After Ah Ming ascended to the throne, although some people were not convinced, they all surrendered one by one after Ah Ming's management. Compared with Changye's iron-blooded regulations, Amin is more humane and can retain employees better.

And Wang Luo was also more relieved and gave more help.

But all this changed in Lin Shao's eyes. Although they signed a contract with the Murong family at that time, they seemed to be marginalized and did not help their careers.

The Fang clan is getting bigger and bigger, and there is a vague appearance of transcendence.

This made Lin Shao feel more crisis.

And now is what he thinks is a good opportunity!

He has been waiting for a long time, although Ah Ming surrendered to Wang Luo, but after all, he recognized Chang Ye as the master before, and the two of them saw that there was also a barrier.

Once, Ah Ming was disciplined by Chang Ye and never enjoyed these. And these days, I am in charge of my own affairs and enjoy a lot of privileges that I never dared to hope for before.

People are greedy.

As long as he can give Ah Ming more things, then he can also entrust himself to his responsibility!

"Sir, this was sent by Young Master Lin." The secretary sent a card.

Armens slowly opened it, and it wrote the time and place of the meeting. Lin Shao didn't write superfluous words, he was sure that Ah Ming would definitely come! Lin Shao still has this self-confidence.

And Lin Shao waited in the private room for nearly half an hour in the afternoon, but still didn't see Ah Ming, and he gradually began to be a little angry.

In his eyes, Ah Ming is just a pitiful stray dog picked up by Wang Luo on the side of the road!

Dare to kick your nose in the face!

I accepted the invitation, but I didn't dare to come.

Lin Shao felt more and more that he couldn't get over his face.

"Something!" Young Master Lin scolded and slammed the cup on the table to the ground!

"Lin Shao is also so angry? Is it to blame me for coming too late? Ah Ming pushed open the door and came in, just when Lin Shao was angry.

Lin Shao tried hard to restrain his temper, and laughed twice: "How come, it's just a slippery hand." Come in and clean up!

Seeing Lin Shao trying to curb his temper and greeting him with a smile, Ah Ming felt very relieved.

It's like seeing my former self, who was once so humble, having my nails pulled out, and pretending to be fine.

I used to think that these things should be taken for granted, and when I reached my current position, I didn't know what I wanted, and it was all up to the person in power.

Where did you dare to sit with Lin Shao before?

And now, if he doesn't come, Lin Shao will wait here obediently.

Even if you lose your temper, you have to endure it.

Amin smiled with satisfaction.

"Mr. Chang, please take a seat." When the mess was cleaned up, Lin Shao greeted Ah Ming.

Hearing the salute, Amin frowned. His surname is Chang, which is the surname given to him by Changye.

Before, he cherished this surname, but now, he only felt very harsh, as if reminding him of the past.

"Just call me Amin, you're welcome." Amin sat down and said.

Lin Shao saw the little frowning action just now, since Ah Ming didn't like this title, Lin Shao didn't call it that way anymore.

"I don't know why Lin Shao came to me today?" Amin asked.

"There's no reason for that, it's just to appreciate you. Young talent, and capable, in less than half a month, he managed the scattered Chang family so orderly, I really admire..."

Lin Shao piled up all the good words on Ah Ming.

Although Amin also understood that these were just compliments, they were still very useful, and a smile involuntarily appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Listening to Lin Shao's compliments, Ah Ming was also fluttering, saying some big things that didn't make sense.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Lin Shao's hands also deliberately trembled and spilled the wine on his pants.

"Really, it's rude, it's rude..."

"Young Master Lin is serious, it's just some drinks." Amin said, waving his hand.

"I'll wipe it down." Lin Shao stood up and left.

Ah Ming closed the door with Lin Shao, and his eyes also returned to clarity. Not at all drunk, he reached out and pulled out a small black box from the container of ice wine.

There was a red dot shining on it, and this thing was familiar to Amin.

A peek at the camera.

Armin scoffed.

He has followed Chang Ye for so many years, what three indiscriminate tricks have he not seen?

You just want to use this low-level trick to control him?

Armin pinched that small. East. West, soaked directly in the wine, the red light flashed a few times, and then it stopped flashing.

Hearing the door shook, Amin stuck the bottle into the ice bucket, picked up his glass and began to drink.

It was not Lin Shao who came in, but Liu Nake.

One trick is fresh, eat all over the world.

Now that I have tasted the sweetness, I will naturally use this method.

Liu Na did the same, came in and said a few words, but after a few sips of wine, she lay in Ah Ming's arms and pretended to be drunk.

"Can you carry me over and rest? My legs are weak..."Liu Nake said as she lay on her stomach in Ah Ming's arms, her fingers kept running on his chest. Lip Draw Circles.

"Of course." Ah Ming directly hugged the fragrant soft in his arms and strode towards the couch.

This angle was calculated by Liu Nake and Lin Shao, and just two of them can be photographed.

Liu Nake lay on the sofa and immediately reached out and put her arms around his neck.

"In such a hurry?" Ah Ming will do what he wants, touching Liu Nake's thigh.

Seeing the fish take the bait, Liu Na couldn't hide her joy. The face is even more delicate. Mei, gently pushing Amin.

But these actions are also planned, and from the perspective of shooting, it looks more like Liu Na can resist, but is restrained by Ah Ming.

Liu Nake continued to talk about love, which was used to stab. Agin excited. Seeing Ah Ming's reaction, Liu Nake was also very satisfied, which was more like an affirmation of her charm.

Because of the pulling, the clothes have fallen off, and the fragrant shoulders are exposed, and the chest is connected. The first two points of scenery are difficult to hide.

The whole scene looks very glamorous.

Ah Ming held Liu Nake's ankle with his hand, and the small one was just right to pinch. Ah Ming moved up along her ankles, and for a while Liu Nake was also teased. It's tickling in my heart.

"Now, you're in a hurry." Liu Nake breathed lightly into Ah Ming's ear, which made Ah Ming feel a thrill.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang.

The door was kicked open, and it was Lin Shao standing outside!

"You guys!" This scene has been performed many times, and Lin Shao is already handy.

It only takes a little bit of noise to make yourself look angry.

"Lin Shao is here, do you want to be together?" Ah Ming teased, but didn't want to take his hand away from Liu Nake's lap.

"Help me!" The moment she saw Lin Shao, Liu Nake's tears also flowed out, looking very aggrieved.

Amin heard it. The voice sneered, stood up with his backhand, and did not forget to grab Liu Nake's chest before standing up. Mouth.

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