The God Of The Undead

Chapter 42 - 38: The End Is Nigh pt.1

(Alice's POV)

What is anger?

As it's defined, it is the intense emotional disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e of someone or something. While I know I have anger problems, and it's been 3 years since I noticed it, not one drop of it has subsided since my mother became the match that lit it. I wallowed in it and became drunk off of it as Delia transferred her mind and the portions of her untainted divine essence into my consciousness and next to my soul.

I wasn't a big fan of having a half-dead and infected diety sharing my body, but what other choice did I have other than die trying to reach Allen's bunker or reach the bunker and wait to die. Although it was momentarily painful, It made me slightly stronger in the process.

On our way to Alaska, I became stronger with her guidance. At the same time, she helped us decipher and organize Allen's notes while also revealing that although the book they were once apart of was no more, she could teach me what I needed to stay alive and, with the least amount of hope, kill John.

With what little hope, I trained and saved a couple of people who were still managing to survive in small nooks and crannies here and there and was able to guide and bring them along in separate vehicles that were abandoned. Yea, of course, we ran into problems here and there, such as being attacked and losing a couple of members, including Allen and a few other survivors, during an attack at night, but we still made it thanks to Delia's teachings.

Looking back on our struggles made me happy for what we've managed to accomplish and with so little. Although our group was a measly 42 people in the end, we were still alive and kicking.

As I walked outside the Bunker's perimeter, me and Megan happened upon a shambling figure walking past trees and other flora. It was clearly a zombie and it without a doubt surprised me as not many zombies wandered into Tongass National park, albeit it wasn't rare either.

Both me and Megan looked at each other, and without another word, we quickly came to an agreement that this one was mine since Megan got the last three, and I still had a little anger to blow off before I went back to the bunker and dealt with the same old shit that made my anger worse. If it wasn't trying to put to rest every problem in the bunker and ensuring we had enough resources to last through winter, it was the constant bickering when everybody didn't get what they wanted.

I quickly made a disk of light with a wide hole in it and threw it with little force to the side as it arced around many trees before eventually slicing the zombie head in half right below the eye sockets before returning to me. I liked to call this magic [Halo] for how it looked like it should be floating above someone's head instead of being used to kill walking corpses. Although I learned to do other things with the magic Delia taught me, such as making wings to fly and barriers to block and guard, I still preferred to experiment and come up with new stuff such as the [Halo]

As I stopped focusing on the [Halo] in my hand and it disappeared, a set of arms wrapped around me from behind, and two b.r.e.a.s.ts rested on my back. Obviously, Megan wished to cuddle, but it was about time I got back from our little break and continued running the bunker before some idiot broke something.

After escaping her grasps that slightly lessened my frustration, we were heading back when someone from the bunker came running towards. They were scruffy looking but then again, who wasn't these days. Sometimes I still wish things like chapstick and lotion were a common commodity.

"Ms.Alice, it urgent, your mother, she's..." The messenger was saying before Alice interrupted by raising her hand.

"Yea, yea, I know I'm on my way," Alice said while activating the light-based flight magic she learned from Delia called [Wings of light].

After a small flight back to the bunker, I made my way to the room of my mother, who fell ill after being taught magic. She's been lying down on her death bed for about two years now without any signs of getting better.

I really tried my utmost to not visit, but sooner or later, my anger for her was eclipsed by my constantly piling frustration and anger of running a bunker soon faded away although it still lingered. Although it never came under attack for some reason, Delia had her theories that didn't matter at the moment as I stood next to the woman partially responsible for the end of the world as we know it. The only people who knew of her involvement were those of our original group who kept it a tight secret among us. A

I watched her calm down from her most recent seizure, one of many she's had over the past two years since she learned magic. Apparently, she had become a clairvoyant capable of seeing the future after gaining some control over her magic, and with that came the price of having painful seizures along with the visions. Delia explained this simply as a form of balance as each time they looked into the future the price would be the consumption of their remain life force in the form of seizures.

Delia once told me although she's old the blood of a hero runs through our veins although it might be diluted down to .02 percent it's enough to have given her enough life force to have last up until today although she doesn't have much time left nor any control over her ability. After this, I tried on many times to get her to tell me about the blood of heroes and all she told me was that it didn't matter since we had so little.

As I looked down at my mother I came to the conclusion that it was probably time to let go of my anger of her and let it be fueled by the one who deserves it the most, John. It's been well past the time I told her I forgive and once I saw her eye slowly struggle to open I said, "Mom, Umm. First I just want to say..."

"Child... I know... I could see it when you would visit me, I know it when you would walk by my room and shoot insincere dagger from your eyes at me, I know that you have forgiven me now that your holding my hand without even knowing it, but right now you have to prepare." Alexia said in a weakened voice looking directly into Alice's eyes.

"Wa... Wait... What? prepare for what? I don't understand." Alice said while trying to digest her mother's acknowledgment of her supposed apology that she interrupted.

"The dead is reborn and the world that we live in now was only the stepping stone and it's ready to travel outside our realm and do what it has done to our world unto others. The roots of death is almost finished feasting while all it needs now is to choose to extinguish the last twinkle of light left in our world. When it arrives to the other worlds it will not be the only thing there causing death to them. No one will win. This is all that I can muster to say other than both you and Lana are my pride and joys and that I hope that you both find happiness when the time comes." Alexia says as she closes her eyes for the final time with tears rolling down her face.

Alice stares on slowly puts her head down into her knuckles to let her hair hide the tears of sadness and anger from being seen while Megan her back to show emotional support. Although sadness is running through her, her mother's slightly final enigmatic warning coupled with her loving words hangs heavily on her heart.

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