The God Slaying Hero and the Seven Covenants

Episode XIX: The Demon God and the God Killer

The hand offered is very small.

With a little help, it's going to break.

Take that hand and proceed through the cave.

Ami's gaze is a little harsh, and everyone laughs when they see Ami like that.

- Except for one.

The change was dramatic. Light is lost from the crystal (crystal) that emitted the pale light and falls to the ground for a while. The crystal, pulled by gravity and falling to the ground, made a high noise only once and was scattered in pieces.

That was still a familiar sight.

However, the size of the crystal and the fact that no one is in it. Other than that, it's the same as then.

It's the same as when Solnea woke up.

"Are you all right?


The look on Solnea's face, which looked back so, is still the same as before. I can't feel the waves of emotion, eyes and a look that hardly ever moves. Those little lips mouth the word of consent, as usual.

Next to such a sornair, Ami took one of the shattered crystal shards.

"You don't feel any more magic."

When Ami says so, Miss Francesca and Faerona also pick up crystal shards.

It is dark in a cave where pale light has been lost, and lantern lights do not reach every corner of the rock wall. In such thin darkness, Kotaro was walking around Solnea observing if there was any change.

I know what you're thinking, but you don't take women so seriously.

"You're rude, Kotaro."

"Oh, sorry."

As soon as I point it out in disgust, words of apology come out of my mouth. Apparently, he thought he was bad, too.

But if you are interested in saying so, your gaze has turned to Solnea. Besides, is it a problem that the then Solnea doesn't care about that gaze?

"Solnea, if you're in the way, you can say you're in the way, okay?

"It's terrible, isn't it!?

When Kotaro shouts out, his voice echoes the rock walls of the cave. The person in question was surprised by the noise that was not enough to block his ear but louder than the one he made, and he stared at Kotaro in silent protest as Mulu, the most hearing good of all, held his ear.

But, said Kotaro, who was stared at, Mululu's methods were adorable, and he was out of sight for another reason than being stared at. Because the mouth is burning, I can tell the whole thing.

"Hey, pervert"

"... no?

I would like to hear what it was while I was responding.

Well, that's anyway.

"Anything unusual?

When I listen with my gaze toward Solnea, I get my neck tilted.

You don't even know it in person?

That's how I see Kotaro next.

"Come on. It was Mr. Solnea who got the magic. He's the only one who knows what happened."

I know you're going to say it nicely, but in the end, you don't know anything. When that happens, the trick to flatter my shoulders will look like something out of between.

Ami, Faerona and Miss Francesca never seem to feel anything in particular, and neither do I.

In the end, you mean you have to wait until something changes in Solnea?

I think so, while Amida and I were observing the crystal shards, Muru and I would walk to the edge of the cave and look for anything else that was obscure... but I still can't find anything.

"After all, what was I?

'I don't know. If you want to borrow Koutarou's words, only Solnea herself will know.'

"... useless"


Ermenhilde and Muluru. Listening to a friendly conversation, pick up the stone that was falling in the corner of the cave appropriately. Well, it's just a stone. As he threw toward the rock wall, he made a dry noise and rolled to the ground.

"Mululu, don't you smell weird or something?


After all, is there nothing but that crystal?

A vampire (vampire) was drawn to that magic power, and Ami caught a giant monkey (ape) bitten by that vampire (vampire) and Solnea reacted.

Is that the place?

I'm a little upset that there's no harvest, but is it a waste of time to look for something that isn't there? Think so, and go back to Amida.

"Anything wrong?

"No. What about Mr. Lotus?

"This way too."

When I clasped my shoulders, I could see that they were all out of my mind.

Even Faerona is exhaling heavily. Well, walking through the woods looking for demons, attacked by demons. The result is that Solnea has only gained pale magic.

Besides, I don't even know how to use that magic.

- Well, maybe we'll find out soon enough.

I just hope I don't get it. Yeah, I don't know what it is.

Just a little touchless or emotionless when it comes to being human...... Solnea lacking in response, but still human in appearance, not having any special powers. So, regardless of the rough things...

Think that far, shake your head sideways.

Then we'll go back.

So lightly, I turn to the passage of the cave I just passed.

Well, it's not a rare story that you can't find anything eye-catching in cave exploration. Solnea gained some power by being able to see beautiful crystals (crystals) as a visible reward.... maybe.

Is it enough to see it?

Faerona and Mululu go first, as they walk slowly past me. And when Ami lined up next to me, she pulled her coat. It wasn't a strong force, but I'm about to stick to an unexpected event.

Ami looked at me in surprise and continued - glancing gently at the Lord of hands grabbing his coat (cape).

"Mr. Solnea, it's dangerous."

"I'm sorry"

I honestly apologize for the words, but the hands don't leave the coat. Did you get mad about that, or did you have something to feel?

Ami grabbed Solnea's hand.


And get that hand off me right away. Keep it up, look seriously at your hands like you're surprised.

"What's up?

When Ami sounded so strange, she looked at me like she had returned to me.

The look is full of surprises. Well, I watched Ami and Solnea's behavior, but there should be no special surprise.

That's what I think, I look away from Ami and see Solnea. Lady Francesca and Kotaro, who were to the left and right of that Solnea, also alternate between Ami and Solnea in a way that did not fall to their hearts.

"One thing, I remember"

In a quiet cave, the voice echoes.


Ermenhilde hears the words back. That voice raises pure questions.

And that goes for me too.

There was “nothing" in Solnea. If Astraela is right, it is natural that there is nothing in Solnea that was born... What does it mean to remember?

The giant Families of the Demon God we used to crusade. Solnea that it came from where the body was.

I swallowed solitary spit, unknowingly, at the words of that sornair.


"The word of the Spirit God (Zeneria)."

'... hmm?

"I am Naifer the Demon, in the form of a wish."

Oh, and. I thought you remembered that word. Disappointing, reassuring. Feel it at the same time, exhale.

After a while, I asked myself what I was comfortable with.

Hi... I'm a little crazy too. Well, that. Are you crazy from around seriously mentioning a demon crusade from yourself?


"... speaking of which, you didn't say"

"- Yeah, I didn't hear that."

Like a little angry, Ami says. Say it like you're angry, or your voice is just quiet, maybe inside you're angry.

I don't know why you didn't tell me, not why. You think me and Solnea know and are angry about something they don't know? That place still seems like a child.

I'm only eighteen years old, so it's natural for me to be a child.

But as far as I'm concerned, I still don't like to be kept to myself. They sue me for that in the form of gaze.

With such a gaze on his shoulder, he sighed not only at Ermenhilde, but even Miss Francesca and Kotaro. No, it's my fault. Nothing, I didn't mean to tell you, I really forgot.

...... may still be bad. It's going to piss me off, so let's not talk about it.



Turn your gaze to Solnea's voice. I didn't ignore it, but Solnea's gaze felt a little like something dangerous.

It's not Soichi or Nine Seasons, and I'd like you to give me a break.

"That, the words of Zeneria. I think I understand that intention."


Keep your mouth shut so you can keep pushing.

"He hated the dark."

Something “remembered” is spinning out of its mouth.

"Because I was alone. The darkness is quiet, cold..."

The monologue continues.

Listening to that monologue, I remember it, too.

That I talked to Solnea one night. What Solnea told me. How could this woman who said she had no dreams be acting with me?

The “remembered” spinning from her mouth is the same thing she was inquiring about in the dark.

The darkness was cold, no one was there, quiet - I wanted someone. I was the one who responded to that voice.

... so.

"Don't you dare, we're out of the cave"

All of a sudden, she turns a surprised gaze at me, not just at Miss Francesca, but at Ami. Only Kotaro stood shoulder to shoulder without saying anything.

I hesitated to hear the words ahead of me from Solnea's mouth. I didn't want to hear it, maybe.

That Naifer and Solnea are the same. Yeah, I didn't want to think about it.

"The Devil's Vessel" and "The Next God". If that sornair is the same as Naifer... I'll have to slaughter the sornair someday.

I didn't even want to think about it.



"You responded to my voice."


"Did you hear Naifer?

- "That was fun."

I just remembered that word.

I'm sure that's Naifer's 'voice'. Naifer's, wish.

I was bored. So... I tried to destroy the world. Whatever the consequences, whatever action Astraela or Zenelia may take...... the existence that can kill itself may be summoned. If you can forget that boredom, if you can satisfy your desires.

If you are willing to come head-on to one will: Naifer.

I'm sure that was satisfactory.

Boredom kills God.

... Solnea's "Voice of Naifer" is maybe sole.

"I don't know. Me and Neifer are water and oil. I don't understand."

I understand. Me and I understood each other that we were incomprehensible.

That's what I think, I laugh.

Understand that we don't understand each other. Laughing at the thought of conceiving contradictions, not only Ami and Miss Francesca, but Kotaro also looked at me with a surprised face.

"Let's get out of the cave. Darkness makes me think about things I hate."

That's what I said, I'm walking out of the cave.


- If Solnea is the form of Neifer's wish, is it also your wish that Solnea called me?

The question that I can't hear anymore comes to my chest.


So, what?

Whatever you want and wish for... I hate him and I'm sure I'll kill him.

There you go.

Me and him, it's water and oil.

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