The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 525: : 流云川!

\"Nasuyi is also a disciple of the elders of Su, the same is true for the generations, even higher than the head."

\"That is interesting.\"


Everywhere there was a lot of discussion, and there were even a lot of disciples who had privately opened a gambling gamble. This time, the sixty-eight disciples who entered the final match of Lingjianfeng had different odds.

Of course, the number of bets on Liu Yunchuan, Yun Lingfeng and others is still the most.

Su Yi, Xu Jiahui, Zhang Qing and so on, the gale of the gale, also looked around, shocked by this atmosphere!

Today, their identity is different. In these places, under the infection of these atmospheres, they are also bloody.

Especially Zhang Qing and others, they are also one of the protagonists today. It is not enough to know that their strength is not enough, but at this moment, under the expression of this atmosphere, there is no reason to have the courage to fight against the best among the pro-disciples.

\"Su Yi boss, we can go to the middle first.\" Zhang Qing, Liu Wei, etc. swept over the four weeks, after the shock in the eyes, said to Su Yi.

They are here to participate in the peak matchup, you can go to the center of the square first.

In the middle of the square, the empty square that was isolated was only able to enter the 68 disciples who participated in the final matchup of the Wanjian Conference today.

As for watching the lively, it can only be around.

Su Yi nodded, and immediately went to the center of the square with Zhang Qing and Xu Jiahui. As for the other foreign disciples accompanying him, they could only be seen outside.

\"is Su Yi them!\"

A group of people shuttled through the crowd, and in the crowded crowd, some disciples saw Su Yi and others, and they immediately opened a small road, letting Su Yi and others unimpeded.

However, in the crowd, a lot of eyes are on Su Yi, but they are all angry.

These angered masters are some pro-disciples and inner disciples.

This time in the Wanjian battlefield, almost all the inner disciples were plundered by Su Yi, and naturally the eyes and goodness of Su Yi could not be found.

Su Yi stood upright and ignored the eyes of the surrounding. Anyway, the battlefield of Wanjian has already come out. These guys can't help themselves.

Through the crowds in the square, Su Yi and Xu Jiahui also went to the isolated empty square.

When I looked closely, I realized that the isolated square was actually not small.

The square is rounded and has been framed with thirty-eight rows of staggered stone platforms, all of which are dozens of sized.

At first glance, Shi Tai’s staggering towering is very shocking.

In the square, there are dozens of young men and women standing at the moment. The temperament is good, quiet and standing, and both are closed.

I felt someone coming forward, and someone slightly opened his eyes and looked at it. When he was Su Yi, his eyes were dark and fluctuating.

But more people have not wavered, their eyes have been slightly closed, and they are keeping their eyes closed.

Su Yi felt a cold-eyed look, looking in the direction of the source of the gaze, staring at the owner of the gaze, suddenly picking a brow.

The owner of the gaze is not others, the eyes of the phoenix are twinkling cold, like the gaze to kill, the appearance is very beautiful, it is the sixth palace of the sword tower.

Beside the palace, there is also the shallow sakura of this face, and the look in the eyes can't see where to go, all of them are squatting at Su Yi.

\"After, we will fight against this!\"

On this small square, Zhang Qing, Liu Wei, etc. are even more excited and excited, but also with a kind of tension.

They will be confronted on these stone platforms, and they will be able to board these stone platforms, which also represents a kind of glory and identity.

Su Yi did not pay attention to the palace and the cherry, but it is better to stay away from these women.

Looking around and looking around, at this moment in the isolated square, I saw a lot of figures I have seen in the battlefield of Wanjian.

Immediately, Su Yi was also a double-closed micro-closed, and began to wait, it seems that the final peak matchup of the Wanjian Conference will also take a while.

Undoubtedly, the atmosphere around the square at the moment, plus the body in it, Su Yi is also the age of bloody, just as the mind is far better than the same generation, but there is blood boiling in the body.

Young people are a bit arrogant and awkward.

Such an occasion, when the competition is high!

If this is to be said to be a kind of pride and inferiority, it is also a madness of young people.

People are not arrogant and young!

Time flies slowly in the hustle and bustle, and there are more and more people on the peak of Lingjian.


\"European brother is also here!\"

In the isolated square, there is no time to have a figure approaching, this is the disciple who can participate in the final matchup of the Wanjian Conference.

They are usually one of them, and they are also the famous names in the Excalibur. At this moment, they can cause a lot of commotion.

Su Yi double-closed, the soul power glimps into the knowledge, feels the breath of these younger generations, but did not open their eyes and maintain the state.

\"Yun Lingfeng brother, he is also here!\"

In the crowd, the commotion reached a new height, and a white youth appeared, letting the four sides boil.

The eyes of the male disciple are full of awe, and the eyes of the young disciple are full of anger and anger.

Such a white youth, with a beautiful face and apathetic, long lashes, bright eyes, white skin as a woman, has a different beauty.

\"Yun Lingfeng is very strong, the future is limitless!\"

In the crowd, there are a lot of arguments in the lineup of older disciples.

Such a younger brother, even if it is in their disciples, fears that it is not too much.

Su Yi felt a cold-looking gaze from the side of her body, and opened her eyes slightly, looking at the gaze.

The owner of the gaze is the Yunling style that has been seen several times, from the fifteenth Jianfeng.

And the fifteenth Jianfeng’s grudges have been quite deep. Su Yi estimated that Yun Lingfeng wanted to find his own troubles in the Wanjian battlefield, and also related to his own disciples who had dealt with several fifteenth Jianfeng.

In the battlefield of Wanjian, Su Yi has never played against this cloud Lingfeng. It is not the heart of this person, but the many disciples in Wanjian battlefield.

At this moment, on the peak of the sword, Su Yi is not worried. If it is time to encounter this cloud, it can just be verified.

Yun Lingfeng walked up to the square, his eyes only a short stay from Su Yi.

He knows that Su Yi has some skills, but he is not his real opponent today.

However, if it is encountered today, it will be able to take the opportunity to let it know that in the face of absolute strength, all the sidelines are awe.

\"Ryun Yunchuan brother is here!\"

In the meantime, the crowds began to stir up again, and a young man appeared in the middle of the infield.

The age of the people is not too big. The appearance of the 21-year-old is like a cloud robe. The black hair is bundled with bamboo poles. The costumes are very simple, but the gestures are elegant and elegant, and there is a kind of snow and frost. feel. Cool JZ smith u net s positive $) version of the first "amp; send rM

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