"Bully the soft and fear the hard!" Fang Xiaoyun scolded, straightened his hairstyle and walked out elegantly.

At this time, relying on them, it is better to sort out those remaining orders first.

If there are no new orders, the plant will shut down. Once the work stops and the workers are restless, there will be a big one. Troublesome!

Fang Xiaoyun wouldn't watch this kind of thing happen, and she didn't notice that Wang Luo had already left.

As soon as Wang Luo called Brother Long, he came out of the shadows and stood in front of Wang Luo respectfully.

"Leave a few people to protect Fang Xiaoyun, and you take me for the rest."

Wang Luo didn't explain where he was going, and Brother Long didn't talk much, but immediately arranged people and set off with Wang Luo.

The affairs of the Fang family are not all handled by Zhang Dong alone. The Cheng family is the biggest conspirator, and it stands to reason that the Cheng family will not deal with a small portal like Fang Xiaoyun, but driven by interests, the Cheng family still made a move.

Before he got close to Chengjia Villa, he was stopped, and several men in black stood in front of him, wanting to surround Wang Luo's car.

"Sir, do you have a pass?" The man asked.

"Nope." Wang Luo shook his head impatiently and said, talking to this kind of minions is just a waste of time.

"Then you can't go in, you need Mr. Cheng's personal approval to get in."

"Get out of the way!"

Several men in black directly ignored Wang Luo's words, and still stood there and refused to move. These people are all puppets cultivated by the Cheng family since childhood, and they are extremely loyal.

Wang Luo didn't pay attention to it anymore, and drove directly into it, and the man in black didn't expect Wang Luo to dare to break in, and he was also deserted for a while.

The black-clothed man led by him quickly came to his senses and pressed the alarm, and for a while, a large number of the same black-clothed men appeared everywhere in Cong, forcing Le Wang Luo's car to stop.

“MD!" Wang Luo scolded and opened the car door directly and got out of the car.

Brother Long also followed, counting Brother Wang Luolong, there were only five or six people here, and the other party said that there were one hundred and eighty.

Wang Luo didn't give the other party a chance to breathe at all, and directly grabbed the nearest man and lifted his collar and fell to the ground.

The man could still convulse twice at first, and the rest could only fall to the ground and breathe heavily, bleeding from his mouth and nose, looking miserable.

The blood is more stinging. Arousing Wang Luo's nerves, he let out a low roar, grabbed another man in black, concocted it in the same way, and raised it and threw it down.

It's just the easiest way to attack, but the other party has no ability to fight back at all, so he can only kick his legs when he is lifted up by Wang Luo, but it doesn't help.

Both of them fell to the ground and convulsed, and the blood from their mouths and noses remained together, so big. Some men in black retreated a few steps back, all afraid of Wang Luo's strength.

What kind of arm strength is it to be able to easily lift up and throw it down alone, and the other party doesn't even have a chance to struggle?

"What to retreat! Give it to me! "The man in black at the head, fart towards the man who flinched. Kicked on the thigh.

The other party did not stand firm, stumbled forward a few steps, and directly faced Wang Luo's face.

Wang Luo didn't pity the other party at all, and slapped the other party's face directly, and a handprint was directly swollen on the person's face, and the blood in his nose flowed into his mouth and he couldn't even bother to wipe it, so he fell down in a daze.

These are definitely not pure white people, and I don't know how many people have been forced to die by relying on them.

And they can still eat the Cheng family's food and continue to live happily.

"Come with me! What the hell are you doing! The man in black shouted.

At this time, everyone was like waking up from a big dream, and they came directly to Wang Luo, it seemed that there were many people, but for Wang Luo, it was just a small skill of carving insects.

"Be careful!"

Seeing someone sneaking up on Wang Luo from behind, Brother Long wanted to go over to help, but he couldn't do it, so he could only shout to get Wang Luo's attention.

The villain behind Wang Luo had already noticed it, and the other party smashed directly at Wang Luo's head.

And Wang Luo just tilted his head slightly, and the stick directly grazed Wang Luo's ear and hit his own person.

Those who were smashed could only be bored. He fell to the ground with a snort, motionless, which showed the great strength, and Wang Luo actually dodged it so easily.

Wang Luo turned around and kicked the other party in the stomach. The man could only grasp the stick harder and swing it in an orderly manner.

Finding a flaw, Wang Luo grabbed the stick directly, grabbed the man's wrist along the stick, twisted it slightly, and the stick fell to the ground.

The man screamed and rolled on the ground clutching his wrists.

Tesuji has been twisted!

It seems that Wang Luo is not struggling, and those people can't hurt Wang Luo at all, Wang Luo just dodges a few times, and then makes a quick move, and those people have no ability to attack.

Soon, only a few of the hundred and ten people were still standing, and the rest were already lying on the ground.

And Wang Luo.


"Who wants to try?" Wang Luo didn't even gasp when he spoke.

The rest of the men in black shook their heads timidly, not daring to shout again. The arrogant appearance just now is gone, only timidity remains.

"Very good, take me to see Cheng Zhengfeng."

Brother Long also shouted small. The younger brother stopped and followed Wang Luo to the depths of the manor. It's a great place with living water and a natural fountain.

But now is not a good time to enjoy the beautiful scenery, Wang Luo continued to follow, and after walking for a while, he saw a large villa with two bodyguards at the door.

"That's it, Mr. Cheng is inside." The man in black cautiously raised his finger.

"Go back, know what to do?" Wang Luo asked.

The man in black nodded desperately, and when he heard Wang Luo let him leave, he hurriedly trotted all the way away.


The bodyguard at the door couldn't help frowning when he saw Wang Luo, and saw Brother Long behind him covered in blood, and there were a few small ones. In his brother's hands, his face was full of disdain and disgust.

"See Cheng Zhengfeng." Wang Luo said indifferently.

"Shut up! You also deserve to say Mr. Cheng's name!

"Do you think I'm worthy?"

Wang Luo kicked the other party's ankle directly, and the other party knelt directly on the ground before he could react, and he didn't stand up after trying several times.

"Don't toss, the Achilles tendon is broken, it's better not to move." Wang Luo scoffed.

The remaining bodyguard saw that he wanted to rush up to help, and directly subdued Brother Long, what kind of bodyguard of the Cheng family, it's just that!

Wang Luo stepped on the calf of the bodyguard who was controlled by Brother Long, and directly exerted his strength, only to hear the sound of "Kaba", and the other party's calf bone had been broken.

"Is it matched now?" Wang Luo asked.

But both of them were so painful that they couldn't speak, and they could only gasp for air.

Wang Luo didn't pay attention to it anymore and walked directly inside. That Cheng Zhengfeng was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper, and he didn't even raise his head and said directly.

"Just put the tea on the table, let's get out."

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