The God Of The Undead

Chapter 8 - Q&A


Q: Where did the inspiration/idea for this novel comes from? It reminds me of hero summoning novels but reversed and I find it interesting.

A: The inspiration for the story stems from me being tired of reading and watching the same old trope of the villains having no actual good reason or just point blatantly being evil with no reason for why they went down such a path. Although some media have gone so far as to fix said trope (Thank you, Marvel.)


Q: Will the next worlds both be fantasy worlds or only one?

A: Although the thought has crossed my mind before sadly I'll have to say no. Mainly because I would find it repetitive, yet I have thought how combining sci-fi and fantasy into a world like Star Wars (They technically have space wizards prove me wrong.) But it's all up to debate and how I steer the story.


Q: Can you estimate the length of this novel? And tnx for the chap pls don't dropped

A: Don't worry I don't plan to drop this one and I plan to make this pretty lengthy, probably well beyond 100 chapters separated into volumes. I think this story will continue as long as my overactive imagination continues to throw ideas for the story my way while I watch Avatar the Last Airbender (the animated show not the sorry-ass live-action movie that was made a while back) that just came to Netflix.

Q: uh can he even be destroyed then

A: Yes trust me he can but do me a favor and look up necromancy in the powers wiki and you'll understand a lot more about the answer to your question.

Well guys I planned on answering more questions but seeing how the questions aren't coming in as fast as I expected I'll continue the Q&A next time so have them ready peeps.

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