The God Of The Undead

Chapter 50 - 46: The Battle of Allen's Bunker pt.1

(Alice's POV)

Why of all days does this have to happen, especially at night. Scratch that; of course, this is happening tonight of all nights, like why not. Ever since my mother's catastrophic f.u.c.k up, our world has been on par with a B-rate movie starring my dysfunctional family and me. To believe I thought I was gonna get my rocks off tonight. 

I stand at the table, looking at the magical map with runes etched into the edges. Thanks to Delia, we were capable of making many things to supplement the use of electricity or our regular daily needs, such as magic crystals from undead or by condensing raw magic from ourselves or from the air around ourselves until it crystalized enough to be considered a magic crystal. Other than magic crystals and sensory stones, she showed us how to make many other items to aid our survival, such as the Area Map. A map capable of showing incredibly accurate detail of the surrounding area, including life forms or whatever the holder sees as a threat around it in a 3-kilometer perimeter around "it." Emphasis on "it" because it's not like a war table out of science fiction movie's where we could just scroll around the terrain outside the map's intended view, nor could zoom in or out for better detail like on an online map. 

I stood with a solemn face as the person responsible for monitoring the map was none other than Lana, my daughter who currently has an incredible disdain for me right now that I can only hope for the foreseeable future she forgives me as I came to forgive my mother before its too late. As I look around at the scurrying commander in my operations room who are currently arguing back and forth over the next steps we should take, I immediately slam my hand on the table which the Area Map is lying upon and say, "EVERYONE SHUT THE F.U.C.K UP!!!!" 

Everyone stops and looks at me like I just killed the most popular character from their favorite movie. To be honest, I wish I could go a day without snapping off at these f.u.c.kers for every little thing they do wrong, but then again, I guess this is what being a leader entails. I point at the map now and say, "Now that I've got all of your damn attention, I'm just going to say this as blatantly as possible, we see the map and saw how the bracelets reacted, and I'm gonna go ahead and go out on a limb here and say if you haven't looked at the map and seen the sea of red at the edge of the forest as what we're up against then imma just say it, we're f.u.c.k.e.d."

I gave myself a pause and said, "We only have one course of defense, and it's retreating to where ever we can go and scatter like roaches."

After I said that, there were discreet mumbling and sounds of fear mixed up with saddened voices. I knew everyone didn't want to separate and return to the cold and dangerous world outside the bunker, but then again, I knew that the gate protecting us wasn't going to last long against whatever those three large red dots on the map were. 

"WHAT!?" A random captain said while looking around to see if anyone else felt the same amount of shock he did. 

"Are you just abandoning everyone you swore to protect just like that? The same random guy said.

I looked at him and pointed at the three large red dots on the map and said, "Look at these large f.u.c.ker and tell me that their threat level isn't a cause to be concerned. The gates that Allen had installed in this place might have been capable of holding off explosives, but if one of those red dots is who I think it is, then those gates are f.u.c.k.i.n.g useless, either they're closed or not. At best, they can hold back the small fry, but if it's John, then he can simply fall through any shadow out there and quickly appear within the bunker with as many undead as he wants. I've been over who John is, if you remember right."

I pulled back my hand and looked at the captain responsible for the defense of the bunker and said, "Defense captain, we are going to need a massive wall of light using those that are well trained like we practiced. If the wall fall before the jump gate is ready, retreat into the bunker and begin using the main corridor as a chokepoint while falling back and using {Light Mines}. When you all finally fall back to where I'll have Jacob stationed, which is gonna be 20 meters away from the room housing our only escape route, just make a break for the jump gate. You'll only have about a minute before the c4 I've had Jacob place there goes off, destroying the gate and closing off the only escape route out of there. Now go on to your duties. The rest of you get to work evacuating everyone. NOW!"

As everyone scrambled to get started on their task, I leaned over the map and began thinking of what's going to happen afterward as there were too many unknowns in the plan of mine. 

Just as several minutes went by and I was lost in thought, a captain responsible for the engineering team and the gate came running to me frantically. I looked at him with curiosity and said, what are you doing back here? You were supposed to have opened the gate and be on stand by to close it again when the {Wall of Light} falls, and the defense teams make a retreat."

Still catching his breath and raising off his knees, he looks at me and says in gasping breaths, "Sabo... taged! The gate can't be... Closed again! Someone sabotaged the hydraulic system just enough to where it can't be closed again."

My face was stoic as a smooth brick wall if there ever was one, but on the inside, I was screaming, 'DAMMIT! DAMMIT! DAMMIT! DAMMIT!' I didn't need a f.u.c.k.i.n.g traitor at this moment nor a f.u.c.k.i.n.g problem with my plan either. I began walking to the door and said, "Evac the Engineer team and notify the Defense captain that after the wall falls to quickly break a.s.s and make the choke point ASAP." 

I quickly make my way to where Jacob is and tell him what I had learned when the engineer captain came back running and said something startling as he said, " Some just launched a {Light Missle} into the sky and created an Aurora Borealis after the defense team had taken up position."


I want to strangle whoever it is that's betraying us, but more pressing matters take precedence at the moment. The jump gate was charging, and we still were gathering survivors. My only hope was that the {Wall of Light} didn't fall too soon. 

With all the matters at hand, I immediately remembered something, better yet, someone that I should have been worried about from the beginning. I turned to Jacob and asked, "Where's Lana?"

He looks at me and says, " Earlier, she told me she was running late due to a special someone and was going to help everyone evac."

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