The Goddess Is Still So Pitiful, She Was Invested By Me!

Chapter 99 Lian Zhongyong: I Bear The Humiliation! (Third Update!)

In the teahouse, Qi Yun stared at Lian Zhongyong, and Lian Zhongyong stared at the landlord just now.

Landlord: Look at the sky!

Lian Zhongyong's current mental activity can only be described in one sentence.

Is it you who brought the devil here?

"Cough, Professor Lian, what a coincidence-ah..."

"Coinful! What a coincidence!" Lian Zhongyong nodded fiercely.

With a particularly surprised look on his face.

Qi Yun:......I believe you ghost!

Now he can't see that Lian Zhongyong was behind the rent of the shop just now, so he is really stupid.

The landlord doesn't even know him, so how could he treat him so well?

How could it be such a coincidence to turn around and meet Professor Lian again?

"Professor Lian, is that shop yours?"

After Qi Yun thought about it, this was the only possibility.

"Pavement? What pavement?"

Lian Zhongyong pretended to be stupid.

The acting is particularly poor.

Even Qingxue wanted to cover her eyes.

Lian Zhongyong couldn't bear to look at even Qingxue, his old face blushed with embarrassment, and he stopped pretending: "It's mine.

Qi Yun looked at the landlord just now.

"I'm the second landlord."

The landlord is also very wronged!

I have already found a tenant and I have to sign a contract.

As a result, Lian Zhongyong insisted on renting the shop to Qi Yun if he said a word.

And the rent has been cut in half!

If it wasn't for Lian Zhongyong's house, how could he tolerate this?

Lian Qingxue and Qi Yun looked at each other, feeling doubts in their hearts.

"Then why is the rent so low?"

To be honest, Lian Zhongyong met them only once.

Helping them like this really makes them scratch their heads.

"Cough!" Lian Zhongyong said solemnly: "My old Lian's reputation in Beijing University, you go and inquire about it."


Qi Yun wanted to pretend that he believed it.

But you can't pretend!

The landlord on the side rolled his eyes.

You tell this to the tenant who was released as a pigeon?

He can knock your brains out!

"So, the rent is low to help us?"

"It's not low! Where is it low? It's just a discount!" Lian Zhongyong said with a wave.

Landlord: ...Yes, I broke a bone.

Hearing what Lian Zhongyong said, Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue nodded.

Not to mention reasonable or unreasonable.

But at least, they now know that someone is not planning to trick them, they were a little suspicious before.

Qi Yun and the two didn't know that Lian Zhongyong had been paying attention to their whereabouts every day for the past two weeks.

Originally, he didn't know what Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue were doing, but he knew that they ran outside the school when they had nothing to do.

It wasn't until he asked Professor Wu that he realized that his granddaughter had started a business with Qi Yun?

Still doing well?

After knowing this, Lian Zhongyong looked at Lian Qingxue again with pride and distress.

What is proud is that my granddaughter has no one to take care of her, but she is able to achieve such an achievement.

An orphan girl can not only be admitted to Beijing University, but also have her own career.

How could you not be proud to be his grandfather?

But he was more distressed.

In his opinion, his granddaughter should grow up pampered and spoiled, not worrying about money, and thinking about making money so early now.

Is it because of being poor?

Especially these days.

He watched Lian Qingxue running around every day, returning in vain every time.

It's even more unpleasant in my heart.

After much deliberation, he finally remembered that his family had a good shop near the Capital University.

Speaking of which, although the Lian family is not considered wealthy, their ancestors have lived in the capital for several lifetimes, and they are also a scholarly family.

When it was passed on to him, the property in the capital was not too small.

Lian Zhongyong paid the previous tenant a sum of liquidated damages, and then vacated the shop, intending to rent it to Qi Yun at a low price.

Unexpectedly, they were discovered by Qi Yun from the very beginning.

"Sorry, thank you professor for your kindness, we cannot rent this shop.

Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue glanced at each other, they both understood what each other meant, and refused.

The expression on Lian Zhongyong's face froze, looking a little anxious.

"Professor Lian, we can't take advantage of this."

Lian Qingxue said.

They and Professor Lian plus today, have only met twice.

No matter why Professor Lian gave them such low rent.

But it costs 600,000 yuan a year, which is really not a small fortune.

You know, the houses in the capital are only over ten thousand square meters, and with the cheap rent in the past two years, there is a house of one hundred square meters.

How could they take advantage of Professor Lian so much?

Not to mention, Qi Yun has another consideration.

You give me cheap.

Wouldn't my rebate be less?

600,000 a year, according to the current ratio, Qi Yun will lose 1.8 million rebates a year!

Isn't this greed for petty gains and big losses?

Hearing what Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue said, Lian Zhongyong took a deep look at Qi Yun.

He understood that among the two children, Qi Yun was still in charge.

My granddaughter listens to Qi Yun almost everything!

This discovery made him feel uneasy again!

I got it cheap for my granddaughter!

none of your business?

"The teacher sees that you two are students and it is difficult to start a business, so I just want to help you!" He also wanted to persuade.

"Professor Lian, to be honest, Qingxue and I are very grateful for your help, but Qingxue and I really don't need it."

Qi Yun still refused.

Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue have always refused, and Lian Zhongyong has nothing to do.

But in the end, the two still rented the shop.

According to the original price, 100,000 a month and 3.2 million a year.

After all, even at this price, the size and location of the pavement are already worth it.

Lian Zhongyong is a bit regretful.

He now especially wants to make up for his absence for the previous eighteen years.

She has a heart to take care of her granddaughter.

There is simply nowhere to put it.

Or Qi Yun got in his way!

Thinking of this, Lian Zhongyong secretly glared at Qi Yun again.

However, he immediately discovered that although he failed to take care of his granddaughter, it was not without gains.

Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue did not leave in a hurry.

After all, it is not only the relationship between professors and students now.

Or landlord and tenant relationship.

Qi Yun and the two also understood that Lian Zhongyong was the one who took care of this shop.

He simply sat in the teahouse and talked with Professor Lian.

Being able to sit and chat at a table with my granddaughter.


Lian Zhongyong was simply ecstatic.

This is a great improvement in the relationship between myself and my granddaughter!

Lian Zhongyong looked at Lian Qingxue who was sitting on his right.

Full of kindness.

Look at the landlord on the left.


why are you still here

Look at Qi Yun on the opposite side.



Now he can't wait for the whole teahouse, just himself and Lian Qingxue!

It's a pity that the landlord was able to drive away.

But Qi Yun obviously couldn't drive him away.

He shook his head and said to Lian Qingxue: "Student Lian Qingxue, I'm two generations older than you, so please let me call you Qingxue, okay?"

He looked at Lian Qingxue pitifully.

Lian Qingxue was very confused, but she couldn't bear to look at Lian Zhongyong's eyes.

Nod obediently.

"Oh, Qingxue! Are you from Province S?"

He wanted to ask about Lian Qingxue's childhood experiences.

Unfortunately, he found that Lian Qingxue was reluctant to mention it.

Lian Zhongyong thought about it for a while, and felt a twinge in his heart.

Probably because this child had a hard time when he was a child, and he didn't want to tell outsiders?


Lian Zhongyong avoided some sensitive topics more carefully.

Turned the conversation elsewhere.

A few people chatted one after another.

Lian Qingxue and Lian Zhongyong were mainly talking.

Qi Yun didn't open his mouth very much, and always felt that Professor Lian didn't want to talk to him.

Lian Zhongyong soon discovered the best way for him to get in touch with his granddaughter.

He actually praised Qi Yun!

If he praised Lian Qingxue: "You got the second place in the province? That's amazing!"

Even Qingxue seemed a little embarrassed, but not particularly happy.

But when Lian Zhongyong said: "Qi Yun is actually the provincial champion! Amazing!"

Even Qingxue could smile into a flower for him to see.

Still nodding violently.

Lian Zhongyong: ...

what can i do

No matter how you look at it, Qi Yun is not happy.

I can only bear the humiliation and praise Qi Yun!

He remembered the old Wu and his complaints before.

Said that his little granddaughter is obsessed with an idol, and in order to have a common topic with his granddaughter, Lao Wu can only praise how good that idol is every day.

He didn't understand Lao Wu's depression at that time.

Now he's gone!


"The snow tea shop was designed by Qi Yun? Mr. Qi has a great idea!"

He gritted his teeth.

Lian Qingxue nodded with a smile.

There are four words written on the face: You really know the goods!

"Student Qi Yun was admitted to the top prize in the province from the middle level of the class in half a year? Smart!"

He racked his brains.

Lian Qingxue looked at him like she was looking at a comrade in arms, she was extremely satisfied.

"Student Qi Yun......... Qi Yun looks good!"

He didn't know what to boast about, Tian Baba said.

Even Qingxue could still nod her head.

Looking at his eyes is like looking at a relative.

Lian Zhongyong watched his granddaughter trust him more and more.

With laughter and tears in my heart.

Qi Yun scratched his head aside.

Why did he feel that the more the professor boasted, the colder he felt in his heart.

I always feel that someone is secretly scolding myself!

PS: 8,000 updates have been completed, there are still 6,000 more today!.

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