The God Of The Undead

Chapter 23 - 19: Evolution is frightening

In the shroud of darkness that encased John, he was slowly being reconstructed molecule by molecule at an incredibly slower pace than what he had experienced before making the intense pain of being deconstructed and rebuilt last far longer than it originally had before. Although the pain was nearly unbearable he never let out a scream or grunt as he prepared himself for it the instant Dixie surprised him with the last-minute warning of his special evolution.

A whole 3 hours went by and he was now fully reconstructed and was relieved when the pain had finally subsided although the feeling and memory of such an event were something that would take longer to get over. It took a little under thirty seconds for the shroud of darkness the encased him to disappear and he had a clear view of his surroundings. What he saw was something he didn't expect at all.

Within the Grave Center, there were only three wall lights that just barely made the room more perceptible, but with John's newly evolved body the room looked as if his eyes were a flashlight shining on everything within the room to him. John was astounded and began to inspect his body and to his discovery, just about everything about his body had changed. He was now just under 8 feet tall standing at a height of 7 feet 8 inches high if you didn't include the new half-meter horns that protruded out the sides of his head and curved around the front of his forehead and pointed in the direction he was facing.(If looking for a reference for his horns imagine Ichigo from Bleach)


John touched both his horns and felt all around them as he examined their almost metallic features. He stopped c.a.r.e.s.sing them to look at his hands which had also gotten larger and were more monstrous. His entire forearms looked as if they were pitch black gauntlets with sharp spikes on his elbows while his hands looked like they were knights gloves with extremely sharp claws on each of his fingertips. His forelegs and feet looked similar making him wonder if he could look any monstrous until he opened his mouth to reveal four elongated fangs where his canines were. To make things more interesting out of excitement something on his back had twitched. Out of curiosity, he looked back to see two giant shiny black skeletal wings.

Looking at his wings that he to stretch and maneuver to the front of him. This addition to his body made John feel happy, but that happiness soon died when he realized an important aspect to wings was that they needed some type of wind resistance that his wings lacked. John stared at them for a minute and said, "Well isn't this about a bitch. What's the point of them if I can't use them?"

As he was lost in thought over if he should just tear them off his body Dixie woke up from her nap she decided to take after John began his evolution process. She looked at the bewildered John and said as if guess his inquiry, "Just circulate magic through your wings like the rest of your body and flapped them."

John looked at Dixie and was glad he couldn't make facial expressions as he hadn't forgotten how she intentionally left out the information about the triple if not quadruple pain till the last second before he began his evolution. He wanted to punish her but he wondered if she'd see it as punishment or p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e. Either way, he did as she said and flapped his wings after circulating his mana through them, and in an instant, he flew high into the air with insane speed until he hit the ceiling knocking dust and concrete particulates to the ground where he landed.

Dixie knocking dust and ceiling debris of her shoulder and out her hair said, "Dammit just washed my hair! Ok look flying is something that most creatures born with wings have to take slow like most men go when they believe we want to be romantic when really we... Hmph! Nevermind that but when you have the free time just play with yourself until you get the hang of it but until then look at your stats they're as wonderful and scary as you are."



Name: John Carlton Species: Grand Demonic Lich

Level: 20

Str: 1097 Int: 1205

Dex: 1075 Wis: 1225

Agi: 1075 Mana: 10530

HP: 1195 Luck: 400

Stat points: 0

Dixie looked up at him for a moment and said," At the minimum, they'd have to waste all of their nuclear armaments to kill you once, but with your necromancy, you can resurrect if you set the right requirements, which is to store a piece of your soul somewhere. Now at the most, you've reached the point where you'll be a constant reoccurring threat."

With his extremely high intelligence and wisdom, he wasn't surprised at all seeing as necromancy was extremely overpowered as long as someone understood how to implement their strengths and cover their weaknesses. He now was fully confident that he could begin moving forward with the next steps of his plans and asked, "Is it possible to jam and or slow wireless signals across the world with magic without being found out by technology."

"Yeah. I don't remember if I ever told you this or not but magic and science are two sides of the same coin, it's just not realized by many civilizations. Science is what can be understood through what can be seen and explained in simple terms, which for the god of all things sane humans like to make more difficult so they can feel superior for f.u.c.k's sake, while Magic is something that can only be understood through belief, feelings, the understanding of one's self, nature, and the forces that move outside of science's reach. Making Magic in a way stronger and more conventional than science."

John took in everything that had come out of Dixie's mouth and understood one thing. That things were only going to become more interesting. When he was locked up in a mental asylum one of the many perks for good behavior was access to books. Many were philosophical and inspirational while others were informational and educational. While he didn't read much of the inspirational books he took a deep liking to the other three, so in between beatings and him being thrown into the white padded rooms, he taught himself the many things he missed out in school. Within one of the many books were several up to date technology encyclopedias. From the knowledge he gained from them he knew that he needed to somehow manipulate mana into interfering with signals and frequencies worldwide.

Looking confused John looked at Dixie and said, "I'm pretty sure you have a way to billions of signals worldwide right?"

Dixie looked up at John and said innocently like a little girl, "Maybe, I don't."

Without having muscles and facial features Dixie could tell John wasn't surprised with her in childish acting and said lets we could build totems from corpses and infuse a great number of souls into them and like the rest of your magic and will it to do what you want like I'm hoping that you do to me later." John ignored her s.e.x.u.a.l offer and proceeded to scheme up a horrifying plan for jamming all communication across the world. He knew what kind of totem he wanted. He was going to make a dead and rotten flesh and bone tree and model it after what he believed the opposite of Yggdrasil would be like. His own little trees of death with one purpose. signaling the end of all that humanity holds dear. Their comfort, their loved ones, their daily lives, and all they will come to miss in the upcoming apocalypse.

All John needed were the corpses which he currently couldn't spare. John thought for a moment and an idea popped into his mind, 'why not find mass burials and use the withered corpses and skeletons for the trees?' John found this a very exceptional plan as he believed it would give his corpse trees a nice antique vibe.

Immediately he sensed where his undead minions were and surprised to see his patients pay off. He quickly went to check within his consciousness and saw that he now had undead within the sewers of many countries capitals including Britain, Norway, China, Korea, Paris, Japan Mexico, Canada, and more. He was proud to see his plans growing and blooming like beautiful roses. They were pretty sizable and well hidden within the sewers to ensure maximum damage to when it came to enacting his surprise attacks across the globe.

John couldn't wait to raise so many dead that he felt a tingling sensation up his spine despite not having any nerves. This was his thought at first until he realized that it was just Dixie sliding her finger up his spine. Within John's mind, he couldn't help say, "Damnit fairy stop f.u.c.k.i.n.g with me."

Dixie could here his frustrated thought and replied, "My bad I thought it would go with the cool act you were putting up."

"You know damn well it didn't go with it and I'm not putting up anything. Leave me alone and go check on Joselin for a change." John thought irritably.

"Ok bye. Meanie." Dixie said while flying off into the corridor outside the Grave Center.

John began to wonder about elevating her punishment he promised himself he'd dish out.

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