The God Of The Undead

Chapter 56 - 52: The Bigger They Are The Harder They Fall

Both Joselin and The Old White Oak Spirit stood still for a moment and stared at each other as if daring the other to be the fool to make the first move. Their stares sent extreme malice between the thirty-meter distance between them, yet it deterred neither one of them from the fight.

Joselin knowing she needed to get on with the current fight in order to make it back to the sieging of the bunker deciding to break the staring and baiting war between them and began to slowly walk forward. As she walked forward, she asked, "Hey giving tree; you mind giving a shorter name than The Old White Oak Tree Spirit before splinter your a.s.s across this shoddy a.s.s arena you trapped me in."

"Those that know me usually call me Teelin, and if you call me giving tree again, then the only thing I'll be giving out is a premium ass-whooping," Teelin said as it prepared himself, seeing Joselins' slow approach.

After finally hearing Teelin give out its name Joselin began sprinting at almost blinding speed toward it, only leaving behind a trailing blur that tried desperately to catch Joselin.

Teelin knowing that because of his giant size, she had speed, but not to the point where she could move at astounding speeds such as that. Taken aback, Teelin swings his wooden Warhammer horizontally around himself with his wooden left hand creating a semi-circle in the earth around him. 

Although just an attempt to deter Joselin from committing to a direct assault, it seemed successful as to evade the counter Joselin jumped with the elegance of an Olympic pole vaulter with her back facing the dirt. Sadly this proved to have been just what Joselin wanted as she landed on the c.h.e.s.t of Teelin, and just as she had made contact with Teelin's c.h.e.s.t, uncontested since Teelin had swung horizontally outward in a semi-circle, it left Teelin unguarded to a forceful kick from Joselin that sent its large body flying backward. 

Quickly getting up from the crater made from its impact and further scarring of the earth from being kicked with unexpected force and power, Teelin, who was still holding onto the wooden Warhammer, stood with a face of surprise with fear everso absent. Teelin looking at how far it traveled and the crater he created after hitting the ground and sliding, realized that he had just gotten himself into a battle with an enemy that matched his strength or was his greater.

After looking back toward Joselin, he was about to speak but got interrupted by her when she said, "Seeing how you looked around and back at me, you finally realized you f.u.c.k.e.d up in thinking that you were my better, huh?"

"To be honest with you, I was looking around to see how I was going to return that kick to you tenfold," Teelin said, raising its Warhammer above its head and swinging it toward the ground, striking it hard and deep, sending dirt and everywhere. Although Joselin was clearly more than forty meters away due to her previous kick, from the moment she saw Teelin swinging downward, she could tell he was sending some sort of long-range attack, and her assumption was correct. From the moment the war hammer impacted the earth Teelin had swung onto small spikes of wood instantly grew outward in a cone toward Joselin. As more instantly sprouted from the earth toward Joselin, the bigger they grew in jagged shaps meant to maim. 

Joselin, who had an idea of what sort of attack Teelin was dishing her way, had an idea as her chances of dodging the spikes by running to her left or right was going to less beneficial since she could that Teelin had already retrieved its hammer and was running through the small and medium spikes to ensure of her demise. Instead of running around, she began running forward toward the incoming wave of wooden spikes. Her Idea was to evade any spikes that would emerge from under her with her incredible speed and jungle gym her way toward Teelin.

Hanging from one of many spike with her left hand and her left foot, she quickly devises a plan that could turn everything around and begin jumping around each spike in what seemed to be erratic in behavior. After what seemed like a few seconds, she quickly began making her way toward Teelin, who had made it three-quarters(10 meters away for those who are lost) of the way to Joselin. Just as they had made it to each other without any warning, Teelin, with unbelievable strength and speed, swung his war hammer upward, seemingly hitting Joselin into the air. What Teelin didn't notice was that she was smiling as the war hammer hit her c.h.e.s.t and swung her upward.

As Joselin was in the air 500 meters high, she twisted and maneuvered herself for reentry into the artificial area. As she reached her peak height placed her arms to her sides for maximum velocity as she began falling. Although the speed was enough to make any normal human's face to become crinkled due to the amount of air pressure present, yet hers didn't, as all of her flesh was an extremely soft carapace that could become as hard as titanium carbide in a moments notice. 

As she was falling, she could see Teelin readying to swing to the left horizontally while waiting for Joselin to descend where he predicted her trajectory would take her. Just as she reached his max swinging distance, Teelin swung with the same might as he did when he knocked her into the air. Just as the war hammer was about to connect once again with its intended target, something unexpected happened. 

Joselin was quickly covered in a dark purple malic-ridden aura that was darker the closer it was to her, eventually becoming black. Just as she was about to face the full brunt of the war hammer, she teleported ahead of her estimated trajectory leaving behind a purple and black afterimage* behind, but not before shooting an unnoticed micro-spider thread toward Teelin's shoulder.

After the small distanced teleportation, she swung between Teelin's legs using the thread she attached to Teelin's shoulder, but she didn't stop there as she continued to slingshot herself using the thread that had gotten caught on Teelin's crotch giving her increased velocity to throw herself back up behind Teelin's back.

As she had quickly reached a height above Teelin's head, she immediately teleported again above Teelin's line of sight, right as Teelin had turned to guard its rear. This would prove to be a mistake on Teelin's part as this was exactly what Joselin wanted as; before she could begin falling, she attached another thread to Teelin's back and yanked herself towards Teelin's back with haste. As she made contact just like before, she sent Teelin flying forward this time, but instead of falling to the ground like last time, it fell into a trap Joselin had set up among many of the wooden spikes. 

Knowing that the trap was made of some kind of thread, Teelin quickly tried to free itself, but before it could move, it was quickly restrained with ease. With worry, it turns its head as far as it could to only see Joselin smiling with her left hand raised as if each finger was controlling a string and it was a puppet. 

"So what now little one will..." Teelin was saying before being interrupted.

"Mulch," Joselin said with extreme satisfaction.

Just as Joselin said that, the threads began to move around easily, cutting down the wooden spikes and quickly wrapping around Teelin. The blood-curdling screams of Teelin were ear raping to anything within miles. Just as the screams were dying down, Teelin released its final words which were, "This might be my end but "You" will not win."

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