The God of War

Chapter 131

As for the Wang family, he never thought of going back since he came out, and now it is just wishful thinking of the Wang family.

In his eyes, Madame Wang is like a clown, thinking of herself as an imaginary enemy.

But Mrs. Wang wants far more than these things, she has greater ambitions, and even everything Wang Luo is now coveting.

So for the time being, she won't be too embarrassed by the Fang family, but she just wants Wang Luo to be angry.

"When you have one day, what kind of life do you say Fang Xiaoyun will live?" Mrs. Wang asked rhetorically.

Sure enough, when Fang Xiaoyun was mentioned, Wang Luo couldn't contain his temper.

"What happened last time, but not in the past. I will figure it out with the Wang family little by little! You'll wait for me! Wang Luo said word by word, but Mrs. Wang was not affected at all, and looked even more proud.

He knew Mrs. Wang's methods, and the last time he met Fang Xiaoyunhe, she must have known something.

"I think Fang Xiaoyun looks good, even if there is no you, I can marry someone at that time. But she even married a beggar, and she didn't know who she was going to marry in the second marriage. Madame Wang continued to fan the flames.

And Wang Luo's fist had already been clenched, looking at Mrs. Wang. With a red mouth, Wang Luo only felt that his blood was surging.

But indeed, he had no way to be sure that Fang Xiaoyun would be safe. Just like a few days ago, Wang Luo had obviously planned carefully, but he hadn't taken care of Fang Xiaoyun yet, but was arrested by the Wang family.

"It's because of your current status that you can protect Fang Xiaoyun, how can you protect her when you have nothing?" Mrs. Wang asked with a smug face.

This is really poking at Wang Luo's weakness, Wang Luo raised his hand and slowly put it down, now is not the best time.

Looking at Wang Luo's helpless appearance, Mrs. Wang was very satisfied.

"Wang Luo!" A neutral voice came out.

Wang Luo looked back and saw Fang Zhengmin standing at the door, Wang Luo took two wrong steps and stood with Mrs. Wang.

"What are you two doing?" Fang Zhengmin asked.

He just looked at the two of them for a while, and it seemed that there was something wrong. It wasn't until he saw Wang Luo raise his hand that he shouted out.

"It's nothing, it's just chatting with Mrs. Wang." Wang Luo said neither humbly nor arrogantly.

Listening to Wang Luo's words, Fang Limin was a little disbelieving. Turning her face to look at Mrs. Wang, who didn't want to explain at all.

"Let Wang Luo explain." After speaking, he went directly to the private room.

"What the hell is going on?" Fang Limin saw Mrs. Wang's attitude, and he didn't believe it even more.

"It's just a chat." Wang Luo was a little impatient.

"You talk nonsense!" Fang Limin lowered his voice and roared: "Did you still want to do it just now!"

"I just saw that Mrs. Wang had hair on her face, but I didn't think it was very suitable for me, so I put down my hand." Wang Luo said perfunctorily: "I went to my father first."

Wang Luo directly left Fang Limin and entered the room. Fang Limin, who was outside, was angry for a while and had no choice but to go in.

Seeing that the environment inside was still relatively harmonious, Fang Limin was relieved.

"You two go home tonight." After the end, Fang Limin said.

Although Fang Xiaoyun and Wang Luo were a little reluctant, the two of them still went home with Fang Limin.

"This time, the Wang family may come to sign a contract with us, you can sort out the specific information." Fang Limin commanded Fang Xiaoyun.

Hearing his father say this, Fang Xiaoyun couldn't believe it, he thought this matter was just a word at the dinner table, but he didn't expect his father to take it seriously.

And she only found out tonight that the woman was actually Mrs. Wang.

She didn't understand why Fang Xiaoyun, a high-ranking member of the Wang family, wanted to have anything to do with her.

"The Wang family is just a joke, you don't have to take it seriously." Fang Xiaoyun said perfunctorily.

Wang Luo's attitude tonight made Fang Limin very unhappy, but he didn't expect Fang Xiaoyun to still have this attitude now.

Obviously a good opportunity, he didn't know why these people actually had such an attitude!


Fang Limin slapped the table vigorously.

"You don't listen to what I'm saying now! Don't forget who is the master of the Fang family! Fang Limin said angrily.

And Fang Xiaoyun didn't admit defeat at all, and even looked at Fang Limin with his neck stalked, neither of them would admit defeat first.

This kind of gap made Fang Limin very uncomfortable, the former Fang Xiaoyun would never be like this, but he would be very obedient.

And since marrying Wang Luo, Fang Xiaoyun has become more and more powerful, and now he dares to stare at him.

What really annoyed Fang Limin was not that this cooperation was blocked, but that his authority had been violated.

"The Wang family's cooperation this time is too strange, something is wrong, I think we need to be more cautious." Wang Luo said.

This sentence just angered Fang Limin.

Even a beggar who doesn't know anything dares to speak to him like that? Dare to sit here and guide the country, when he founded the Fang Clan, there was no him.

"Shut up! What right do you have to speak in our house? Fang Limin asked rhetorically.

Now he is full of complaints about this son-in-law, and this emotion is not a day or two.

Everyone else is married and has the support of their in-laws. And only the Fang family, everything has to rely on himself, this man has to eat his own and live on his own.

For him, Wang Luo is just a dog of the Fang family, how can he have the right to bark.

Even, Fang Limin regretted that he didn't agree to the rich second generation proposed by Zhao Limei before.

"He is my husband, so he naturally has the right to speak." Fang Xiaoyun was not to be outdone, and came out to defend Wang Luo.

And Wang Luo understood that Fang Xiaoyun still had a lot of feelings for the Fang family, and he didn't want to see Fang Xiaoyun embarrassed, so he could only stop making a sound.

"A bunch of things without a vision!" Fang Limin scolded.

It's just a rat's eye, Fang Limin will only think so now.

"Dad, you're so excited now, we'll talk about it in a few days." Wang Luo stood up and said without humility or arrogance.

"Calm yourself down, we'll go first." Fang Xiaoyun also said with his bag.

She knew very well what Mrs. Wang was like, but she couldn't tell Fang Limin what happened before, and even if she said it, Fang Limin wouldn't necessarily believe it.

He only believes that the Wang family is a big family, how can he go to great lengths to harm himself?

"If you're gone, don't come back." Fang Limin shouted at Fang Xiaoyun.

Hearing Fang Limin's words, Fang Xiaoyun stopped, she knew Fang Limin's temper best, and said nothing.

This time, Fang Xiaoyun was a lot more obedient, and listened to Fang Limin's speech without saying a word. She has already made her own decision about this matter, and she will not let the Wang family succeed easily.

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