The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 865: : Strong and murderous!


Several offensives, while blocking the elders

Among them, Su Yi’s terrible killing sword is the most terrible. It is the release of the power of the heavens, and it is turned into an infinite sword. With the terrible killing, it is like a flood, like a round of Jianguang’s sun-filled void. On the flame handprint, let it also appear dents directly.

At this moment, the eyes of the elders of the flames were shocked.


But very quickly, the scales of the scales have not yet approached, and they are directly shocked by the terrible aftermath, vomiting blood and planting the ground.

Su Xiaoshuai's rolling flames, burning the void, accompanied by the pressure of Hehe, if the Phoenix came, but after all, lost the strength of the elders of the flame, the flames of the scorpion were destroyed, and finally spread to the front of him, shaking it to the ground.

But the horrible power of Su Xiaoshuai is also to make the holy fire look bleak. The terrible pressure makes his soul tremble, and he has an unprecedented uneasiness and guilt.

The ruthless offensive of the West persisted for the longest time, but it was also crushed. The shadow of the dragon was wiped out under the fingerprints. The muffled sound was like a thunder, the fire was shining, and the terrible strength of the aftermath shattered the void, and the figure was also collapsed. Go on.

A ray of light undulates, if it is covered with a layer of armor in the ruthless body of the West, its body is planted on the ground and gravel, and the fallen ground shakes the mountain.

Su Yi’s knife is still experiencing terrible killings, and Jianguang swept through it. The killings directly spread to the elders of the Holy Fire through the flames of the handprints.

It can be said that if it is not the real power of Su Yi's knife to resist the flames of the hand, just the West is ruthless, the scales, Su Xiaoshuai is definitely not just being shocked.

The face of the holy fire was once again stunned, and the gaze of the stunned eyes turned to Su Yi, shocking to be difficult to attach.

\"A strong external force, a strong murderous!"

The elders of the sacred fire provoked waves, and the broken sword in Su Yi’s hands actually had such terrible external force.

But at this moment, Su Yi's situation is more dangerous, Jianguang has been gradually burned, under the terrible power, directly vomiting blood.

"Not self-reliant, after all, it is external force!"

The elders of the flames sneered, although shocked, but the kid is an external force.


A voice of infiltration of people heard from Su Yikou, the body violently rushed out, there were cracks directly appearing on the surface of the body, suddenly the blood flow was moored, the flesh and blood was blurred, and the body was like a blood man.

At this moment, Su Yi was recklessly suffering from the shackles of the broken sword, and the **** waves of the two sides, such as blood and sea fluctuations.


At this moment, the mysterious light group in Su Yi’s mind finally broke out completely, accompanied by the fluctuation of the Tianyuan demon, resisting the murderous intention of the broken sword.


A terrible breath with ancient pressure, and the broken sword, the murderous and majestic destruction together, formed a terrible storm, swollen.

The lightening of the Jianguang re-emerged, and suddenly opened in the flames of the handprint.

Above the vast void, the broken sword light and flames blasted, the low wind broke, and the afterglow of energy poured from the sky. If a group of flames fell from the sky, the scene was awkward.


Su Yi vomited blood, the body fell from the low-altitude straight line, and rushed into the ground like a cannon.

The feet are inserted into the cracked ground, and Su Yi's body is rubbed straight against the ground, leaving a deep gully on the ground, gravel and dusty.

However, Su Yi did not fall to the ground, his feet rubbed against the ground, holding the broken sword and standing straight, and the body was already bloody, his body was cracked, blood was everywhere, and the **** scorpion was lifted, staring at the holy fire.

"Unbelievable, he actually blocked the elders of the Holy Fire!"

The strong man was sluggish, and that teenager actually stopped the elders of the sacred fire.

"The elders of the sacred fire did not really use all their strength. To deal with them, why do they need to do their best, but they did not expect to be swayed by Su Yi."

There are strong whispers and stunned eyes. The elders of the holy fire of the holy mountain did not use the true full strength. To deal with the young people of Su Yi, why do they need to take full force, but the elders of the sacred fire are obviously big, and Su Yi also broke out. The amazing and ultimate strength has blocked the blow of the elders of the flame.

"This son can't be used for the holy mountain, can't stay!"

The flames are tremulous, this kid is terrible, and it is absolutely impossible to leave such a trouble for the Holy Mountain. If you can’t get it, then you can only kill it directly.

"go to hell!"

In the eyes of the elders of the sacred fire, the spurt of the spurt, the blazing scent of the surrounding air, in an instant, a punch in the air, it is directly slammed to Su Yi.

The emptiness of the void, the punches passed, the cracks appeared around, the mighty power caused the earth to crack constantly, the white mist in the air filled, and the hot high temperature made the onlookers around the square scream like fire.

"Su Yi is careful!"

"Old heart!"

At this moment, the West is ruthless, Su Xiaoshuai, Yan scale, etc. almost just got up from the gravel pile, and it was seen in front of the scene, one by one.


Su Yi Wei Ran does not move, I do not know when the broken hand in the right hand has become a knife, the whole body is purple gold, the handle is carved and the star is running, the blade is engraved with runes, the blade is like a wall, the star is shining, the stars are flowing. ......

When this knives appeared, Su Yi surrounded the stars and fell, and the stars fluctuated.

At this moment, the heavens and the earth are endlessly discolored, and there are winds and clouds rising over the vast squares. The mountains and rivers in the mountains and mountains are turbulent, shaking the mountains without any reason!

"call out!"

It is said that it is slow at that time, and that the punches in the air are like the flames of the meteorites, and Su Yi’s knife is also directly pulled out.


It seems to be exhausting the last strength of the whole body. Su Yikou’s mouthful of vomiting blood, the crack in his body is more bloody, and the bones are infiltrated.

But when this knife broke out, a strong atmosphere rose to the sky. Most Q new b chapter... festival & ☆ cool - smith net x0


Taking Su Yi as the center, the square around the square is blasted without any reason. A mighty atmosphere is like the ups and downs of the waves, and the hegemony is majestic, like the ability to suppress the Quartet and go straight into the sky!

This embarrassment, Su singer elders, the ancient Yue Palace masters are the surging breath once again stagnation, eyes once again flooded the twilight.

At the same time, there are five three-line lineups in the field. Within the mountains and peaks, many strong people seem to feel what they are, and their eyes are solid and sluggish, and their eyes must be blind.

The knives plucked out, and if the emptiness of the emptiness, the release of the ray of light, the whole world of the sky is also like a star, but like this wind and the sky above the sky, there is a star river falling.


This knife is accompanied by a sacred breath, such as from the ancient times, quaint and sacred, sacred, overbearing, ruining, gathering together, the mighty nine days!

At this moment, the holy fire was the first time when the eyes were shocked, and the eyes were fixed on Su Yi’s purple gold knife.

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