The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 826: : Lost!

Su Yi killed Chu Changhuan and shocked the entire Shengwu Conference, so that everyone is still as vivid as it is now!

However, Chu Changhuan is only the triple peak of Yuanzheng. At this moment, the virtual dust is the real Yuanzheng.

In the midst of the game, the pride of one day is also stunned.

The virtual dust of the four realities of the realm of the realm, so that they are more than a proud proud of the sky, but also shocked.

"Yuan Zhenjing is four!"

Feeling the breath of the dusty body, the gaze on Su Yi's face suddenly trembled.

Su Yi estimates that this is the guise of the virtual dust, and the realism of the Yuan Zhen is four, this guy is really not a terrible horror!

The four-fold cultivation of Yuan Zhenjing is indeed to make Su Yi's heart dignified.

The three realities of Yuan Zhenjing to the four realities of the Yuan Dynasty are huge gaps, which are difficult for ordinary people to overcome.

Su Yi is only a nine-pronged Yuan Ling, and even the real Yuan Zhen has never set foot.

At this time, Su Yi can't help but regret some of her heart. She is still somewhat arrogant. The dusty guy is too horrible. If he can use other means, he may be able to compete, but he can only win with his own strength. Negative, this is undoubtedly too big.

The virtual dust looks at Su Yi, and the dazzling thunder and lightning scorpion looks directly at Su Yi. Like the young Thor, it is necessary to destroy all enemies. The sound is like a thunderous thunder, saying: "A trick is to win and lose, do it all!"


When the last word is dropped, the dust moves, and one step is taken. The thunder and breath of the body are skyrocketing at the same time, and the arc of the cockroach fluctuates.

In the electric thunder and thunder of the rumbling, the golden boulder is covered with electric arcs, and the dust and dust cover the electric awns. If it is a thunderball, it will directly explode toward Suyi.

For a moment, the electric light runs through the void around the golden boulders, spreading all directions, such as a thunder sea.

At this moment, the dust is dusty, and the whole body is densely populated. When the hand is thundering, if it is a young thunder, there is a kind of madness, destroying all temperament, and crushing Su Yi with a kind of unmatched trend.

"too strong!"

Such an offensive, the goddess of the palace in the Tiangong Palace, the ruthless eyes of the West are also dignified, and the brows are wrinkled.

They can all feel that such an offensive is too tyrannical.

"They are both going to win a game!"

The old man of Gu Yue couldn't help but scream, his eyes were a little bit of a beating.

The young genius he has seen is quite a lot, and many young people who have been enchanting have seen it.

But this time a young man emerged from the Shengwu Conference, the power is too abnormal, and the talent is too horrible.

"Everyone looks down on this dust, he is the biggest dark horse!"

There are strong people in the audience who are exclaimed. They have always thought that Bawang Zongyi is the biggest dark horse in the Shengwu Conference. At this moment, they can’t help but realize that everyone has always looked down on the dust. This is the dust. The biggest dark horse at the Wu Conference.

The thunder of light, the terrible breath is like destroying everything.

The thunder-like punch has already reached Su Yi in an instant, and the mighty thunderstorms swept the square.

"Then it will be a winner!"

At this time, the whole field was beating, and Su Yi was fearful, and a big drink came from Su Yikou.

In an instant, Su Yi's skin gives off a special kind of light, giving people a sense of perfection, full and full.

At the same time, Su Yidan Tian Yuan's vortex whirls in and out, like a ray of light shining around, there is a tremor of roaring, and the arrogance of the majesty is like a big wave, a sound of screaming, and the formation of heaven and earth. A resonance that glows.

Su Yi did not retreat, only to do his best, use the mixed yuan to respect the merits, too imaginary Shenhai full force and move, throwing fists to meet, \ 'Hang\', in a punch, all punched out.

The fist wrapped in the ray of light, a terrible force, such as the erupting volcano rushing out, shines.

Above the fist, there is a clear wind and thunder above it, like a thunder, rumbling!

This fist moved, and the world trembled around. As if the overlord awakened, the great pressure of the emperor's coming was resounding.


When such a punch appears, the pressure is pervasive, and there are beasts like thunder in the Quartet, and the real beast of the savage beast trembles and worships it!

This is Su Yi's overlord boxing, which reveals the identity, plus the atmosphere of the Tianluo ancient scriptures, but the power is not reduced!

In the absence of a number of lights, the two punches collided like a meteorite.


Thunder was shattered and turned into an arc of light and rain, and there was a strong sweep of the wind, such as a hurricane.

This time, the game is sluggish and stunned!

Countless people are scared, so two young people are terrible.

"No, how do I feel that the overlord Zong Yizhen seems to be able to contend!"匠) net ‘a only L U... 正 NI version%,) Other _! All _ is the pirate N version @(0

"Overlord Zong Yizhen, just as a punch is as horrible, the pressure is even better!"

There was a loud scream, and the golden boulders were covered with lightning and lightning, so that people couldn’t look straight.

However, with the last view, there is a strong sense, and the overlord of Zong Yizhen is just like its real strength.

Among the many forces in the field, there were strong men who sat down and stared at the golden boulders, wanting to see everything clearly.

To say that the two elders of the ego and the virtual dust entered the final four, the elders of these big men also had some regrets, but at this moment, no one would think so.

Originally, they felt that if their disciples in the mountain gate were lucky, they might be able to enter the semi-finals.

Or it is the overlord Wang Zongyi and the virtual dust. At first, they will encounter other tyrannical opponents and will be eliminated.

But the blow from the two young men in the field is enough to let them know clearly that no matter who wins or loses the two young men in the field, they all surpass the disciples in their gates.

Shaosijun, Fengqing, Chenyanhuan, etc. all have the capital of the sky, but in the face of this overlord Zong Yizhen and the virtual dust, it is obvious and there is still a gap.

At this moment, there are two young people on the golden boulder who want to win a battle. These are two real enchanting sorcerers, all of which have a terrible talent that swayed the square and shocked people!

"It seems familiar!"

Somewhere in the crowd, there are a group of good young people together, who are disciples of Shenjianmen, Situ Muyang, Liu Yunchuan, Gong Yi, etc., who are blinded by thunder and winds on the golden boulders. It’s all a strange color.

In the lineup of the Shenjianmen, on the face of the elders of Su’s mad songs, they looked at the gaze on the golden boulders. I don’t know when, but also the strange colors.

"Hey, have you discovered that the atmosphere of the tyrant Wang Zongyi's body seems to be somewhat familiar!"

The elders who have the Shenjianmen also feel a familiar atmosphere, very surprised.

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