The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 476: :bet!

Wanjian battlefield exports will be opened. At that time, among the 16 disciples, the 16 strongest ones will get the best benefits, and the large number of rewards in the door will be revealed on the Lingjian Peak.

"Wang Hufa, I wish the law, you two should have missed a lot this time, how many disciples have you received?"

A lot of law-abiding, together with the old man, asked the two guards.

"It’s okay to collect a few."

"There are a few good ones, but they are earning income."

Two and a half of the old-fashioned old man replied, a face with a large waist and a round body, a slightly fat body, a small belly slightly raised, but a pair of eyes are filled with the light that people can not be underestimated.

A tall figure and a stunned look.

These two guards are the two guards who guarded the fourth floor space portal in the battlefield of Wanjian. This time there was a breakdown on the roof, so many foreign disciples entered, but they also selected ten from each other. A well-looking disciple is not a good harvest.

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"Some foreign disciples are not bad. If they are cultivated well, they are expected to be extraordinary!"

There are elders, and there are some good ones in the outside disciples. If you can pick them out and cultivate them well, you can have some hopes. It is the best review.

"But this time there is something wrong with the roof, you don't want to look away..."

There is a law-abiding joke, this time the platform is faulty, so many foreign disciples have entered the battlefield of Wanjian, and they have all gone to the top of the platform. This is the choice of the flute, but it depends on the eyesight.

"There is still some eyesight."

Wang Hufa's figure is slightly fat, slightly smiling, but not enough to have confidence in his eyes.

He is still confident in this point. He is confident that he has chosen the ten disciples. Although he can't compare with the inner disciples and his pro-disciples, he is definitely a leader among the foreigners.

"Can't walk!"

The wish method is slim and tall, and it is also a bit confident about your own eyesight.

"Hou Huo, you, this time, the fifth floor has also left a lot of disciples on the roof. How many disciples have you received under the door?"

There is a guardian opening, and it is visually directed to a half-bone who looks like a Pentecost.

The old man is not tall, but his face is over half a hundred years old, but it gives people a feeling of weathering. There is a sword guarding the body badge, and a pair of eyes are shining with faint light, like people taking a look. It will also tremble.

This is Hou Changming's law, looking at the opening of the law, the eyes are not left with traces, said: "One!"


Hearing the words, a group of protectors suddenly showed a strange color.

All the law-abiding methods are clear, and the three law-protection draws into the battlefield of Wanjian. It was originally a good luck and envied all the law.

But Hou Changming ended up with bad luck, but actually it was drawn to the guardian fifth floor to the roof space portal.

The fifth floor is the space portal. In general, it is unlikely that the disciples who are likely to have the opportunity to board, even if there is, the disciple is afraid that it will have been stared out by the elders long ago, and will not easily worship the law. division.

Therefore, this time Hou Changming's law-protection draws a lot of space transfer gates on the fifth floor of the Wanjian battlefield to guard the Tiantian platform. It has also become a joke between the law-protection.

However, there was a breakdown in the roof, and the fifth floor was on the roof space portal. There were so many disciples.

All the protection methods originally thought that Hou Changming’s luck in protecting the law was really good. This kind of good thing was also encountered, and he would definitely find opportunities to pick a few good disciples.

It can be seen that Hou Changming’s law-protection only received a disciple, which made other law-protection laws have to be surprised.

"Ning is lacking!"

Hou Changming said faintly, his face did not reveal traces.

At this moment, Hou Changming was very depressed in the mind of protecting the law. What did he accept as a disciple? He had his own heart, but unfortunately the other two looked at it without hesitation. He refused him without any room for manoeuvre. .

He can't always tell these guys that the two he can't see, so he can only accept a disciple at random.

"A good one is rather lacking, and I only waited for the disciple who received the law. I am afraid that it will be compared with the pro-disciple. After all, it is on the fifth floor of the platform. The talent is definitely extraordinary!"

Wang Hufa’s law took a look at Hou Changming’s law, and said nothing.

He clearly remembers that Hou Changming’s lottery was to be connected to the space portal connected to the fifth floor of the platform. A face was suddenly dark, but he still pretended to be a look of loneliness and high-spiritedness. Things, rather than lack of indiscriminate, absolutely can not be, now actually said so, who does not know, if it is not a fault on the roof, fear that it is impossible to have a disciple to go to the fifth floor of the rooftop.

"Yes, I think so, the disciple who received the law, must be able to compare with the pro-disciple, and maybe even board the Lingjian Peak!"


Laughing at the scene, I know that Wang Huofa and Zhufu are joking Hou Changming to protect the law.

"Wang Tianbao, I wish you a long time, you are less happy, I thought that if you have received more than one disciple, you must have something extraordinary."

Hou Changming’s law is also very helpless. He didn’t want to go to the space portal of the fifth floor to the roof. But luck was so bad that he actually got it. As a result, although the miracle appeared, he actually went out so many disciples. But in the end, he only sadly reminded him of a disciple.

I have seen two absolutely extraordinary ones, but I refused him if there was no room left.

Originally, the disciple named Zhang Qing, whose appearance is not good, is not outstanding from the breath of his body. It seems that even the average level of this group of foreign disciples is not up to standard. Hou Changming’s protection of the law has some small regrets. It’s up.

He was purely stimulating at the time, and he wanted to know if he would be rejected by the third foreign disciple. Who knows that Zhang Qing was screaming for a moment.

He also spoke at the time, even if it was secretly dissatisfied, there was no way, and these were not enough for outsiders.

"Hey, it seems that this is the absolute confidence of your disciples. It is so confident to your disciples. It is better to do this. Let’s make a bet. If your newly recruited disciple can get on the spirit, Jianfeng, I am willing to gamble on the ten-star mid-range medicinal herbs. If your disciple does not board the Lingjian Peak, Hou Hu will only give me a star-level medicinal herb. No, just give me ten pieces of Chen. High-ranking medicinal herbs are just fine. I can also give my new disciples a point."

Wang Tianbao guarded the law and he couldn't understand the appearance of a dead duck's mouth by Hou Changming.

"Haha, okay, I also gambled on it. Ten stars are in the middle of the medicinal herbs. It is good to gamble on ten high-grade medicinal herbs. I can also give my new disciples a point." The long high law is also a big laugh.

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