The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 829: : Who is dead is not necessarily!

As for the champion welfare of the Shengwu Conference, Su Yi did not care about it from the beginning. The purpose of participating in the Shengwu Conference was only a ruthless agreement with the West.

His eyes swept through Nalan Ruyu's body. In the end, Su Yi looked at the direction of the Tiantian Palace. He looked far away from the direction of the Heavenly Palace. He looked at the West with ruthlessness, and his mouth was smug with a slightly smug and confident smile.

"This kid, don't know that Nalan Ruyu is not good to deal with!"

West ruthless and nervous face look, his eyes can not help but smile.

He knew that Su Yi was telling him that the first two of the Shengwu Conference had already been done.

The purpose of the guy is the champion of the Shengwu Conference.

But the West is ruthlessly worried. He can see that Nalan Ruyu is too unfathomable. Until now, he has not used the true strength.

Taking advantage of Su Yi actually has other thoughts on other things, Nalan as a jade looks at Su Yi, the light inside the eyes is more dazzling, the sacred breath of the body surging, slowly shaking the golden boulder around the void, has a enough sweeping The momentum.

\"Kill my holy mountain disciple, you are to die, now, you have nothing to escape!\"

Nalan Ruyu opened, one word and one sound, like a thunder, surrounded by unprovoked winds and turbulence, since the momentum of his body began to force people, there is a kind of innate arrogance!

"The main point, when did I escape, the so-called good disciples of the Holy Mountain, I killed more than one or two, who is not necessarily dead!"

Su Yi’s eyes turned back to the body of Nalan Ruyu, and the words were tit-for-tat.

However, Su Yi’s heart is already condensed, and he can feel the absolute horror of this guy.

Up to now, Nalan Ruyu seems to have not exposed the true peak strength, Su Yi had to pay attention.

Listening to Su Yi’s words, Nalan Ruyu’s face was always calm and calm, and his eyes shook a little. With the energy of the surrounding world, there was a wave of volatility, and a faint sigh of coldness in his eyes filled the voice. I also made a few points, saying: "I have to admit that you have a bit of money, but if you think that the sacred mountain is something you can despise, then you can only say that you are only a frog at the bottom of the well. The sacred mountain is strong and beyond Your imagination, the sacred disciples you killed, are not qualified to replace the holy mountain!"

Nalan is very proud, and the voice spreads fiercely.

But no one thinks that Nalan Ruyu is arrogant. This kind of pride is taken for granted by Nalan Ruyu.

Because he is the Son of the Holy Mountain, the person who truly represents the Holy Mountain!

Su Yi looked at Nalan Ruyu, did not care about Nalan Ruyu, but just noticed the fluctuations of Nalan Ruyu's body, and felt a strong and concealed atmosphere.

Su Yi’s eyes are illusory, and his heart is truly dignified. *More / J new %z most DI fast ● w on cool + craft & B network 0

This Nalan is like a saint of the holy mountain, so that all the peers are jealous. It is indeed unfathomable and powerful.

Su Yi’s heart took a deep breath and breathed a sigh of relief. A wave of volatility and a sense of murder, and a deep scorpion climbed out from the depths of the scorpion. The tongue slightly licked and dried up. Lips.

This is the real verification, and it is also the peak of the peers, and it is the first time for itself and the holy mountain to compete.

At this moment, Su Yi feels a little strange, the body of the super-religious work in the body is filled with a special fluctuation, as if there is a very obvious war.

This kind of warfare is not filled out from oneself, but is filled with the sacredness of the sect.

A kind of strong and strong, to fight with one of the war!

Secretly suppressing the atmosphere of the mixed yuan to the respect of the merits, there is a cover, Su Yi does not want to expose his identity.

Su Yi is not afraid of what he has, but is worried about causing a great disaster for the city of Su.

"If you think that the sacred disciples I killed can't replace the holy mountain, then you should replace the holy mountain and kill you, it should be enough!"

Looking at Nalan Ruyu, Su Yi responded, the voice was not disguised, accompanied by vitality, deliberately reverberating around.

Listening to these words, countless onlookers and powerful forces from all walks of life are moving.

With the sound of Su Yi falling, the whole scene can also feel the golden boulder standing on it, the air has completely solidified.

The two young people are all in a natural and vertical position, and they are the peaks of their peers. No one is a good lord!

When Su Yi's tit-for-tat words fell, Nalan Ruyu's body, the sacred sacred breath of the sky was also surging, and the body's vitality was like a storm, suddenly surging out from the extraordinary body of the gods.


For a moment, Nalan Ruyu’s breath was unprecedentedly sturdy, a strange pale blue long hair fluttering, a flawless and handsome face with perfect contours, such as the emerald-like dark blue and magnificent eyes, filled with one Kind of fierce souls!

"You will use your life to pay the price of arrogance!"

Nalan Ruyu opened her eyes and stared at Su Yi. Her body was full of breath, and the surrounding void was centered on it. The void behind it was already raging.

This breath does not see the actual cultivation, and it is hidden.

But there is no doubt that the atmosphere that Nalan Ruyu showed at this time is definitely more than the breath that has just been driven by the full force of the dust, but it must be even worse.

Feeling the atmosphere of Nalan Ruyu, the strong among the numerous onlookers and the elders in the major forces of the mountain are completely heart-warming.

The Son of the Holy Mountain is indeed difficult to shake, representing almost the unspeakable existence of the same generation!

"My life is very hard, just because of you, I am afraid it is not enough!"

Feeling the breath of Nalan Ruyu, Su Yi's deep shackles, at this moment, the red light suddenly surging, the breath of the nine peaks in the body of the spirit is unreserved, and the vitality of the body in the ocean is also completely out. .

At this time, Su Yi robes hunting, hair flying, above the body, the red light flows, full and intact.

"I can verify it right away!"

Nalan Ruyu sipped and the handprints condensed. The back of the squat had a fan of the two wings, and for a moment, it brought a storm, and it rose to the ground.

Too fast, Nalan Ruyu's figure, in the wind and the clouds, if it turned into a flash of lightning, the next moment, it appeared on the top of Su Yi's head.


The roar of the void, the sacred breath, and Nalan Ruyu stepped directly to Su Yi.

In the Sanwumu world, Nalan Ruyu is going to use this foot to directly break down Su Yi.

This is a kind of self-confidence and pride in everything, this is to retaliate against Su Yi.

Because only this attitude can cleanse its shame on the holy mountain!

But later, by the impression of the Saint-Wumen community, Nalan Ruyu’s foot was unsuccessful and was isolated by layers of space ripples.

Nowadays, Nalan Ruyu wants to continue this foot, and wants to crush Su Yi directly!

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