The God Of The Undead

Chapter 17 - 13: Heartless

It took Matthews a moment to digest what he had just heard as he didn't want to believe it. The mother of one of his best agents had just admitted to killing his brother accidentally. If this unexpected truth didn't just flip his whole world they even have the audacity to make up fairy tales about the dead walking and his brother somehow controlling them.

Matthews was a really well-grounded person when it came to anything that crossed his path in life. He believed that men with greed in their hearts wrote the bible with the ideals to control the populace of early human life than believe a magic man walked on water or that the first man lived for 930 years. Everything had to be proven or based on some kind evidence for him to accept it as the truth, so when Alexia had looked him in the eyes and told him about the dead walking and his brother talking through one of them made him furious as he believed he was being taken as a fool.

Although he believed that she killed his brother as she laid the pistol on the oval table that separated him from the rest like a barrier, he wanted to know what angle they trying to play. As far as he knew Alice, one of his ace veteran agents, was as trustworthy as his Beretta in sticky situations, so he was just as confused as to why she hadn't told him or better yet turned her mother in.

"So you expect me to really sit here and listen to a bunch of fairy tales after hearing that you killed my brother by accident and just found out he was innocent through the evidence you stole from his safety deposit box. For what reason do you think I would listen to you better yet shoot you, you bitch." Matthews says with as much venom in his voice while holding himself back from blasting Alexia's brains onto the glass cabinet that held family pictures and trophies.

"I... um...." Alexia says struggling to speak under the pressure that Matthews was throwing directly at her since the moment she filled him on what she had done before Alice interrupts her.

"What we're trying to tell you might just piece together what been happening around the city lately Matthew. The corpse outside, the cemetery incident, Megan the survivor from the incident and her ramblings about the skeleton raising the dead. Does none of this not line up with the death of John..." Alice says before being interrupted by Matthew.

"Shut... the... hell... up! None of you bitches deserve to say his name. I trusted you enough to believe that at least you would have the common decency to at least bring her in for her crime Alice. As you claimed before tonight you had all the time you needed to arrest her yet you went on a crusade to find the evidence that he was innocent in order to assure yourselves that he was the monster that that sick son of a bitch of an orphanage director framed him as. You make me want to shove my Beretta down your goddamn throats and let it sing, but no, I'm not like any of you, and you will face the harshest punishment that the law can dish out I guarantee you that." Matthews yelled as he glared over at Jacob his other ace agent.

He walks over to the frightened Jacob who looked at him with wide eyes that didn't even try to hide his fear. Matthews begins to stare him up and down and asks, "Did you know, and for how long?"

At first, the words couldn't escape his mouth fast enough as he began stuttering. but he eventually said, "T..t.t..tonight was the first time I'd heard of it sir after I killed the moving corpse that was attacking Alice."

Hearing about the corpse outside moving again he felt that they were still playing games with him, But before he could raise his voice again Alice stands and approaches Matthews at a quick pace and said, "Hey leave him alone we only told him a little before we told you...."

Before Alice could say anymore, Matthews quickly grabs his Beretta and swings the but of the pistol at her head striking her across her temple and pointing it at everyone else in the room to make sure they wouldn't dare try pulling a fast one on him. He raises the walkie talkie that was resting at his hip to his face and says, "I need back up inside the house issuing an arrest for the four individuals in the house for two counts of murder"

After lowering his radio he says, "Your all under arrest, but Alexia I really hope you get an itch and move to scratch it so I can have even the tiniest reason to pull this trigger."

As his back up finally arrives and puts everyone in handcuffs Alexia says, "You're going to really wish you listened to us when you had the chance," before being walked out of the house by police.

Before she made it out of hearing range Matthews says, " The only thing I'm going to regret is not putting two in your dome."

Just as he had finished talking and Alexia had been walked out the house Matthews phone began to ring. He looked down to see his wife of 30 years name appear and presses and slides his thumb to the right on the screen where the green little dot was.

"Yes Candice, what's going on I told you I can't always pick up the phone when I'm in the field." Matthews says while slowly making his way to the front door while trying to hide his frustration and anger over the phone.

"Honey I need you to come home as quickly as possible. There's a man in our backyard and I think he just ate the dog and reached into that new tree you had planted a month back and snapped the neck of the bird that had just built its nest there." She says in a low shaky voice while trying to keep her voice low despite being inside the house on the second story.

Shocked by the fact that she said the man ate the dog he rushes to his car while signaling two officers to follow him he says, "Ok sweetie stay calm down and tell me what he looks like, I'm on my way with backup.

She peaks back down at the man who was now carrying the dead bird in his right hand. She hesitates with fear, but finally says, "Ok... Ok, he's I think 6 feet 4 wearing a white t-shirt with holes and brown-ish red... Oh my god, I think that's blood that's starting to dry on his shirt. Honey, please get here quicklyieEEE."

Hearing the scream of his wife he quickly starts his car and punches it with his siren blaring and his lights flashing. He yells at his phone for her to answer and she finally says," James hurry he just looked up here... his jaw is missing and half his face is gone."

At this moment Matthews was speeding through traffic with his back up behind him when he heard what his wife had said over the phone. He knew his wife was not a liar but he didn't want what Alexia and her brood were saying to be true, he didn't want not one piece of their claim to be true as this was something he wouldn't know how to deal with. The only thing that he could think of at the moment was to reach his wife and see for himself.

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