The God Of The Undead

Chapter 15 - 12: Peace Is A Lie. Insanity is the Truth

When John asked Dixie to teach him a way to corrupt someone's soul she thought little of it as she believed it was nothing more than him scheming to create chaos when the time came to stop hiding. Little did she know that teaching John the method was indeed going to be her downfall since he knew how to prevent certain thoughts from being read by her.

"This unorthodox skill is an ability that comes with your necromancy. With necromancy your capable of controlling the dead which includes corpses and souls themselves. Each soul has it's own frequency that it radiates like an iron coiled stove eye that's burning red hot, yet holds a magnetic pull. That's where the electrical impulses running through a brain's synapsis come from as well as why some people can feel the presence of others or some paranormal forces." Dixie says while wearing a small pair of plastic teacher Barbie glasses without lenses and posing as if she in tune with her inner teacher.

John looked on with a full understanding of Dixie's lesson as if what she had told him was something a primary schooler should have known. Knowing that the soul gave off its own frequencies John began wondering what other uses could be achieved by utilizing such an untapped resource. Could it be used for direct attacks, could it be for used for distraction, or could it be used for numerous objectives john thought while Dixie continued giving examples of what the soul frequencies energy output and input does for a regular person?

"Get on with the corruption and we can get into the other uses later," John said while resting his head on his skeletal hands.

Seeing his impatience made Dixie wonder what he could be using it for. Could he be using it for a way to slow or cripple the infrastructure of resistances or would he be sending psychopaths after Alexia to make their lives a living hell? The myriad of things that could occur from using those with corrupted souls was like counting the corn of a 300-acre plantation with only corn. It only made her worry about the darkness inside of John that was chipping away at him more and more while slowly corrupting his soul.

"Geez ok ok, essentially you'll have to feel for your own soul frequency. Once found you can try to speed up that frequency or slow it down which both spreads or lowers your presence. slow it down enough and you can be right in front of someone and they would probably, NOTICE I say probably, not even see you. Although this is more of a low budget invisibility skill for necromancers it does give you a hell of a jump scare and disappearance tactic to shake the morale of others. Now to corrupt someone all you have to do is simply direct your soul frequency towards your target at a high frequency and disrupt their frequency. This makes a hole in a soul's natural defense and allows for another's mana to enter and depending on what you're doing, which is corruption, you'll want o to scramble their shit like eggs and leave. This will cause them to scream in pain and afterword convulse as if they're having a seizure, then they'll wake up depending on what you want the corrupted being to be like since their artificially corrupted they become influenced by your will." Dixie finished saying while gasping for air as she had run through the entire instructions like a very eager teacher on her first day.

John like before when he was taught by Dixie followed her instruction like a good student and searched his consciousness and found his soul and felt for the frequency. It was like a vibration but in a dark and empty space and soon it was like he was in sync with his soul frequency as he began to meditate. Each second he began to increase the frequency of his soul until 30 seconds passed and Dixie appeared within his consciousness and said, "Enough John! I can't take it anymore. It getting harder to breathe and it feels like I'm being crushed."

John didn't think this would be as easy as this but didn't waste the chance before him. He didn't know how he suppressed Dixie this quick but didn't want to pass up this chance to corrupt her as he began to direct his frequency at her.

"AAAggghhhh! No John what are you doing?" Dixie screamed as she begged John to stop as she finally realized why he wanted to learn such an unorthodox necromancy skill. Without hesitation, she raised her hands as if she was preparing to counter John with some type of magic. Seeing this John immediately restrained her with black shadow tentacles from his shadow and clasped both her hands into fists.

"John why? Ahhgggg!" She asked with tears strolling down her cheeks while pleading with John to let her go with her face of despair.

"You see Dixie, I began wondering awhile back what exactly do gods want with a benevolent god of the undead and death, but it hit me. They don't want one do they want a god of evil to unite humanity, don't they? So who really wants a benevolent god of death? Seeing that you are a fairy I had to begin the short thought process of coming to the conclusion that there's more of you. Although you work for the gods it's only reasonable that not all fairies work for them. Making me believe you tricked the gods into believing you were the best fit to be my advisor and guide all the while plotting to make me into a benevolent god when what's needed is a mad god instead." John said while clacking his skeletal hands together in substitute for clapping with regular human hands.

Dixie's skin which was already fair and pale became even more white as her fear became absolute in front of John who had leaned in closer to her as if to let her feel the warmth from the literal fires in his eye sockets. She knew something was up but didn't know this would devolve into her cover being blown wide open. In the beginning, she had prepared herself for anything under the order of the queen command until she had met John and was shown what true darkness in one's souls was like. She believed she could have changed him for the good that he could possibly bring but her training and position as the fairy queen's most trusted royal guard hadn't prepared her for John and his freighting strength and cunning he hid well under the mask of his previous ignorant actions.

"You know I really wanted you to be the first person I opened up to about my feelings, and let you know I wanted you to be Joselin's mother, but I put the pieces together and found the snake within my soon to be Garden of Nod. Through your corruption, I only wish for your unbendable devotion and support of me and our family to be. Rejoice as your betrayal and deceit are forgiven and you are reborn anew." John finished before slipping his mana into her soul and wreaking havoc from within as she began to convulse violently.

John knew this would take a while but wasn't worried as he sent both Joselin and Joseph to patrol the old sewer tunnels to insure that any survivors that survived the initial sweep made by his zombie hordes were killed and turned or unless they found humans they thought to be useful be brought back to The Grave Center. Right now John needed as many resources as possible and that meant finding hidden gems among the rubbish that managed to stay unscathed during the first purge.

John could sense that his horde was doing well per his order to infect those that were on their way in and out of the city to as to spread his curse further. Yet he still needed a way to keep an eye on key places around the world without revealing his army early. He remembered the rats that walk next to the walls of the sewers and found it suitable, but he also remembered that Joseph had mentioned how useful it would be to have eyes in the skies for more organized assaults. Yes it's beneficial to use the zombie wolves as calvary but their sizes do not aid well for hiding and gaining surveillance. John knew he had to have a more discrete way to track people when he finally thought about birds. If he could have the wolves for tracking and calvary and the mice for infiltration and diversion tactics, then if he could find birds for surveillance and aerial assaults then he'd already opened himself up to multiple plans in case regular zombies became ineffective when humans hunkered wisened and came to adapt to a world besieged by the undead.

John ordered several zombies to find and infect rats and mice across the entire city while ordering some to pretend dead and let some scavenger birds like ravens become infected by eating off their corpses. John had become more capable under the tutelage of Joseph after some wise and enlightening conversations they had before he and Joselin left in search of survivors. With his understanding of war tactics and John could manage a little while without the instruction and help of Joseph and Dixie over his shoulder or in his mind. Joseph knew he had to cover all of his bases and the only one he still hadn't learned how to cover was slowing all signals across the world which he still needed Dixie to instruct him how since he never learned how because of his busy schedule and Dixie tending to Joselin.

He looked at the now unconscious Dixie who was now breathing normally and slept quietly as if nothing had happened. He knew he'd have to halt his plan to slow signals worldwide until she woke again, but for now, he chose to focus on gaining his wild cards which were scurrying across the sewer floors, flying in the sky above the city, and being walked through parks being forced to do tricks for treats. He knew they were ready to wreak havoc on those that have polluted and chopped down their homes, he just needed to add them to his army first before unleashing them.

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