The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 982: : Prepare the Alliance Assembly!

"There has not been tempered yet!"

With the retreat of the fire of the real sun, Su Yi’s pain did not disappear much.

But what disappointed him was that the rib that had just been tempered by a fire of true yang had no signs of melting in the process.

At this time, the degree of toughness achieved by it is still much worse than the Yuanyang true bone that Su Yi knows.

This can only explain a problem. He first cultivated the true bone of Yuanyang, and it ended in failure.

"The method of cultivation that is so perverted, according to this situation, it is necessary to cultivate all the scorpions of the whole body into the true bones of Yuanyang. How much time will it take and how many times of tempering will be done!"

Su Yi can't help but sigh like this, this process is very dangerous.

If it weren't for the body of King Kong, I was afraid that it was just a small fire that was just a fire, it would be enough to burn him into a gray ash!

In addition, after some hard work, he found that the effect was not good.

Just the rib of the chest, Su Yi feels, at least need to be tempered again to meet the requirements.

According to this situation, there are hundreds of bones in the whole body, big and small, but the overall calculation, at least hundreds of times must be tempered.

Even if it comes to the last time, it will take at least a year or two to complete this huge project.

Most importantly, every tempering will exhaust all the power in his body. V cool = smith" net J permanent {I free to see s small `said...X0 (

If there is anything to do, Su Yi can't do it. If he encounters an enemy, isn't it the rhythm of death?

"If you have the opportunity to practice, there will always be a day to succeed, not to be impatient!" In the end, Su Yi can only think of this.

I can't eat hot tofu, and he doesn't have any good methods for a while. This Yuanyang really bones, it seems that he can only practice step by step, and he is anxious to come.

The most important thing is that the process of refining the fire of Zhenyang is more troublesome. It needs to be compressed again and again, and finally, under the full force, it can only be refined, and the effect is minimal.

"You are all right!"

At the time of Su Yi's thinking, Xuanyang Jin Yaoxuan, Stepping Cloud Silver Leopard, Red Wind and Black Eyed Monster Monkey and other beasts came forward and looked at Su Yi with a heart.

The situation of Su Yi just got them frightened, but when they saw this, the beasts finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do not worry, I am fine!"

Su Yi smiled slightly, only to find that his robes had been burnt to ashes, and could not help but put out a new set of clothes from the space bag.

Subsequently, Su Yi counted the time of his own cultivation, plus the practice of swords, cultivation exercises and Yuanyang Tiangu, a total of almost three days passed.

"Huang Jian is almost a breakthrough, and maybe I will go out and move around again!"

Su Yi whispered, then found a hidden place and entered the mysterious space.

"Seeing the Sovereign! Huang Jian thanked the Sovereign, and did not think that it was reported, this life, this life, but listening to the lord sent, never violate!"

As soon as Su Yiqi came in, he saw the old man in the yellow robe sitting cross-legged, and fell directly in front of him. He said in a loud voice, the words were powerful and powerful!

"Congratulations that Huang Dafa has successfully broken through the Yuan Dynasty. It is really gratifying! Don't be too much, get up!"

Su Yi suddenly smiled happily, and said to Huang Jian, he pulled him up.

Under this circumstance, the tyrants of the Emperor Wangzong have a strong person in the Yuan Dynasty, and their strength has increased greatly. This is indeed a great event.

"If it is not a sovereign, I don't know when it will be a real breakthrough. All this is the virtue of the sovereign!" Huang Jian is also making a sound, as it is.

"The Yellow Protection Law is about to break through the Yuan Dynasty. I have only provided some small benefits. It is mainly up to you!"

Su Yi laughed, and there was no such thing as Huang Jian’s gratitude, but she said, “I will work hard with me to make the Patriarchate stronger and stronger. As long as I have Su Yi, it’s natural that Huang Dafa is indispensable. of!"

Su Yi has always been like this, as long as he is his own, no matter what treasure he is willing.

He has only one goal, that is, to make the Patriarchate really strong, and eventually can scream with the holy mountain to report the deceitful enemies!

"The old ruins are the masters of the dog's work, go to the fire, and do not leave!" Huang Jian has no extra nonsense, just like this.

He can see that the character of his young lord is definitely worthy of his allegiance, and he certainly will not really be a dog, which is much better than the Yang Baikun of the Golden Knife.

At the beginning, he joined the Golden Knife, precisely because the other party promised that he would definitely let himself set foot on the Yuan Dynasty.

Now all this Su Yi has done it easily, and Huang Jian has seen a brighter future. At this moment, his goal is not only as simple as the Yuan Dynasty!

"Okay, I don't have to say anything, I know."

Su Yi smiled, and then the front turned, against Huang Jiandao: "If there is nothing else in Huang Huofa, I have something to ask you."

"What is the problem with the Sovereign, Huang Jian knows everything, and everything is indispensable!"

"I will talk about it later." Su Yi did not talk nonsense, and Huang Jian walked out of the mysterious space.

Soon after, several figures gathered again in the hall.

Su Yi, Xi Rui, Huang Jian, Nan Gong Ning Yue, Feng Qi Er and so on, but Yuan Yi, Yuan Er, etc. are not here, some of them are still injured, did not heal.

After a brief introduction, Huang Jian and Nan Gong Ningyue finally knew each other's identity.

In this regard, Huang Jian has not had any accidents, but it is a surprise that Nangong condensed the moon.

She only knows today that the original Bawang Zong actually still has a strong man of the Yuan Dynasty, which is surprising.

"How much do you know about the chaotic domain alliance conference?" The eyes stopped in Huang Jian and Nan Gong Ning Yue, Su Yi asked.

These two people are people who have lived in the chaotic domain for a long time. They should have some understanding of this. In specific situations, they may be more ruthless than Big Brother West.

"Is the main going to the Union Assembly?" Huang Jian and Nan Gong Ningyue looked at each other with a slight surprise.

"Not bad!" Su Yi nodded and said: "What do you know, say it to me!"

"I know something about this."

Huang Jian looked at Su Yi and said, "Before I knew the Sovereign, I took Yang Chu to experience it outside, and the purpose was to prepare for the Alliance Assembly."

Su Yi jaw, he is also aware of this matter.

Not only that, in addition to the Golden Knife, among the mountains, there are many forces such as Qing Mingzong and Xuan Jianmen who are learning with their children in the future, and also in preparation for this upcoming coalition conference.

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