The God of War

Chapter 127

Several shareholders looked at each other as they listened to the dispute between Wang Luo and Mr. Li, and didn't know who to believe for a while.

"Look at this." A shareholder whispered to the person next to him.

Immediately, several shareholders got together, not knowing what they were looking at. Mr. Li was a little anxious on the side, and his palms kept sweating.

"This time, the unanimous discussion still thinks that Mr. Wang's is better, so..."One shareholder said with a stiff face after reading it.

"It's a pleasure to work with." Wang Luo stood up and shook hands, and he would not participate in the rest of the things.

Mr. Li, who was on the side, couldn't believe it, but he still didn't show his emotions, but was still congratulating Wang Luo.

Looking at Mr. Li's appearance, Wang Luo felt very interesting, and he didn't know how long he could hold on.

"What the hell is going on with you? Collect my money and don't help out! Mr. Li whispered to a man in the hallway.

And the man didn't have a trace of guilt, but was very impatient, and pushed Mr. Li away.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Li was a little out of control, and directly grabbed the other party's collar and pressed him against the wall.

"What the hell do you mean?" Mr. Li said through gritted teeth.

Not to be outdone, the man kicked Mr. Li in the stomach directly.

"You show me clearly, where is it now, put away that little temper for me!"

The man spat at Mr. Li on the ground and continued: "Your little trick has been calculated on me, and you can't wipe your fart clean with." shares, you came to me?

"What do you mean?" Mr. Li's arrogance has weakened a lot.

"Now you know everything you did! Do you want me to protect you? As long as I helped you before, it's easy to get burned! The

man kicked Mr. Li hard and left.

Mr. Li, who fell to the ground, slammed the ground hard. I didn't expect this Ah Liang to be a fake mutiny from the beginning!

"Ah Liang!" Mr. Li got up and shouted Ah Liang's name, and now he just wanted to ask what Ah Liang meant.

"What's the matter, Mr. Li, looking for my employee in such a hurry?" Wang Luo asked as he packed his things.

After seeing Wang Luo, Mr. Li seemed to have found his hair. vented, and immediately rushed over to question.

"What about Ah Liang? You've hidden him! You know everything from the start, don't you! That cheap. People lied to me! Mr. Lee shouted hysterically.

"It's just that you are unpopular, who wants to be the second to be born?"

A fluttering sentence suppressed Mr. Li.

He never thought about his own problems, and he used to have to be windy and rainy. I didn't expect to lose to Wang Luo this time!

"Do you know what they're seeing? It's your unsightly things, buying Ah Liang's record. Wang Luo said.

It can be described as murderous.

Suddenly, Mr. Li understood why the man just now had such a reaction.

After being angry, Mr. Li immediately didn't care about the consequences, and grabbed Wang Luo's collar, who would have thought that before Wang Luo was hit, he was directly pressed on the table by Wang Luo.

Compared with Wang Luo, his little trick is really beyond his strength!

"Still want to try it?" Wang Luo asked.

Mr. Li didn't say a word.

His eyes were full of resentment towards Wang Luo.

After coming back from coming to Kyoto, the first thing he found was Wang Luo, hoping to win with Wang Luo.

Who knew that Wang Luo actually rejected him!

In the future, it will be difficult everywhere!

Those companies heard that he was rejected by Wang Luo, and most of them rejected him.

That's why Mr. Li wants to take revenge on Wang Luo.

Who knew that it was cracked by Wang Luo every time!

Even the duck in his hand was snatched away by Wang Luo.

"This dirty thing, I don't want to put it on the table and say, get out!" Wang Luo grabbed Mr. Li's hair and pushed it directly to the ground.

As early as before, he had heard about some of Wang Luo's strength, so he naturally didn't dare to contact him head-on.

Just took his stuff and walked away.

"Sir, why did you let him go?" Bai Yu was a little angry.

This period of time has not been smooth, all because of this man. Besides, this man still doesn't feel that he is wrong.

On the contrary, he came to question Wang Luo very reasonably.

"It's not enough now." Wang Luo said lightly.

If you want to destroy the enemy, you must definitely kill it with one move. Otherwise, you are looking for trouble for yourself, and now you don't have conclusive evidence, and it is easy to get yourself into trouble if you start rashly.

And Wang Luo's guess was right.

Naturally, Mr. Li will not give up.

This time in Kyoto, Mr. Li is lonely! This cooperation was also a failure for him, but he didn't expect it to fail so quickly.

And he put all the blame on Wang Luo!

If it weren't for Wang Luo, I'm afraid he would be the one who made the contract today! No! It wouldn't be what it is today!

"Help me find a few people." Mr. Li said with a cold face.

"It's... No, well..."The assistant hesitated.

He has been with Mr. Li for many years, and looking at Mr. Li's appearance, he understands what Mr. Li is thinking.

"Let you go! What so much nonsense! Mr. Li shouted angrily.

The secretary didn't dare to speak, so he went out to prepare.

It's just angry outside, but I didn't expect even the secretary to be so disobedient!

"Who are these people?" Mr. Li looked at the person the secretary had found, and he was angry.

He wants a bunch of capable people, not a bunch of gangsters who look like weak chickens! Except for the eldest brother who takes the lead, he seems to have some ability, and the rest are all street gangsters, and even his hair is dyed colorful.

"That's what you don't understand, they're all very powerful characters." The secretary said to Mr. Li, and then walked to his side and whispered, "These are the best within the budget." "

These days, it's all about losing money.

Where is the spare money to do this.

Even the secretary kindly persuaded him and was criticized.

Mr. Li also understands his current asset situation, and even the car has been mortgaged. Seeing this, Mr. Li was no longer embarrassed, but began to cater to the other party with a fake smile.

"Mr. Li doesn't have to." The man at the head suddenly spoke.

The whole atmosphere dropped to freezing, as if the whole room had been frozen.

"I know you look down on us, but when we make a difference, you'll understand." The righteous words of the man.

Mr. Li, who was originally very uneasy, was also a little relieved when he heard these words.

As long as you can deal with Wang Luo, then why not try?

"I don't know your surname." Mr. Li asked politely.

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