The God Of The Undead

Chapter 44 - 40: Awakening

(John's Pov)

After finally climbing and breaking the rest of the egg-shaped dome, I inspected my surroundings to only find that I was still in the Grave Center's main chamber surrounded by 8 zombies. Afterward, I inspected myself to find that I had no facial features, which begged how exactly I was able to speak a moment ago. Paying little attention to it, I noticed my horns were back to the way they were originally; they were even better since I can tell they had become shorter yet sturdier. I didn't notice it right away, but my wings now had flesh also along with it was greyish-silver feathers. For a moment, I thought my tail was going to start going wild from my excitement when I noticed that it was gone.

After a moment of thought, I chose not to think about my missing tail anymore since it was nothing more than a trivial change. I had to think about my overall change in strength and power as I knew that, like my last few evolutions, I needed to adjust and learn quickly of my pros and cons. I quickly opened my menu to the [status] tab and was impressed by this new form.

-John- Level 62/200 [level up] x22

Species: Undead Nephilim

Str: 1697 +600 Wisdom: 1825 +600 Stat points: 700 +600

Dex: 1675 +600 Mana:30530 +30000

Agi: 1675 +600 Hp: 2395 +1000 +660(from 30hp per level up)

Int: 1805 +600 Luck: 202 +2

Although most of my stats increased an amazingly 600, the most outstanding stat increases came from Mana and HP, increasing as high as 30000 and 1660. I couldn't have been any more impressed. My excitement was at an all-time high, but suddenly I noticed the small increase in Luck, which was a measly 2 points. For a moment, I wondered if there was a god of luck who was f.u.c.k.i.n.g with me but shrugged it off since my luck was already considerably high already for I did survive the goddess of Light, if only by a miracle.

After inspecting my stats, I switched over to my skills and abilities tab and saw my current skills and new skills along with amazement. 

-Magic Manipulation: A skill that allows the user to use magic.

-Darkness Manipulation: A skill that lets the user use/conjure shadows however he wants

[Dark spear] [Dark teleportation]

-Stat Absorption: A skill that allows the user to absorb the stat points of those he/she kills

-Evolution Manipulation: Capable of controlling the evolution of himself and those under his control


-Inventory: A skill the allow the user to access a personal sub-dimension to store whatever they want that's inanimate

-Age Manipulation: A skill that allows the user to increase or decrease the age of what he/she is near or touches (Upgraded from Age Acceleration)

[Mix and Match]

-Necromancy: the power to utilize magic involving the dead, death-force, and/or souls. 

---Aura Absorption


---Death Magic

---Death sense


---Life-force absorption

---Motor-Skill Manipulation (Undead beings)

---Resurrection (through [Soul Fragmenting] and [soul storing])

---spell Casting

---Spirit Magic - soul absorption

---Undead Manipulation (Phantasms/Zombies/Vampires)

-Holy Magic

-Demonic Magic

I had all these abilities, yet I barely used any for them for the lack of anything being capable of fighting me. Although I had the chance to utilize them in the fight against The Goddess of Light, I was, and by the time I needed to use them, it was too late. That mistake won't happen again.

After I made that vow, A small teenage girl around the age of 14 with 4 large spider legs protruding from the center of her back came busting through the double doors that led into the main chamber. Without a doubt, it was Joselin as her facial features didn't change as much except the slightly unnoticeable lines running down the middle of her jaw, meaning her lower jaw probably could separate like insect mandible like her spiderlings.

As if on cue, a small puddle of shadows arose from the ground beside where Joselin had stopped, and out came a skinny pitch-black figure of a man who looked as if he was made from black shadowy tendrils from his neck down. On the figures face was an expressionless men's white face mask with eyes filled with nothing but the darkness. At first, it was hard to tell who it was, but after reading the being's soul crystal, I could tell that it none other than Joseph.

After seeing the two, I could tell that they followed my orders to their maximum potential. Everyone was back together after my lengthy evolution. I couldn't tell how long I had been asleep, but just like usual, Dixie flew out from behind Joselin and viewed me with awe just like Joselin.

After letting them have a few seconds to bask in the presence of my new form, I looked toward Joseph despite not having eyes, mouth, or a nose and said, "Report."

My voice was spread out like it was carried by the wind between a valley with no planned direction. Although Joseph didn't show it, I could feel the fear radiating from him along with everyone else as if my very voice carried a pressure. His movement was rather unique as the tendrils he had for feet which were submerged in the puddle of shadows didn't move, but the puddle itself and so did he. It didn't long for me to figure out that whatever Joseph wasn't his true being, but most likely a small portion of him while the rest lay hidden on the other side of the puddle of shadows.

"Master, it is great to see you once again. Please excuse my current appearance as my real body would not be capable of fitting within this large chamber without crushing you and the guards I placed to guard you. Now for the report, all has gone as planned except for a few hindrances that only delayed your plans by a month at most. While that didn't slow progress down by much a problem occurred in the form of Alexia's small group as they have made it to Alaska and have grown considerably during these past 3 years and have built a small resistance within a bunker and several and have learned magic of the light element. Other than them, unlike Alexia and her group, your brother and many other safe haven dwellers have managed to form what they call THRC or better known as The Human Resurgence Coalition. As of right now, they are oblivious of their impending destruction. On the other hand, Candice has made great progress with her Cult of The Damn," Joseph says while in a voice that sounded as if it was whispered loudly yet softly.

After listening to him, I turned to Joselin, which made Joseph silent as he got the hint that I wanted her to finish the report, and in return, she got the hint as well and nodded.

As Joseph shifted backward along with his puddle of Joselin approached cautiously with both her hands clasped together by her waist just under her exposed belly button and said, " Hello father, it's a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to see you awake again. As for the rest of the report, we have followed your instructions and have become stronger and evolve multiple times while fighting tooth and nail with the other god's monsters and champions they sent to halt your progress, as you may see... notice. I have become an insect queen. For my appearance, this is the 5th and final undead insect queen, a mythic class that is one class lower than yours, which you'll learn about from Dixie. Joseph has managed to become a mythic class monster as well, which it is known as Void Eater; from what Dixie explains, it is a rare and deadly type of ghost lord which even the gods themselves had to personally exterminate out of existence since they posed a danger to every soul within the Trinity of Worlds."

As Joselin struggled to get her breath after quickly reporting the rest of what I wanted to hear, I said, "Well done. Have you made the network of helpers meant to manage the evolution of every capable zombie?"

Joseph crept forward once again and said, "Yes, and the result is excellent. Although it has decreased the population of the average zombie visible to the survivors, we have a wide variety of evolved undead within our forces waiting in hiding to finish off what's left of them so we may finally move onto the next world. Would you like to see the many variants we have within the tunnels Master?"

As much as I would love to rest, I also need to test my new strength as it was crucial to know my limits in case another god decided to take another shot at me, better yet, if Delia wanted to have another shot at me. It wasn't that hard to tell that the [Holy Magic] skill gave me some sort of resistance to her light-based magic along with my Undead Nephilim evolution. If I really had to put two and two together [Holy Magic] should be equivalent to if not be a higher form of [light magic]. I'll just have to wait and see when I run into Alexia's group since they have learned to use it, but I need to test myself for now.

After coming to my conclusion, I look at Joselin, Joseph, and Dixie, who has been overly silent since seeing my new appearance, and say, " No, I want to see them in action." 

As I say this, Joseph nods then says, "As you will, and this time me and Joselin will accompany you as to avoid anything like last time from happening."

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