The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 76: : Gentleman revenge, ten years is too long, just fight for the day!

"吼! " A one-length long blue-lighted leopard, fierce, fierce and radiant, the temperament of the demon level, the speed is extremely fast, such as lightning, a jump, cheetah prey, plunder Yan Shangyang.

Yan Shangyang is not completely inexperienced, talented, and the resource tempering of Black Gate is definitely not a flower in the greenhouse. Although it is a little scary, but now it is really dangerous, but it is quiet.

"咻" The bows and arrows that have already been prepared, at this moment, are full of bows, and the arrow turns into a lightning bolt, pointing to the key to the blue-light leopard.

This pretty beast leopard, although still in the offensive, is sensitive and incredible, the body that was quickly saved, actually turned over in a moment, the body turned a big turn of 180 degrees, and quickly borrowed a little on the side of a huge stone. In one go, the momentum is fierce, the front paws open, the claws emit cold light, and once again rushed to Yan Yang.

Yan Shangyang did not seem to think that this wild beast was so fast and sensitive, and there was some squatting in a moment, but at the same time, he took the bow and arrow, and the energy surged and the bow was full.

"咻" arrows like electricity, accompanied by sharp air breaking sound, direct shooting wild beast.

The leopard's fierce discoloration seems to be the power of the arrow, and does not dare to resist.


The body of the beast leopard is off the ground, but it is half a circle in the low altitude, and once again avoids an arrow. At the same time, the four claws land, slightly paced, and the fierce eyes look at Yan Yang.

It seems that the capture of the prey failed twice, and the blue-light leopard is also somewhat depressed.

Yan Shangyang's two arrows did not hit the target. The backhand archery was pumping, and he quickly took the bow and arrow, and watched the pretty beast leopard with vigilance. His face was dignified to the extreme.

The savage beast has a breath of volatility, the body glows, and the claws crush the rock, and they want to start hunting again on Yan Yang.

Suddenly, the wild beast leopard seemed to feel something, and suddenly turned and fiercely looked away to the side.

Along the eyes of the pretty beast leopard, I saw a thin figure quietly appearing in the forest.

This figure is a 14-year-old boy with black long hair and a loose shoulder. It can't cover the five features of the Yinglang, especially a pair of deep and bright eyes. If it is the brightest star in the night sky, it shines with brilliance.

People come to ragged clothes, but they can't cover their unique temperament, a little arrogance, and a little evil.

Taking advantage of the sudden reaction of the pretty beast leopard, Yan Shangyang immediately followed his gaze.

Just when looking at the thin figure, Yan Shangyang couldn’t help but look surprised and exclaimed: " Kid, how can you escape? " At this moment, the person coming is not someone else, it is Su Yi.

Just a little pondering, Su Yi is a decision in the heart.

This black-skinned person has encountered absolutely great troubles. Although there are also strong black-belled people, it can be seen from the situation that those who are black-doors are self-sufficient and unable to get out.

At this moment, it is definitely a good opportunity for revenge.

Even so, it is also dangerous, but for Su Yi, there is no hate to report non-gentlemen.

Gentleman revenge, ten years is too late, just fight for the day!

" It’s a coincidence, and I met again! " Su Yi stared at Yan Shangyang, although it was to the cultivation of Yuan Xuanjing, but it is not strong enough to go, compared to the Jishan of the holy mountain is stronger, it should not be much stronger.

At the beginning, it was only a time when Yuan Yuan’s soul was heavy. He was able to resist hard with Ji Chao. At this moment, he was already a triple soul, and he also cultivated a variety of steps. This is also the time that Su Yi dares to face Yan Yang. Bottom gas.

" kid, do you want to deal with me? " aware of Su Yi's look, Yan Yang is not stupid, seeing Su Yi's undisguised purpose at the moment, the kid seems to want to deal with him.

" Some accounts, owe it should be returned, now it seems that no one can protect you! " Su Yi sneer, has already looked at the situation for four weeks.

At this moment, the elite disciples of the black shackles are being besieged by more than a dozen wild beasts. They are hard to protect themselves, and they are terrible, and there is still strength to protect Yu Yan.

Those who are in the distance are also close to each other, and they are also surrounded by stronger and stronger beasts.

Otherwise, Su Yi will not choose to show up.

"Hey, kid, just because of you, you are looking for death! " Yan Shangyang sneer, taboo on the pretty beast, but such a kid, but it is not in the eyes, the last time he did not kill him is already unhappy, I did not expect to let him escape.

" Who is dead and who is born, try to know, but I guess, today is definitely you! " Su Yi faint sneer, tough and deep in the eyes, cold and cold plucked out.

"嘶嘶""咕" With the sound of Su Yi falling, there is a strong wind whistling, shaking around the ups and downs, flying sand and stone, a large snake with a few feet appears on the side of Su Yi, Open the mouth of the blood basin, the scarlet letter is swallowing, it is very embarrassing.

In the air, a fierce bird with a few wings spread, cut off the branches of the towering tree, forming a storm-like airflow, claws like hooks.

Such a fierce bird and a big snake are filled with fierce atmosphere, and the killing in the fierceness has no reservation, and it is aimed at Su Yi.

For the wild beast, human beings are food.

In particular, the martial artists who practiced have energy in their bodies, and they can get a lot of benefits after they are swallowed.

Only at this moment, staring at Su Yi's big snake and fierce bird, this is a smattering of the intention, but there seems to be a sense of breath in the faint, so that it has some instinctive uneasiness.

" kid, it seems that I don’t have to shoot at all, I don’t care! "Han Yangyin sneer, just rely on this kid to deal with him, but he does not need to shoot, the two monsters can have a repair to the level of the demon spirit, do not know that kid How to die.

At the same time of sneer, Yan Yan’s heart is also dignified.

They did not put Su Yi in their hearts and never looked at them.

But now his situation is getting worse and worse.

This kid is just an episode, but his current crisis is aggravating, which is the biggest trouble.

Su Yi looked at the fierce bird hovering above and the big snake on the side of the body. The breath was not weak, it was very powerful, and he was afraid that he could not deal with it.

"Hang " In a flash, Su Yi body mixed with the highest power.

Suddenly, it seems to be what I felt. I was originally staring at Su Yi’s fierce bird and big snake. In the fierce moment, I was shocked, and my body was shaking. I slowly retreated and never dared to go forward.

"吼" staring at the leopard of Yan Yang, at this moment also a low roar in the throat, visually facing Su Yi, eyes taboo, complex look, body slowly receding, seems to be afraid what.

"How can this be " this scene, let Yan Shangyang stunned, did not know what happened.

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