The God of War

Chapter 153

Although Ah Zhen didn't dare to move, he was even more afraid that Brother Liu would find out that the two of them had messed things up.

If Wang Luo was really allowed to escape, they would definitely not survive.

The two of them can naturally escape, but the family members at home are probably their substitutes.

Although these two people are not men enough, they must not let their family take the blame for them! The two men glanced at each other, and each understood the other's thoughts.

The man suddenly throttle, and the car immediately accelerated, even though the two of them had been prepared for a long time, they were still shocked by the car.

And they just wanted to rely on this vibration to shake off Wang Luo's hand, and then take the opportunity to call Brother Liu to report this matter.

But how did they know that this matter was very different from what they thought.

Wang Luo was like a stone statue, motionless, but the strength of his hands increased by two points, and both of them shrank their necks.

"Don't make a fuss." Wang Luo said impatiently.

"You!" Wang Luo pinched Ah Zhen's neck hard.

Ah Zhen's eyes were immediately covered with a layer of mist, and his brain was absolutely blank, and he couldn't even breathe simply.

"Bring up what you have in your hand!" Wang Luo commanded.

When Wang Luo let go, Ah Zhen had the ability to think, even if he was reluctant, he could only hand over the mobile phone in his hand.

Wang Luo looked at the mobile phone, didn't think about it, and threw it out of the window.

"Stop now!" Wang Luo shouted.

The man did not dare to delay and immediately stopped on the side of the road.

This is indeed the best place for Fang Xiaoyun, relying on the shade of the trees and the water source, this place is easy to hide.

As long as Fang Xiaoyun obediently didn't run around and waited for Bai Yu to rescue her, it would be more than enough.

Wang Luo really poured out his heart and lungs for Fang Xiaoyun.

Although the terrain here is very powerful to Fang Xiaoyun, it is not so advantageous for Wang Luo.

He didn't know what kind of temperament these two people were. I don't know if the protection of the two is thorough, and now he is holding the lifeblood of both of them, so they are obedient.

But as long as Wang Luo let go, he also knew that these two people were definitely not easy to control!

"Open the door." Wang Luo commanded slowly.

The man was a little reluctant, as long as he opened the car door, then the two brothers would die for Wang Luo and have no place to be buried.

"Don't grind." Wang Luo's subordinates used their strength.

The man's whole face was red, although he was only pinching his neck, but the force was even more fierce, as if he wanted to pinch off the heads of the two people.

"I'll drive—" The man squeezed a word out of his throat and opened the car door.

Fang Xiaoyun seized the opportunity, heard the door lock unlocked, opened the car door directly, and ran out in a puff of smoke.

And Ah Zhen also took advantage of Wang Luo's opportunity to look at Fang Xiaoyun, broke free of Wang Luo's hand, opened the car door and ran out to chase after him.

"Good boy!" Wang Luo scolded.

And the man in the driver's seat looked at Ah Zhen's movements, and he had already been trembling, and he didn't expect Ah Zhen to do such a thing.

But Wang Luo didn't give him time to think at all, and hit him directly in the neck.

It's not that he lost consciousness directly, but his body was weak, and he couldn't control his limbs anymore.

Wang Luo also opened the car door and chased directly in the direction of Ah Zhen.

Ah Zhen was pressed by Wang Luo for a long time just now, his legs were still a little weak, the woods here were scattered, and he didn't see where Fang Xiaoyun was for a while.

"Can't find Fang Xiaoyun?" Wang Luo said faintly behind him.

For Ah Zhen, that voice was a curse from hell.

"You... Don't come here! Ah Zhen shouted.

"I didn't want the two of you to die, you were going to die." Wang Luo said.

Wang Luo must be very familiar with this, and Brother Liu said the same thing yesterday.

But the only difference, that is.

Wang Luo has the strength to fight back.

And these two are really begging for death!

"Don't come here! There might be some beast here at night! Even if you let that little go, you won't survive tonight. Ah Zhen said with a trembling voice.

"Besides, you think about it, the two of us had an accident, and we didn't go back today, and tomorrow Brother Liu will notify the boss, and this place will be completely surrounded, and it will be even more difficult for the two of you to fly when the time comes!"

It's so naïve.

It's all come to this point and still threaten Wang Luo, do you really think that Wang Luo will be scared because of these two sentences?

Since Wang Luo has done such a thing, he will not be afraid of the result.

"You're wrong, it's not you two who died, it's you." Wang Luo said with a smile.

"What do you mean by that?" Ah Zhen didn't understand.

"The man and I will go back anyway. At that time, the result was that Fang Xiaoyun and I escaped, you and he chased the two of us back, and you and Fang Xiaoyun died unexpectedly because of the fight. Wang Luo said with a smile, like a poisonous snake.

It's even more terrifying than the sea of flowers in Li Village.

"Nope! Brother Cheng will never do what you say! Ah Zhen didn't expect it to be like this.

"I just want Fang Xiaoyun to survive, you can just make up one, but you are too unbehaved, so you can only stay here, and you are also a lesson from the so-called Brother Cheng!" Wang Luo stared at Ah Zhe deadly.

That Ah Zhen finally reacted, and without waiting for Wang Luo to act, he ran directly into the distance.

Since the terrain here is complicated, as long as he runs farther, Wang Luo will not be able to catch him.

But he didn't know Wang Luo's true ability, otherwise he wouldn't be smart.

I saw Wang Luo squatting on the ground and picking up a small stone, counting the numbers in his mouth.

For Ah Zhen, this voice is like a countdown to his life.

When Wang Luo counted to zero, the stone seemed to have eyes, and flew directly towards Ah Zhen's calf.

Ah Zhen could only kneel on the ground with a wail, he tried to write it down and didn't stand up, there was a bloody hole in his knee, and it was still bleeding out.

"You brought it on yourself." Wang Luo walked over and said condescendingly.

"Kill me!" Ah Zhen shouted.

The pain in his leg was worse for him than the pain of death!

He prefers to die cleanly rather than painfully.

"It's late now." Wang Luo said.

He squatted down, pulled up Ah Zhen's arm, and twisted it towards the back, Ah Zhen's arm turned into a strange angle, which looked weird.

Now Ah Zhen is not only a broken leg, but even an arm has been scrapped.

Don't look at his tall and big, but for Wang Luo, it was still very easy to drag it up, and next to it was a small swamp pit.

Wang Luo directly threw Ah Zhen in.

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