The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 896: : Su Yi's plan!

He was banned at the moment and his life was in the hands of the other party. If he wanted to live, he would only obey.

He still doesn't want to die. He just doesn't want to let go if there is a chance, so he chooses to obey.

Then, from the mouth of the old man in the yellow robe, Su Yi and Xi Rui did indeed understand a lot.

It turns out that there is a vast expanse of mountains nearby. Millions of mountains and mountains are rolling, and there are quite a few wild monsters. There are quite a few wild monsters and kings, and many of them are quite taboo.

But because of this, there are no big forces in the vicinity to come to the fingers, there are a lot of small forces in the periphery, there are also some separate scattered exchanges.

It is said that among the millions of mountains and mountains, there are even a lot of strong people who are retreating, for further isolation and isolation.

In recent years, on the periphery, the rise of the Golden Knife has become a force that cannot be underestimated.

Over the years, Golden Knife has gradually annexed many small forces in the vicinity and has become the biggest force in this area.

This time, Yang Chuan, the young master of the Golden Knife, got the golden scales and the heavenly bow, so he came to the mountains to hunt and try the power of the golden scales.

"How is the strength of the Golden Knife?" Su Yi asked the old man in the yellow robe to ask.

"Golden Knife has developed relatively fast in these years. Yang Chuan is a prince of Yang Baikun. He is now the lord of the Golden Knife. He is already a five-pointer of the Yuan Dynasty. In addition, the Golden Knife is under Yang Baikun, and there are three yuan. The emperor is strong."

The old man in the yellow robe opened his mouth and there was a flash of light in his eyes. The Yuanhuangjing has always been a step he wants to take, but he is unable to set foot.

"The strongest Yuan Huangjing is five."

Su Yi’s gaze picks up and kills Yang Chuan. Naturally, he has to be prepared for his heart. Learn about the strength of Jin Zhizong. He knows that although Jin Zhizong has several elites, he is the strongest talent. There are not too many threats to the emperor's fivefold.

Big Brother West was ruthless at the beginning to be able to counter the six-powered Emperor of the Dragon Emperor of the Dragon, and the Green Emperor was already the triple of the demon, and with the fighting power of the Qing Emperor, it was not a problem. .

"No, the strongest of the Golden Knife is not the lord Yang Baikun, but Yang Chuan, his grandfather Yang Yi, has been retreating. It is said that the strength is very strong, but the specific step is not known, because of his existence, the golden knife The ancestors were able to rise in these years and swallowed up a lot of strength around them." Huang Zhuang old man continued.

"It turned out to be."

Su Yi just had some doubts. Although the strength of the Golden Knife is not weak, it is not particularly strong. It is a strong force to be able to annex a lot of other forces in the vicinity. It seems that this golden knife is still strong. I think it is stronger than Yang Baikun.

"How does this person deal with it?"

The question is almost the same, and the ruthless eyes of the West faintly fall on the old man of Huang Pao, asking Su Yi.

There is a chill in the eyes of Su Yi. This is not the time when the heart is soft. He has just killed the young master of the Golden Knife. If he leaves this person alive, it is to find trouble for himself and leave behind trouble.

"Adult, I didn't take long to join the Golden Knife, because the Golden Knife lord Yang Baikun promised to find a way to let me go to the Yuan Dynasty as soon as possible. I joined the Golden Knife. If the adults can leave me a life, from now on. I am Huang Jian’s swearing to follow, and I am willing to be a cow. If the adult feels that I am not reliable, then please let the adults see that I have just answered the questions that the adults have not concealed. Please give me a happy birthday. ”

Taking advantage of Su Yi’s eyes, Huang Jian’s old man Huang Jian’s heart is in his heart.

Judging from what he has just seen, although this boy and the old man seem to be commensurate with each other, it is obvious that the boy is determined.

At the moment, his heart is clear, the former killed Yang Chuan, how can he easily let go of himself.

He just wants to ask for a glimmer of life. As long as there is a chance, he does not want to miss it, but he is really dying and hopes to die.

"There is still a three-point tone."

Listening to this Huang Jian's words, it is quite a surprise for Su Yi, looking at the old man in front of him, his eyes are fluctuating.

A person who is only one step away from the Yuan Dynasty is also a strong person. If he can believe this person, he can stay with him.

"Why can I trust you?"

In the eyes of Su Yi, the chill has not subsided. If you can't believe this person, it is a big hidden danger to keep such a strong and powerful person on your side.

This person is a person of Golden Knife. At this moment, he can vote for himself and betray him in the future. This is a chaotic field. Everyone here is accustomed to the rules of the chaotic domain. Su Yi does not believe it casually.

"My Huang Jian can swear to the sky!"

Huang Jian’s eyes flashed, and if he caught a life-saving straw in the muddy water, if he could convince the boy, he would be able to leave a life. He did not want to die, no one wanted to die.

"Swearing can be unreliable."

Su Yi shook his head and never believed in swearing, especially in the chaotic domain.


Huang Jian’s eyes suddenly dimmed, and he really couldn’t convince the other side.

"There is a way, this is a bone-bone soul-hunting Dan. After you take it, you should be able to believe us."

West ruthlessly opened, a black and red alternating in the hands, the flow of radiant medicinal herbs appeared, accompanied by a breath of unreasonable soul discomfort.

Huang Jian’s gaze suddenly fell on the soulless Dan in the hands of the ruthless West. His eyes trembled, and then his eyes stared at the West with ruthlessness. He said, “You’re desperate, you’re desperate. Is it ruthless?"

"Desperately, the nicknames of others." West said ruthlessly, calm. See /%正n版x章C$上上酷Z匠$u网^e0QM

When he heard the ruthless admittance of the West, Huang Jian couldn't help but **** the cold air. If he knew that the old man in the black robe was desperately arrogant, he would have to pay attention to Yang Chuan's own death, and he must have escaped.

Desperately, Rosie is ruthless. This is a terrible existence. What is terrible is not only the strength but also the ruthless means of desperately.

Taking advantage of Huang Jian’s reaction, Su Yi also had some accidents. It seems that the big brother’s desperate name is Rossi’s ruthless name. It is also famous in the chaotic domain, which makes people jealous.

"You know this bones and souls, you should know the role of the soul-seeking Dan, choose whether you want to take it."

West ruthlessly stared at Huang Jian, the handprints condensed, the vitality surged, and then self-printed in the condensation, a few rays of light fell, directly untied the seal on the yellow fitness.

At the same time, the sorrowful soul-soul Dan in the hands of the West was handed to Huang Jian.

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