The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 53: : Pointing.

" How can this be, there is nothing wrong with it? " Su Yi heads cold sweat, just feeling the heart in the middle of it.

Meditating for a while, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

carry on

Biting his teeth, Su Yi continued to control the vitality of the body in accordance with the way of running out of the eight wild anger, slowly surging in the body meridians.


However, the result is still. Although Su Yi is ready for this time, when the vitality enters the second specific vein, it is still like an electric shock. The meridians are like to be together, the pain is extremely painful, and the complexion is white.

" What went wrong "

Su Yi meditates, carefully scrutinizing the practice of eight wild anger in his mind, want to see if he has made a mistake.

After careful inspection, Su Yi did not find out where he had made mistakes. He was practicing in accordance with the eight wrathful cultivation methods.

The third time I continued to try, Su Yi did not give up.

This time, I was more cautious, controlling the vitality of the body in the meridians and carefully flowing into the specific meridians according to the cultivation method of the eight wrath.


Despite being careful, Su Yi still did not escape the pain, and the result was the same. When the vitality poured into the second specific meridian, it immediately passed through the pulse, the pain was extremely painful, and the pain was unbearable.

" Kid, are you the first time to practice martial arts, it is really stupid. " The sound of vicissitudes seems to be somewhat unbearable, with surprise and doubt.

" How do you know that I am practicing martial arts for the first time? " Su Yi looked around, it seems that everything can not escape the mysterious man's snoop, but I don't know where the mysterious man is.

" It’s really the first time to practice martial arts, no wonder, no wonder "

The vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of life are very unexpected. When I saw Su Yi, I couldn’t easily open my mouth. I immediately came to interest. Dao: " Kid, I see you are also stupid, it’s better than this, you accompany me for decades to solve the problem. Stay here, I will point you to one or two, when you can't guarantee where you are going, but at least 50 years, there is no problem in entering the Yuan Dynasty. No, if you are a little talented, forty Year is enough. "

"You blow, do you have that strength, will you be involuntarily here? "

Su Yi did not breathe in the deep valley and said, the voice fell, it is no longer paying attention to the mysterious person.

It’s really a big tone, just pointing one or two, you can make people become the legendary strong level of the Yuan Dynasty, how can Su Yi believe.

Su Yi had already passed that kind of time. The kind of novels in the past novels that fell from the cliffs will meet the age of the peerless strong.

" Kid ignorance, the little Yuan Huangjing is what it is, Laozi was a Yuan Dynasty at the beginning of a casual class! "

The voice of the vicissitudes of life began to be violent, and the boy did not believe him.

" Forget it, it is estimated that your kid is really not knowing, old and too lazy to spend more time with you, you slowly cultivate, do not point me, afraid that the last is not to escape the fire, but also enough to play yourself. " vicissitudes of voice turned a bit, said so, like waiting for Su Yi to ask him.

Su Yi did not pay attention to this mysterious person. The cultivation method of the eight wrath was already ripe, and he did not believe that he could not cultivate successfully.


The fourth attempt, the results are nothing special, Su Yi still did not succeed.

the fifth time.

the sixth time.

When it was the seventh time, Su Yi had pale face and cold sweat.

Once again, the body's vitality collapsed, and Su Yi's body could not withstand such shocks.

" is really stupid, this martial arts practiced by you seems to have a relationship with the soil property. If you do not have the property of the soil, forcibly cultivate the soil attribute martial arts, it is simply looking for death, will you be practicing this kid, so forced cultivation, Sooner or later, one day, they will kill themselves. The vicissitudes of the vicissitudes seem to be that they have seen Su Yi’s repeated abuses, and they can’t help it.

" soil property vitality "

Hearing the words, Su Yi’s eyes suddenly brightened. He was tested on the Yuancheng Stone, and he was surrounded by four attributes: wind, wind, water, and earth.

Yesterday in the mysterious space, I also used the fire attribute to melt the Yuan Ling Dan to absorb the egg.

But at this moment, Su Yi did not know whether to believe the words of this mysterious person.

If you think about it in your own situation, Su Yi feels that if this mysterious person wants to harm himself, he does not need it.

"Try it "

Slightly gritted, Su Yi intends to try it according to what the mysterious person said.

The eyes are slightly closed, Su Yi runs the vitality of the body, mobilizes the soil properties, and above the body surface, there is gradually fluctuations in vitality, no longer shining, but a black gloss, more and more dazzling.

" really has earth properties. " The voice of the vicissitudes of life said.

Feeling the property of the soil, Su Yi continued to follow the practice of the eight wrath of the wrath, and the qi was passed through the first specific meridian. In Su Yi's careful and complex dignity, the vitality entered the second specific meridian.

Su Yiben was prepared to have a severe pain once, but when the vitality entered the second specific meridian, it did not make the meridians like the original, but suddenly the momentum rose.

"can "

Su Yi was overjoyed, and immediately controlled the luck in the body from the third, the fourth leg and other specific meridians running away.

As the soil property is flowing in a specific meridian, since the Su Yi body, a soil property energy element suddenly gathers around.

When the vitality finally gathered in the right foot, Su Yi's eyes suddenly opened, and the dazzling light was like lightning thunder.

褴褛 褴褛 猎 , , , , , , , , , , 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎 猎"

Drinking like a thunder, with Su Yi sighing lightly, the right foot suddenly stepped out, under the soles of the feet, there is a vortex of the storm, such as a storm sweeping, in a short moment, directly down the ground.

"Hang "

This foot fell, the earth trembled, the air roared!

From the place where Su Yi settled, the black soil attribute energy of a circle circleed like a wave.


In the place where Su Yi settled, the ground cracked, and a strip of cracks in the thick ground of the arm spread like a spider web.

The surrounding bones and rocks, all of which shattered into powder in an instant, surrounded by the rapid fluctuations of the earthquake.


In the distant canyon, the six wild beasts who did not go far seemed to feel what they were feeling, gaze, and roar.

" Once successful cultivation, this is what martial arts, how so strong! "

The sound of vicissitudes of life, in this ground fluctuations, could not help but marvel at the spread, like shocking!

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