The God of War

Chapter 138

"Why did you wake up so early?"

Before waiting for dawn, Fang Xiaoyun heard a rustling sound, opened his eyes dimly, and saw Wang Luo packing his things.

"What are you going to do?" Fang Xiaoyun asked in a daze.

"Pack your bags, you can sleep a little longer." Wang Luo said calmly.

And Fang Xiaoyun is sleepy now, how can she be in the mood to think about this, hearing Wang Luo let her sleep for a while, she didn't hesitate to lie down again.

When she really woke up, Wang Luo had already packed her things.

"What are you?"

"I'll take you on a tour, I've already packed all my things." Wang Luo pointed to the luggage in the corner.

During this time, some changes would definitely occur in the Fang Clan, and Wang Luo didn't want Fang Xiaoyun to be affected in this environment, so he thought about taking Fang Xiaoyun out.

Wang Luo didn't completely ignore Fang's affairs, after all, there was also Fang Xiaoyun's hard work in it!

This matter has been handed over to Song Liangping, and he believes that Song Liangping can definitely handle these things.

What's more, even if there is really something that can't be handled, Wang Luo will help think about it.

Thinking of Wang Luo getting up so early and starting to pack his luggage, Fang Xiaoyun only felt very moved, others couldn't understand Wang Luo, Fang Xiaoyun naturally understood everything.

"Okay." Fang Xiaoyun said happily.

Since she is not responsible for the contract, some small business of the company can be solved in comparison.

Even if you give yourself a vacation during this time, it is also a reward for yourself!

"You're so nice." Fang Xiaoyun said softly.

This time, Wang Luo arranged it very much, but he was afraid that with too much free time, Fang Xiaoyun would think of these things at home.

So we have to stop Fang Xiaoyun's idea from the beginning.

For this trip, Wang Luo specially arranged a green train. It has been a long time since Wang Luo last made a train, but this time Wang Luo specially came to take Fang Xiaoyun to make this kind of train, and Fang Xiaoyun was also very strange.

Fortunately, there were not many people in the car, and Wang Luo and Fang Xiaoyun were also at ease. It's a pity that the car is mixed, and it is difficult to distinguish the crowd in the car for a while.

However, these people are very shrewd, just by looking at Wang Luo, they know that this is someone who can't be provoked by details.

"Wang Luo." Fang Xiaoyun pulled the corner of Wang Luo's clothes and whispered, "Look over there."

Looking in Fang Xiaoyun's direction, it was a middle-aged man looking for something in a hurry, the big bags and small bags had been opened, and the sweat on his face was dripping on the ground.

In fact, this person had already found out before Fang Xiaoyun reminded him, and seeing the uncle's anxious appearance, Wang Luo was also a little unbearable.

"Uncle, what are you looking for?" Wang Luo asked in the past.

"Who are you?" Who knew that the uncle stood directly in front of his snakeskin bag and looked at Wang Luo with a wary expression.

But Wang Luo was not angry, after all, he and his uncle didn't know each other, and it was normal for the uncle to be very vigilant.

"Are you looking for a wallet?" Wang Luo asked with a grin.

"You see?" The uncle rushed up at once and grabbed Wang Luo's hand.

And Wang Luo easily broke free and grabbed the hands of the people around him: "I have to ask him." The

little man who was caught by Wang Luo immediately screamed in pain, and his hand was also pulled out of Wang Luo's pocket.

And in his hand, it is the uncle's wallet.

"Thank you, thank you!" The uncle thanked him and took the wallet to look at it carefully, and only after making sure that there was no shortage of money in it did he put his mind at ease.

Originally, Wang Luo wasn't sure if it was this, but Wang Luo came over and deliberately accosted his uncle just to observe the reactions of the people around him.

When Wang Luo asked the uncle if he was looking for something, the three or four young people next to him were moving, but one of them touched his pocket tightly.

That's why Wang Luo can find out who the thief is!

"Are you looking for death! Dare to slander me? The little man thought of a way to get out, and suddenly wanted to fight back against Wang Luo!

Hearing the young man's words, Wang Luo laughed dumbly.

"I slander you? I never ran into you. Wang Luo said.

"If it's not you, who else could it be?" The young man asked rhetorically.

"Are you sure you want to continue with me? Your three accomplices have all found other carriages and scattered. Wang Luo said suddenly.

Hearing Wang Luo's words, the little man was also a little desolate.

He is not a professional thief, he is also the one who was brought up by the eldest brother. There were their men all over the train, but they were all scattered.

In order to ensure safety, they are very hierarchical, and after they get their hands on things, they will be handed over directly to the lowest-level people, so that even if they are caught, others can still run away.

Those brothers didn't want to run, but when they saw the little man and Wang Luo arguing, they could only leave with a scolding.

Here, if all of them spread out in the carriage, it would mean giving up the dwarf.

That's why the dwarf suddenly despairs.

"You're looking for death, aren't you?" The dwarf suddenly went berserk.

He now wants to get out of the way and find his big brother right away.

"Want to leave now?" Wang Luo asked.

The little man stopped talking, but kept breaking free. The carriage was originally a little crowded, but there was an open space for the two of them.

"What's going on?" A conductor came over.

Without waiting for Wang Luo to speak, some passengers explained the situation to the conductor in a gossiping manner.

"It's you again! What's going on? The conductor frowned at the sight of the caught man.

Seeing that the conductor came here to pick up people, Wang Luo no longer stopped him, and directly handed over the little man to the conductor.

"That man in uniform was the conductor just now?" Fang Xiaoyun asked curiously.

And Wang Luo smiled, shook his head and said, "He's not a conductor. "

That's not a conductor, it's just an accomplice of the dwarf.

I didn't come here to rescue the little man, but I was afraid that he would give in and confess, so I would think about taking him away.

"How do you know?" Fang Xiaoyun was shocked.

"It's strange that the conductor showed up after so long. What's more, he only wore a uniform shirt, and he was doing something to the dwarf at the back of the carriage just now. "

Wang Luo is right, that is the accomplice of the little man. After a few people took the little man out, he took him directly to the toilet.

"Are you stupid!" A few people scolded the little man angrily, but he didn't dare to speak, he had seen too many such things.

It wasn't until the men were tired that the little man got up from the ground, and his clothes were already dirty.

"Don't follow us! The next stop is split off. The man at the head said to the little man.

After they dispersed, Wang Luo suddenly appeared. The little man wanted to dodge, but he didn't succeed after getting up a few times, and Wang Luo threw down a wad of money and left.

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