

How many years have passed, we have such a group of good guys in the Excalibur door, and they have high hopes for them!

The micro-fat protection method reveals fluctuations, the gods touch the emotions, and the meanings are pointed out. As a way of protecting the law, they all know how much resources have been invested in Yun Lingfeng, Liu Yunchuan, etc. during the five years of Shenjianmen. There are high hopes.

I don't know how the Hou Changming guy stayed there?

Thin and high-protection method, the mouth of the mouth subconsciously pulled out a smile.

Haha, look at this situation, I am afraid that it is unlikely that someone will enter from the fifth floor.

Xiaofa protects the law and smiles. He knows what it means. In the past 100 years, the disciples who have been able to walk out of the fifth floor space of the previous Wanjian Conference are just a handful. Strictly speaking, I am afraid that I will not get out of the five fingers. .

Four or five times of the Wanjian Conference, there will be such a foreign disciple on the platform to show a good talent, able to climb the fifth floor of the platform.

At the Wanjian Conference five years ago, only a veteran disciple boarded the fifth floor of the Tiantai.

So this time, I am afraid that it is unlikely that a disciple will board the fifth floor of the platform.

A few of them guarded the law in the battlefield of Wanjian, waiting outside the space to send the door, but also because of the opportunity to pick out some of the favorite disciples to earn their own income.

As a guardian of the Excalibur, you can also accept the apprenticeship.

But every time a new disciple of the Excalibur Gate is introduced, the talent is good, and naturally it is remembered by the elders of each peak. It is impossible for them to protect the law.

Therefore, they can only protect the Fa, they can only be at the Wanjian Conference, in this re-examination of the outside disciples, to see if they can not miss, the elders are generally not too embarrassed to compete with them, and no intention to compete.

Because these re-examinations are also those that the elders could not see five years ago.

Hou Changming’s law-protection method was that this time the lottery was lost, and he had to go to the other side’s portal to guard the law.

That space portal is connected to the fifth floor of the platform, and it can be walked out of the space transfer door, which means that there is a king of talent.

Wang Pintian, who would easily be missed five years ago.

Plus, at the Wanjian Conference five years ago, it was really strong that a foreign disciple was on the fifth floor of the platform.

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