The God of War

Chapter 129

Those gangsters who used to be not glorious for the fifth brother had nothing to do and didn't make trouble all the time, but they still hid by stealing things. Zang met several brothers.

These brothers always thought that the fifth brother had resisted for them, but in fact, the fifth brother made an agreement with others.

Help a merchant steal the official seal of a rival company, and the merchant will keep him safe.

The fifth brother asked his brothers to help him steal the official seal, and he kept deceiving his brothers, relying on the guilt of his brothers to achieve his current position.

It was that time that the fifth brother tasted the sweetness and began to do the current business, but the fifth brother didn't pay attention to the rules, so many people looked down on them.

The fifth brother doesn't think there's anything, it's enough to make money, and those people will come to him if they really encounter something, after all, the five don't pick jobs and don't talk much.

"Didn't you tell these brothers about the past?" Wang Luo asked suddenly.

Since Mr. Li began to have secret contact with the fifth brother, Wang Luo has already begun to investigate, but he didn't expect the fifth brother to be so reckless and have to do it so quickly.

Hearing Wang Luo mention what had happened, everyone present had mixed feelings in their hearts.

"Brother, it's okay, it's all we should do," said a man lying on the ground, unable to lift his hands or feet now.

"Now that I think so, what if I knew that your fifth brother was lying to you back then? Just trying to find a reason to hold you back? Wang Luo asked.

Everyone on the field stopped talking, and no one believed what Wang Luo said.

"You fart!" A small minion shouted to Wang Luo.

"You don't believe it? Listen to him. Wang Luo put his hand behind his head, leaned against the wall, and watched with interest.

The fifth brother hesitated for a long time, his mouth trembling and he couldn't speak. The subordinates who originally swore by him also began to doubt the fifth brother.

I can only keep asking.

The fifth brother looked a little anxious when asked, and patted the ground: "Yes! That's right. Seeing

that his eldest brother confessed, the rest of the people stopped talking. Hearing the fifth brother admit in person, Wang Luo gave Bai Yu a look, and Bai Yu directly pulled him behind.

How Bai Yu could arrive quickly was also Wang Luo's plan, taking advantage of Mr. Li's instructions for the fifth brother to sneak attack, so he asked Bai Yu to find Mr. Li's company report.

At this time, Mr. Li's defense is the lowest, which is why he can get this thing so easily.

"You mean!" Mr. Li suddenly rushed. came in, pointed at Wang Luo and scolded.

Originally, he was waiting for the fifth brother to go back, but who knew that he didn't wait for the fifth brother's news, so he received a call from the secretary saying that the company's report was lost.

Just thinking about it, he knew that it must have been Wang Luo who made a move.

"What's going on?" Wang Luo smiled and asked, "Why did Mr. Li come to me now?" Are you worried about the fifth brother's work? Mr

. Li, who was originally arrogant, didn't dare to lose his temper anymore when he saw these people on the ground.

These people are like worms, they can only wriggle, and their hands and feet are broken.

"What do you want to do?" Mr. Li said to Bai Yu.

That Bai Yu directly pressed Mr. Li to the ground: "You don't deserve to stand and talk to the boss."

Seeing that Mr. Li was still struggling, Wang Luo said, "Instead of caring about these, let's take a look at this." Wang Luo directly threw the information to him.

Mr. Li flipped it casually, he was very familiar with this thing, it was his company's statement! Sure enough, it was taken away by Wang Luo.

He had an idea and wanted to tear it off. It's just that Bai Yu's hand was faster than him, and he directly twisted his hand behind his back, and the information fell to the ground.

"You should keep this thing and think about how to explain it to the police." Wang Luo glanced at his watch and said.

Sure enough, as soon as Wang Luo's voice fell, there was a loud alarm bell outside, and Mr. Li was very panicked and wanted to escape, but Bai Yu held it down, and he couldn't break free at all.

"Mr. Wang." A police officer came in and said hello, and two rows of young officers stood behind them.

"What about the murderers?" Officer Lin asked.

The fifth brother and these people can also be regarded as outlaws, they are all people who are burdened with human lives, this kind of person, Wang Luo will not interfere, naturally someone will take care of it.

"There." Wang Luo pointed to a few people on the ground.

Seeing that these people had become in this state, Officer Lin was a little surprised, he had learned Wang Luo's methods, but he didn't expect to be so ruthless this time.

"This—" Officer Lin was a little embarrassed.

These people have been so badly injured that it will be difficult to explain them at that time.

"Don't worry, I won't embarrass you." Wang Luo said.

Before Officer Lin could speak, he heard his mobile phone ring: "Director." Officer Lin shouted loudly.

"Mr. Wang helped arrest a few important suspects, I heard that I was injured during the defense, I don't know if it's serious, you can help me with condolences."


The meaning of the director's words is already obvious, Wang Luo looks fine now, but they seem to be injured.

If the director really cares, it is enough to call and care in person, so why bother through him?

It's just a show.

"You won't be embarrassed, Officer Lin." Wang Luo asked.

"Rest assured! Rest assured! Officer Lin said, he waved to the police officer behind him: "Take it all!" A

few people came over, picked up the paralyzed fifth brother's men, dragged them on the ground and took them away.

"Don't forget this." Wang Luo handed Officer Lin a small bag.

It is full of evidence of Mr. Li's crime, from the slander at the beginning to the purchase of murder. Even his company is just a nominal company, and any investment project is just a fraud by him!

All his money was gambled away by him, and he wanted to return to China to make a lot of money.

I didn't expect to run into Wang Luo directly, and I declared war with Wang Luo without my own strength, so that it would become where it is now.

It's all his fault!

The rest of the things will be handed over to Bai Yu to deal with. Those details, Bai Yu is enough to do.

"Why did you come back?" When Fang Xiaoyun went home, he found that Wang Luo was at home, and naturally said.

But she didn't feel a hint of shyness in her words.

"What, miss me?" Wang Luo asked with a smile and hugged Fang Xiaoyun's waist from behind.

"you, I don't have it." After Fang Xiaoyun realized it, his face was already crimson.

It looks very shy.

For Fang Xiaoyun's appearance, Wang Luo really can't put it down, and he will always be like a girl.

Wang Luo was lying on Fang Xiaoyun's shoulder, his breath was just aimed at Fang Xiaoyun's ear, and Fang Xiaoyun gently tilted his head to the side, trying to dodge.

But this little action Wang Luo was desperate early in the morning, he directly pressed Fang Xiaoyun's head, refusing to let him succeed.

"Just went home..."

Without waiting for Fang Xiaoyun to finish speaking, Wang Luo directly turned off the lights...

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