The God of War

Chapter 174

"There's nothing else, or you'll leave if you're okay? I've got a bunch of things to do, and I can't find you well. Director Zhang said tentatively.

Anyone who hears these words can be sure that they are really rushing to the guests.

In normal times, Director Zhang would not dare to say this to Wang Luo, but now Wang Luo's identity is different.

Director Zhang didn't dare to touch Wang Luo because he cared about Wang Luo's power, but it didn't mean that Wang Luo was safe.

So still be careful and avoid contact.

"Then you get busy first." Wang Luo stood up good-naturedly, patted his clothes and said.

Without waiting for Director Zhang to get up to see off the guests, he walked out by himself.

What kind of reputation does he have now, he also knows, after all, this is Kyoto, and some of them are powerful, so no one can hide this matter, not to mention that Wang Luo doesn't want to hide it at all.

"How?" Wang Luo asked Bai Yu.

"Master Zhang found it, but our people can't get in, you see?" Bai Yu said carefully.

Bai Yu was also surprised by this operation, he thought it would be very difficult, after all, with Master Zhang's ability, there was nothing that could not be hidden.

But Zhang Ye didn't hide it at all, but instead met Hengzhou, and he had to swagger and set up a banquet.

This is also so abnormal!

Bai Yu took a few brothers and found Zhang Ye's residence, but no matter what they did, they couldn't enter Zhang Ye's house at all.

The bodyguards outside are all strong, and their skills are also good.

Besides, these people seem to have an inexhaustible supply.

No matter how hard Bai Yu and his brothers worked, these people would never be able to finish fighting, and when it came to this one, there were more people who stood up.

This is the fundamental reason for Bai Yu's failure.

But it is not shown to take people from Kyoto to Hengzhou.

"I'll go." Wang Luo said directly.

When Director Zhang spoke just now, he deliberately raised the volume of the two words report.

As if he was deliberately reminding Wang Luo.

And Wang Luo once gave Director Zhang a lot of favors, which can be regarded as repayment.

Combined with Director Zhang's words and Zhang Ye's behavior, it seems that this is what Zhang Ye did on purpose.

is high-profile and attracts Wang Luo's attention.

"Get me a car." Wang Luo lowered his head and said.

Bai Yu didn't delay, he immediately prepared the car, and in less than two hours, they had already arrived at the door of Zhangye's house.

It's different from what Bai Yu once saw.

The door was very quiet, and there was no security guard.

Zhang Ye lives in the downtown area, but there is not even a small stall and vendor around, and it is very quiet.

Wang Luo went up and knocked on the door. Without waiting for Wang Luo to speak, the door opened directly, and the man inside made a gesture of invitation to Wang Luo.

Looking at this man, Wang Luo just smiled contemptuously on his face, and walked in directly and generously.

"You can't go in." The man stopped Bai Yu.

"Why?" With Wang Luo by his side, Bai Yuye was a lot more powerful, and asked directly.

"This is Master Zhang's instructions, we just have to carry it out." The other party said calmly, without a trace of emotion.

"Okay, okay! Count you on for being amazing. Bai Yu glanced inside, glared at the man viciously and said.

Who knew that Bai Yu didn't think so in his heart, he was a little careless when he waited for the man to close the door, and he was directly ready to rush. Get in.

There was such a big battle a few days ago, but now it is deliberately like this.

Who knows what's in store inside?

Bai Yu naturally couldn't let Wang Luo jump directly into the fire pit.

And the man's skills are not covered.

suddenly found out that the cat was greasy, grabbed Wang Luo directly, and fell to the ground.

"Master Zhang said, I saw Wang Luo, don't make trouble." The man said coldly.

It looks like I'm looking at a dead pig.

Without a hint of emotion.

Bai Yu, who was thrown to the ground, could only helplessly wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, returned to the car and waited for Wang Luo to come back.

"You're later than I thought." Zhang Ye is still as kind as ever.

And when Wang Luohe sees this face now, some of them are only disgusted and nauseated.

What kindness?

What is considered for Wang Luo everywhere.

It's all their deception.

That's what happened today.

In order to pull Wang Luo off the altar.

Watching Wang Luo fall high.

"How? Are you satisfied? Wang Luo looked at Zhang Ye and asked.

There is no need to say anything, the Zhang Ye in the mouth of that big brother Liu has already drunk the current Zhang Ye coincides.

Wang Luo just felt stupid!

"What are you doing this for?" Wang Luo asked a little strangely.

It stands to reason that a person like Zhang Ye, who lacks nothing, could do such a thing.

"Are you curious about the report number in Director Zhang's mouth?" Zhang Ye asked with a smile.

And the small one on his face is just cold.

"I made that call." Zhang Ye said.

And Wang Luo was not a little surprised, he knew about it.

It's just that there is no evidence, and now Zhang Ye himself admits it.

"What I want to see is the feeling of you being lifted up in the air, only to be thrown on the ground and trampled." Zhang Ye said very slowly, but his tone became more and more vicious.

That's why he continued to help Wang Luo at the beginning, whether it was in business or life, whether it was helping Wang Luo or helping Fang Xiaoyun.

In everything, Zhang Ye did it himself, for this feeling.

I want them to trust slowly, little by little. Sink.

And then!

There was a mercy in their glory that threw them down mercilessly.

Still Fang Xiaoyun is not greedy.

After drinking Zhangye's cooperation, paying off these debts and getting his original things, Fang Xiaoyun terminated the cooperation.

Those people were going to refuse.

But thinking of the relationship between Fang Xiaoyun and Wang Luo, he didn't dare to say anything more, so he could only agree to them all.

I didn't expect it to come true now, and Wang Luo has already received a great impact.

"Don't like the surprise?" Zhang Ye was a little disappointed.

I didn't expect Wang Luo's reaction to be so calm.

What Zhang Ye wants to see is Wang Luo's sadness after receiving the betrayal of the closest person.

There is also Wang Luo in the center of the whirlpool, being pulled.

And Wang Luo has nothing reflected in him now, only calm.

"I guessed it." Wang Luo said.

Zhang Ye did this situation and wasted a lot of effort, and he didn't hesitate to report Wang Luo with some money.

After all, the goods on the ship are all Zhangye's things.

And Zhang Ye didn't care, he had already made a lot of money on Wang Luo.

Now all he thinks about is revenge!

He didn't forget about Brother Liu

, "How about it, are you satisfied with this plan?" It's also hidden from everyone! Master Zhang said proudly.

For Wang Luo, he also put a lot of effort into it.

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