Zhao Wen had originally made an appointment with the little sisters to go shopping and eating together, but found Ji Youze. Because Ji Youze was picking up the dropped hat from the ground and putting it on again, Zhao Wen happened to recognize him.

Looking down at the time, Zhao Wen followed Ji Youze.

What is this wearing? It's similar to the square dancer over there. Tsk tsk, post it on the Internet and you will be sprayed to death! This Ji Youze is really an unbeatable Xiaoqiang. Last time her Zhao Wen's husband made a big move for herself, but this Ji Youze, on the contrary, has become even more popular.

While Ji Youze answered the phone, Zhao Wen searched for the camera from the messy bag and prepared to take a picture and put it on the Internet for everyone to tease. However, when she successfully took out the camera, Ji Youze had already ran into the building, so Zhao Wen followed in, looking for opportunities to take a photo.

Just in the last two seconds of Kang Xi's countdown, Ji Youze panted and ran out from the left. Seeing her like this, he almost foamed at the mouth.

"You're so slow." Kang Xi raised his hand and looked at the table below. She and her two children have been waiting here for almost an hour.

"Very sorry..." Ji Youze patted his chest to please himself.

"Let's go." Kang Xi turned around. At this moment, she saw someone dodge into a corner suddenly. Although the person hid quickly, but unfortunately, Kang Xi still saw her face.

Who is that, Zhao Wen?

Although she had only seen one face and acted in an opponent scene together during the audition, Kang Xi still remembered her. Kang Xi's memory cells are very developed.

"Someone was following us secretly today. Don't look up, and don't look in the opposite direction behind me." Kang Xi leaned close to Ji Youze, but looked out the window with her fingers tapping on the glass and whispered.

"Paparazzi?" Ji Youze turned his head slightly, and suddenly raised his vigilance.

"No, it may be something more difficult." Kang Xi didn't bother to call him a human being, and directly used things to describe it. "Do you remember Zhao Wen?"

"Remember, she..."

"What's your impression of her?" Kang Xi asked softly.

"It's okay, it seems to be very enthusiastic, cheerful and generous. On the day of the interview, she gave me a chocolate to relieve stress..." Ji Youze said thinking.

"Then you have a stomach trouble." Kang Xi remembered it clearly.

"So you mean..." No matter how stupid Ji Youze is, he can guess what Kang Xi meant.

"Do you believe what I said?" Kang Xi asked again.

Ji Youze nodded. Of course, you must believe. If you don’t believe what you say, then you can believe in a ghost in this world.

"She should be a fan of Mo Ran City, and she is a small head. Your show was cut last time, and it should be related to her. After all, her husband is a big man." Kang Xi said, playing with Song Wu's suppleness twice. Ponytail.

"Then let's move the location." Ji Youze can only think of such a way.

"I have a more fun way." Kang Xi's smile was sweet as honey, but Ji Youze felt that he had received the signal that Kang Xi was about to start practicing poison again.

After all, really, every time Kang Xi laughed sweetly, Ji Youze's goose bumps would jump happily.

It's like before the natural disasters, the small animals will feel anxiously running around because of something.

"What way?" Ji Youze finally asked out.

"You wait here, I'll go back. Show your professional skills and show a natural and relaxed appearance. Also, keep WeChat online and get in touch." Kang Xi looked at the surrounding environment for a while and finished. , She adjusted the position of the shoulder bag, squatted down and said to the two little sisters: "You two wait here, okay? Be good."

After Kang Xi finished speaking, Song Yu and Song Wu nodded sensibly.

So Kang Xi blinked at Ji Youze, got up and walked in a certain direction.

If you remember well...Go straight, turn right, go straight, turn right again, you can outflank the area where Zhao Wen is standing.

When he got there, Kang Xi found that Zhao Wen was holding a camera, hiding on the green vegetation, and carefully selecting an angle to take pictures of Ji Youze.

Because of the restrictions on the local structure, Zhao Wen also had a hard time hiding. There are not many hidden walls here. But Ji Youze kept moving, and often lowered his head, it was difficult to take pictures of his front face, so Zhao Wen became even more depressed.

Kang Xi looked around and found that there were men's and women's toilets diagonally across Zhao Wen's back, and people came in and out from time to time.

Well, Kang Xi remembers that there is a bathroom here, and now she walked over and confirmed that she had not mistaken her memory, so she lowered her head and typed on the phone.

"Did you see the arrow sign in the bathroom? Follow the sign, don't look up when you walk, and then pretend to go to the bathroom to go to the bathroom."

After sending it out, Kang Xi hid in the blind spot of that place based on the predicted place Zhao Wen would hide next.

After receiving the news, Ji Youze led the two children towards the bathroom. However, I kept my head down and talked with the children.

Sure enough, Zhao Wen quickly hid in the place Kang Xi expected, and picked up the camera and pointed at Ji Youze. Just because Ji Youze kept her head down, Zhao Wen couldn't even take a picture of her chin.

Kang Xi put one hand in her pocket, and the other hand held the camera, recording Zhao Wen's actions all the way.

The reason why Ji Youze has to bow his head wearing a hat and sunglasses is because Kang Xi does not want Zhao Wen to do anything with the two children. Even if Zhao Wen would make a fuss about this, it would be fine, as long as the time comes to clarify. But Kang Xi felt that after all, one thing is worse than one thing less.

Ji Youze wore a shirt with those aunts today. If Zhao Wen didn't even take a picture of Ji Youze's chin, he would release the news that it was Ji Youze, which would definitely not be convincing.

After the recording, Kang Xi smiled and watched the playback.

Hey, the recording is really good.

When Ji Youze went to the women’s bathroom, he had to pass outside the men’s bathroom, and Zhao Wen’s place was after a few huge decorative potted plants in the men’s bathroom. In addition, two of the Chinese papers that came out of the men's bathroom were shocked by Zhao Wen for a while, so it seemed that Zhao Wen was a complete men's bathroom voyeur.

Kang Xi smiled at the corners of her mouth and quietly stood beside the screen at the side entrance of a plain and elegant women's clothing store, humming a little tune gently.

"#恒海逼猫#I just saw a beautiful woman on the 3rd floor of Henghai Building who has been squatting outside the men's room and holding a camera peeping. Ladies and gentlemen, please remember to cover your crotch when you go in and out, for spread. Xi boarded the screen pupil's account, uploaded the video to a video app, then shared it on Weibo, and added a topic.

"I suddenly felt that I couldn't look directly at Doraemon!"

"What the **** is staring at the cat?!"

"My fellow men, are you okay?"

"Hahahaha! So, are you in the Henghai Building? Wait for me, I will come to you! I will give you a monkey!"

"The screen pupil must be in Henghai Building 1!"

"Wait, this staring cat looks familiar!"


After the season girl so many times, it's not uncommon to spread rumors or anything, and now I still don't know how to constrain, isn't it forcing people to choke her neck. Kang Xi looked at the rising amount of forwarding on the phone and looked up at Zhao Wen.

the weather is nice today. Buy her a hot search by the way.

This is called treating one's own body according to his own way. I hope that Zhao will be able to converge in the future.

I called Ji Youze and asked her to continue to protect her face. After getting together, Kang Xi took them downstairs and drove them to another place. As for Zhao Wen, she barely took a slightly clear side view photo, walked to a coffee shop, connected the camera's wifi function, and imported the photo to her mobile phone.

As soon as he took a sip of coffee, Zhao Wen felt that the person who just came in looked a little strange to her. And after reaching a certain distance, it seemed to point to what he said to others: "This is the Ding Dong cat."

Jingle cat, how cute. Zhao Wen thought that the boy was complimenting her on her cuteness and cuteness. So, artificially picked up the small spoon, turned around in the cup, pretending to be very elegant.

So, the two boys smiled awkwardly at her, then turned and walked out of the coffee shop, clutching their crotch.

"You just asked me to do that. What do you mean?" On the other hand, when Kang Xi was driving, Ji Youze couldn't restrain his curiosity, took off his hat, took off his sunglasses, and asked.

"In fact, I didn't do anything. I just couldn't bear to see her hiding behind the scenes so hard, so I wanted to introduce her to everyone." Kang Xi still looked calm.

"Specific, what do you mean?" Ji Youze felt that Kang Xi was a bit abstract. Going around the bathroom, how can Zhao Wen walk from behind the scenes to the front of the stage?

"It's nothing, it's just..." Kang Xi suddenly realized that if she said it, she would expose her vest. Although she didn't use this vest to do anything to lose her heart, if Ji Yuze is a silly bug, if one day goes out with a drunken fist and unconsciously tells the world, then she will have a lot of fun.

After all, if everyone knows that the person behind this account is Kang Xi, then Ji Youze, who has just had the whitening effect, will immediately be doubted whether it is because Kang Xi and Ji Youze have a good relationship, so Kang Is Xiu deliberately pursuing Ji Yuze in the name of Murakami Hitomi?

The less trouble, the better. This is Kang Xi's law.

"I'm not going to tell you, guess." Kang Xi smiled faintly, playing mystery.

Ji Youze snorted and started playing with his mobile phone.

"Hey, why do I have so many people today? Let me see..." Ji Youze muttered to himself suddenly, and then broke out a scream: "I went, I was still photographed! This essay is too outrageous. Huh!? What do you say that I met me in Henghai Building and brought two children, and what did I say that I have been making up my age. In fact, I am already in my 30s, and I have given birth to children in my 20s..."

When Kang Xi heard this, she braked and turned her head to look.

However, when reading the comments, Ji Youze and Kang Xi suddenly lost their tempers.

"Isn't this in the x-community in the square dance competition? Why is Ji Youze changed? I'll go."

"Isn't this the square dancer girl?"

"The square dance girl 10086..."

"It's just that the chin is a bit like, where can I see it clearly with sunglasses on my face? The square dance girl..."

"Hahaha, you all think that Ji Youze, a big star, can't dance square dance, do you? But I suddenly felt that if it were her, she would have played that year hahaha!"

"It's really like it, but Ji Youze shouldn't be jumping about that..."

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