The God of War

Chapter 160

"Young man?" Zhang Ye repeated the words of one of his subordinates.

"That's what the spy said, and I look at it very much in line with the image of Wang Luo that Da Liu said. I guess they did it, do you think you want to take revenge? A man in a suit said.

When he speaks, only his mouth opens and closes, and there is no muscle change in other parts, like a robot.

"It's getting interesting." Zhang Ye touched his crutches and said.

I thought it was a trivial matter, so I handed it over to Brother Liu, but I didn't expect Brother Liu to be able to do this thing.

Then he naturally won't come to rescue Brother Liu.

To each his own life.

Since he can't resist, it means that his life should be like this.

"Although I am relieved that he is doing things, I can't trust him at this point, go and ask me what kind of character Wang Luo is, so that Da Liu can be planted at the door of his house." Zhang Ye said.

The man in the suit answered and walked out, like a robot receiving instructions, without the slightest emotion of his own.

Now it's time to meet a real opponent.

Even if everyone told Zhang Ye that Wang Luo was just a young man, Zhang Ye would not underestimate him.

The person who was able to finish them off at the door of Brother Liu's house is definitely not a small person.

What's more, Wang Luo is still so young!

It is because of prudence that Zhang Ye has stood tall for the year, but has become stronger and stronger!

"I'm fine." Wang Luo said helplessly.

As soon as he came back, Fang Xiaoyun's eyes turned red, forcing him to stand up, Fang Xiaoyun wanted to check himself little by little.

It wasn't until he was sure that Wang Luo was really not injured that Fang Xiaoyun relieved his heart and punched Wang Luo fiercely.

"You must not be so reckless next time!" Fang Xiaoyun said with a crying voice.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

The people outside the window looked at Wang Luo and Fang Xiaoyun's movements in the room expressionlessly, without any movement at all.

It wasn't until he confirmed that he had no clues to stay here that he left with one foot deep and one foot shallow, looking more like a robot from the back, and even the twisting of his shoulders had this law to follow.

Zhang Ye really has some skills, but he has already found out Wang Luo's news in half a day.

"It's in Kyoto." The man in the suit has no superfluous words, and every word seems to be streamlined.

"Since there are such powerful people under my nose?" Master Zhang said thoughtfully.

For a while, he couldn't think of what Wang Luo was. In recent years, the focus of his development has indeed not been Kyoto, but Hengzhou, and he can design small cities around it.

And those things that can't be seen, Zhang Ye hides them very tightly, and ordinary people can't see them.

It's farther than Li Village.

In the end, I am older, I think more, I am more cautious, and I am ready to stop.

But I didn't expect Wang Luo to do such a desperate thing.

He also got the news today, Wang Luo even accepted Li Village, and those things that could not be seen were wiped out by Wang Luo.

Originally, it was just Brother Liu who moved, and Zhang Ye could bear it.

Even if it's a personal grudge between the two of them.

But since he has moved his chain of interests, don't blame him for being ruthless.

"Did you get in touch?" Zhang Ye took a sip of tea, and the surface was still so breezy and light.

"It's connected, it's called Changming, everyone calls Ah Ming..."The man in the suit spoke.

"I've made an appointment, tomorrow at three o'clock in the afternoon." The man in the suit was very thoughtful: "Ah Ming is an antique dealer, he made a fortune by relying on Wang Luo, when the time comes, I can still do it when I look for him to introduce him, and I can still do it when I see Wang Luo." "

This is also Zhangye's own Xi.

Before doing something, you must know yourself and your opponent.

Others can't believe him, even men in suits are unreliable. Zhang Ye only trusts himself, and Zhang Ye also has this ability.

No matter who it is, what background, as long as Zhang Ye takes a look, he will immediately know what the other party's weaknesses are.

This is not a special function of Zhang Ye.

It's just that I have seen more people to have this ability.

Although Zhang Ye didn't know who Ah Ming was, Ah Ming knew Zhang Ye's name very well.

Zhang Ye and Chang Ye knew each other before, but then there was no contact, and the relationship between the two was broken.

If you talk about it, Chang Ye can make a fortune, and he still relies on Zhang Ye.

Zhang Ye has never been stingy with the help of this kind of person, in other words, he just doesn't care.

Where will you remember?

But since he has a purpose, Zhang Ye is still very punctual, and he arrived in Kyoto at less than three o'clock, waiting for Ah Ming.

And Ah Ming didn't dare to slack off, since Zhang Ye's purpose was an antique, Ah Ming picked a jade cabbage for a long time.

The head is excellent, and the size is huge.

It's also a superb.

After receiving it, Amin never sold it, thinking that it might be useful, but he didn't expect it to really come in handy.

"You're welcome!" Zhang Ye said with a smile when he saw Ah Ming followed by two people, still holding things in his hands.

"Yes, I should honor you." Amin was very polite.

The thing was put aside and the subordinates were just left.

But when he took the things and put them aside, Zhang Ye didn't even look at them, let alone uncover the silk cloth on them.

It is just assumed that nothing exists.

"Chang Ye is okay?" Zhang Ye asked.

Hearing the other party mention Laichangye, Ah Ming twitched unnaturally.

These memories were all things he didn't want to touch, but now they were brought up again.

"I heard that his body is not very good, but fortunately you have raised it." Seeing that Ah Ming didn't speak, Master Zhang said by himself.

Zhang Ye can find out these things about Chen Sesame and Rotten Grain, how can he not know what happened between Ah Ming and Chang Ye, but it was just deliberate.

"It should." Armin smirked.

"I'm not as good as Changye, leave you a good boy, I'll be old in the future, and I don't know how to bully people."

"How can it be, you are so powerful now, and everyone admires you more when you get older." Amin hurriedly said.

"You just make me happy, but Changye's child is my child, you should still call me grandpa according to your seniority." Zhang Ye's painting style changed and said.

Listening to Master Zhang's words, Ah Ming was really flattered!

What a high honor it is to be valued by Master Zhang!

Although Wang Luo is so powerful, who can guarantee that Wang Luo will be powerful for a lifetime?

And Zhang Ye is really powerful for a lifetime.

"Grandpa!" Armin shouted on the road.

"I don't have any acquaintances in Hengzhou, they are all some business contacts, since you are also involved in Kyoto now, do you have any familiar people to introduce me, I also want to get a piece of the pie in Kyoto." Zhang Ye said.

"Yes!" Armin said without thinking.

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