The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 739: : Black scale youth!

Cheng Qingfeng fell to the stage, vomiting blood and climbing up, and visually watching the contest, the original golden light and dazzling scorpion, at this moment is full of shock.

He didn't think that he couldn't pick up a single move, and the dust was so strong that it was terrible.

This time the Shengwu Conference, he wanted to become famous in the first battle, who had thought that the defeat was so miserable.

"This scene, the virtual dust won!"

After a long time, the old man in the corner of the counter was returned from the shock, the voice was shocked, and some trembling, faintly said: "No one is there to challenge the dust!"

Surrounded by boiling, but no one dared to go up, Cheng Qingfeng has already let the younger generation who is present not dare to step on the stage, let alone the one that can beat Cheng Qingfeng's virtual dust.

“Can you see the origins?”

Su Yi whispered in the West ruthlessly, such an unfathomable young man, Su Yi is also very interested, also attending the Shengwu Conference, maybe there will be opportunities to fight.

"can not tell."

West ruthlessly shook his head, the origin of this young man, he could not see it at all.

"The hidden is really deep."

Su Yi is also very surprised. The ruthlessness of the West is far-sighted. Even the ruthlessness of the West is invisible. It is enough to prove that this is called the hidden dust of the youth.


Just as the observers around the four thought that no one would dare to challenge the dust, a figure jumped into the contest.

This person is dressed in a very ordinary, coarse cloth, but it is the tightness of the body wrapped around the body, the cap is covered with a head, just revealing a small half face, as if afraid of being blown by the wind.

This kind of attire makes it difficult to see the age and even see it clearly.

This person jumped into the contest, and suddenly there was no amount of light to watch.

It seems that I feel the gaze of a few lights around, and this person is still a little nervous and her head is lower.

"Do you want to challenge the virtual dust, since the registration number, from Heshanmen, the birth of the Shengwu Conference to sign the jade card!"

Taking advantage of this mysterious figure, the old man in the corner of the contest is also very surprised, asked.

"Is this not the place where the Shengwu Conference is registered? I am not coming to challenge. I am here to sign up for the Shengwu Conference."

The mysterious figure in the costume looked up slightly and revealed a small part of his face.

At this moment, the dust and the old man seem to be able to look at the face of this mysterious person, all of which are dark and somewhat discolored.

"This is not the place where the Shengwu Conference is registered. Don't challenge me anymore. I still have something to do. I will leave."

The dust quickly returned to the gods, smiled slightly, and then reached out, a gentle force plucked out, and the medicinal herbs that had just been taken out of the stone table were taken back, and Cheng Qingfeng, who fell below the stage, said: I can't help it, I didn't mean to win you, I don't want those things, I will leave it for you, there will be a period!"

When the voice fell, the virtual dust jumped directly into the martial arts, rushed into the crowd, and shouted in the mouth: "Lolo, you wait for me, wait for me."

A crowd of people, the virtual dust into the crowd, the figure is like a muddy, suddenly drowned in the crowd.

It is difficult for the surrounding observers to return to the gods. Such a young man called the virtual dust only defeated Cheng Qingfeng in one stroke, but even the rewards are not seen in the eyes. The end is somewhat strange and mysterious.

Su Yi and the ruthless faces of the West are also somewhat strange. The youth who call for the dust are really mysterious.

On the stage of the contest, the mysterious figure was also very strange. Finally, the old man who looked at the high platform continued to ask: "Is this not the place where the Shengwu Conference is registered?"

"Where is the guy, this is not the place to sign up, don't mess up, just give it to me."

The old man stunned and immediately shouted loudly. This is a match, but it is not a mess.

"Sorry, I found the wrong place."

The voice of the mysterious attire is a bit timid, and from a sound point of view, it seems to be a young man.

When the voice fell, the mysterious attire walked down the stage and lifted it slightly. G* Cool 8 Artnet is... version. First.

"How do you grow up like this, is it the body of a half demon?"

"It turned out to be a half monster!"

"It's too ugly, so disgusting!"

Taking advantage of the mysterious costumes who stepped off the stage, the onlookers along the way suddenly changed their faces and moved away. The whispered arguments were full of disappointment, and their eyes became poor and hostile.

The mysterious attire lowered his head and listened to the discussion around him. His head was even lower. It seemed that he could not wait to find a piece to sneak in.

Suddenly, there was a figure in front of the body that had not been avoided. In front of him, a peaceful voice was immediately passed into the ear of this mysterious costumer. He said: "The place to register is outside the city. Tomorrow is the holy Wu Conference. Come on. In the past, it may not be too late."

The mysterious attire carried the scorpion and looked at the person who spoke at the front. It was a young man about 18 or 90, but there was an aura in his face, and he was inspected and informed him of the registration point.

Su Yi looked at the mysterious attire in front of her eyes. The 16-year-old looks like a tight-fitting, tight-fitting package under her neck. She also wears a cap on her head to cover her face. Half a face.

The young man's entire face was wrapped in a black scale and his hair was scattered. The top of his head was covered with sparse black scales, interlaced with sparse hair, and the face scales left and right. With wrinkles and blue veins appearing, it looks very ugly.

This kind of appearance, so that Su Yi is really a little surprised for a while, it is no wonder that the dust just seems to have changed color for a while.

But soon, Su Yi recovered the positive color, smiled slightly and nodded.

"Thank you... thank you."

The black scales youth looked at Su Yi, bowed their thanks and showed gratitude.

He was grateful not only for the place where the former told him to sign up, but also that all people faced him with dodge and disgust, but in front of the eyes of the young man, he could feel that there was no dodge and disgust at all.

The former just seemed to be shocked. It was only a pure first reaction. Anyone who saw him would have this natural reaction.

"You're welcome." Su Yi smiled slightly.

The scale youth nodded and then bowed and left.

"It’s the body of a half demon, hehe..."

The ruthless voice of the West whispered in Su Yi’s ear, sighing slightly.

"Oh, that's so familiar, how did the young man see it?"

"Yeah, it seems to be the tyrant of the tyrants of the tyrants!"

With the conversation with the young people of the scales, some people came around and some people whispered, feeling that Su Yi was like the tyrant of the lord of the city two days ago.


Listening to some people's arguments, Su Yi did not hesitate and suddenly got into the crowd, lest it would cause trouble.

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