The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 915: : Then you have to pay the price!

The yellow fitness shape has never stopped, and it has a desperate ambiguity. Rossi is ruthless, knowing that there is no need to worry about other people, carrying a mighty breath, and swooping down directly.


The wind has not yet had time to climb up, and he was directly stepped on the ground by Huang Jian. Under the giant force, the wind and body fell into the ground. The cracks in the ground cracked from the whole body, and the mouth vomited blood. Repression.

The surrounding people face each other and there is no shortage of light.

In front of the scene, no one wants to believe that their five elders are actually vulnerable.

At this time, they only know how terrible the two old men are.

"The Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty!"

The elders, the elders of the criminal court and others climbed up and looked at the West with ruthlessness. The eyes were full of coziness. It was a strong imperial power, and it was not a general Yuan emperor.


Huang Jian was cold and cold, and the explorer found two space bags from the arms of the wind. He took it into his hands and sighed coldly. "It’s so popular. It seems that you are shooting, moving my lord, still dare to take it. My lord's things, you are looking for death!"

"Wind elders!"

"Wind elders!"

Someone has come back to God, exclaimed, the crowds are turbulent, their elders are embarrassed, and at this moment they are directly stepped on the feet by the strong.

"Wind Qi, how can you bring people to deal with us!"

"Wind Qi, let him stop!"

Seeing that the elders were trampled under the feet, the crowd did not dare to go forward, but someone was drinking against the wind.

"Yellow protection, don't!"

Feng Qier also changed his mind, fearing that Huang Jian really killed the wind, and suddenly looked at Su Yi, said: "Please, don't kill the elders."

Su Yi’s eyelids were slightly moving, his eyes were yellow, and he shook his head slightly.

"Look at the little girl's share, spare you a life!"

Huang Jian cold road, lifted his foot and kicked it again.

With the slamming of the 砰 , , , , , , , , , 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧

The elders, the elders of the criminal court, and so on, have changed their minds and looked very nervous.


Huang Jian vacated, respectfully to the side of Su Yi, and handed the two space bags that were found on the wind to Su Yi.

"Working hard to protect the law."

Su Yi is very satisfied. Huang Jian seems to be a lot stronger than the imaginary strength. If he can set foot on the Yuan Dynasty, then his own tyrants will have another elite.

A gaze trembled and looked at the void, and the old man in the yellow robes was so respectful and respectful to the boy. At this moment, it is not difficult for everyone to know that this time the elders are not ordinary people, they are definitely big. The origin of the big identity, this is a barrel of a horse cell.

"Hello, who are you?"

The elders of the criminal court looked at the West ruthless, Su Yi, Huang Jian, and he was able to see it at the moment. These two strong men are all following the boy, the boy is the Lord, the teenager who is coming back. With a big head, the two strong men were attracted, and one of them was actually a strong emperor.

"It’s ridiculous, I’m being picked up by you, and you’re being treated as a ghost. You are actually asking who we are.”

Su Yi looked at the elders of the criminal court and did not have any good feelings for him.

"Which one is secretly making your hands and feet?"

The ruthless eyes of the West swept the elders of the five Yuan dynasty, and Su Yi said that Feng Qier was secretly moved by the bamboo stick.

"It is this old thing, it is not a good person to shock the bamboo stick in the dark!" Su Yi faintly looked at the elders of the criminal court and asked the big brother West ruthlessly.

"That will pay the price!"

The faint voice came from the ruthless mouth of the West. When his last word fell, his figure ghost appeared in front of the elders of the torture hall.

The figure of a black robe was like a ghost. It was enlarged in the eyes of the elders of the torture hall. The two paw prints were directly attached to their shoulders. They continued: "I don't know if it is a manual hand and foot, then it will be abolished!" ”


Along with the ruthless voice of the West, the elders of the criminal court suddenly heard the sound of broken bones.



A painful scream also shouted out from the mouth of the prisoner's elder. Under the dull sound, the body flew directly and the blood was foggy. It was like a **** person rolling in the distance, and a pair of arms were shoulder-to-shoulder. Blood flow is like a note, screaming and mourning.

All eyes trembled, and the arms of the elders of the mourning hall were torn off by the sound, and they were also mentioned in the hands of the old man in black. The blood flowed and the blood was poured. What a shocking heart.


The palm of the hand trembled, the ruthlessness of the West was not reduced, and the two broken arms in the hand directly shattered into blood.

The elders, the wind and other gaze, and the gaze of the road, they are very clear, the other side has a strong imperial power, they will not be opponents.

"Hello, what do you want in the end?"

The elders were embarrassed, but their attitude was very polite. They looked at Su Yi and knew that all the decision-making power today seems to be in the hands of this boy.

"You yell at me, let me die for you, as long as you take a step, at this moment, I am afraid that the consequences are unimaginable now. What do you want me to do?" Su Yi coldly looked at the great elders.


The elders looked dark and discolored, and looked at Su Yi. "You, this is a misunderstanding. We are willing to pay the price. Please also let us let go of our family."

"Let's let go of you, when you want to send me to the demon, why didn't you think about letting me go."

Su Yi’s look sank and said to Huang Jian, “When you are tired of protecting the law once, these people want to kill me, then they will die.”

"Yes, the lord!"


Huang Jian nodded, Xuanyang Golden Demon screamed.


The Xuanyang Golden Demon 隼 first broke out, the golden light smashed the sky, and the number of wings spreaded and the bird swooped down from the void. The golden light was like Yaoyang, which emerged from the golden feathers of its body, such as a round of Jinyang. Dazzling and sharp, if it is like a round of the next day, it is accompanied by a sharp and fierce atmosphere, claws like hooks, directly into the crowd.


Xuanyang Golden Demon was over, and in a flash, a dozen people were directly overturned.


The yellow fitness shadow was saved, and the sleeves moved, and the vitality poured, dozens of figures were directly vomiting blood.


A scream of screams suddenly came out, and the crowd was chaotic.

"You please stop."

"Wind Qier, let them stop!" Look at the ¤. 正¤版W chapter m on T cool I smith d} net R, 0

"Wind Qier, you are the people of my family, after all, how can you bring people to the blood-washing people!"


The crowds were mixed and screaming, and the crowd was suddenly chaotic.

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