The Goddess Is Still So Pitiful, She Was Invested By Me!

Chapter 108 All The Right Choices Are Not As Important As Her Dreams! (Second Update!)

"Chairman Lu, thank you for your kindness, but I refuse.

Lu Ming's sure-to-get smile cracked inch by inch.

For a moment, he didn't even know what to say in response.

He thought about Qi Yun's countless answers.

I thought maybe Qi Yun would be excited, how much money can I raise?

I also thought that Qi Yun was very fussy with himself, fighting for every percentage point of the shares to win the red face.

He even felt that it was most likely that Qi Yun would not ask anything, and agreed ecstatically.

But unexpectedly, Qi Yun refused directly.

Qin Fan seemed to be unable to understand Mandarin, his neck slowly turned, and he looked at his roommate beside him.

"Did I hear you wrong? He said no?"

His roommate scratched his head: "I think I may have heard wrong too..."

Like Lu Ming, they didn't even think about the possibility of Qi Yun's refusal.

Lu Ming looked at Qi Yun, wanting to see any trace of playing hard to get or retreating from Qi Yun's face.

But at this moment, Miyun only had indifference on his face.

"Did you know that you might have just turned down an opportunity to become a billionaire?"

"I know."

"Then do you know that you are not the only one who can do this business, even if I just find someone to invest in today, he can copy it in a month?"

"I know too."

Lu Ming's tone was extremely cold: "Then I can't see it at all. You have any possibility of rejection. You can be admitted to Capital University. I don't think you are a stupid person. Your rejection is equivalent to a first-grade grade in elementary school." , chose a wrong answer."

After hearing what he said, Qi Yun smiled lightly as if he remembered something.


Lu Ming only felt more irritable.

He thinks he is not an impatient person. For a good project, he can endure, wait and condescend.

Just like today.

But Qi Yun's reaction.

He has no experience and can't even understand Qi Yun.

"Senior, I know the correct answer too well."

Qi Yun suddenly spoke.

"As for financing, it depends on the performance. Where does the performance come from?"

"It depends on the speed of expansion, right? How to expand the fastest? Find franchisees! Ten or eight in each first-tier city is not too many, and there can be three or four in second-tier cities. Add up to hundreds of stores casually." , how fast it expands."

"The most wonderful thing is that we can still charge franchise fees, 300,000 for one family, and 30 million for 100 stores."

Not only that, but we can also sell raw materials to franchise stores, and then there will be a steady stream of profits. The money of this alliance is like leeks, it keeps flowing, how good is it?"

"Senior, you said this answer, is it correct?"

Qi Yun looked up at Luming.

Lu Ming took a deep breath.

Although Qi Yun said it simply, it was his idea.

If you want to expand quickly, the best way is this.

Lian Qingxue was on the side, wanting to say something, but held back.

"But seniors, the consequences of such a rapid expansion are often too big franchisees, uncontrollable quality control, and in the end, franchisees cut corners or cannot support. As for the quality of milk tea, of course it is getting lower every day."

"But after accepting financing, we want to slow down, but we can't. Capital doesn't wait for anyone, does it?"

Lu Ming didn't speak.

Don't look at him speaking politely.

But as Qi Yun said.

He invests, but also wants to grow rapidly and realize quickly.

Qi Yun wants to slow down, and he won't let Qi Yun slow down.

He is not doing charity.

At that time, Qi Yun, who had accepted the investment, could hardly resist the idea of ​​a big investor.

What Qi Yun said was not even a secret.

For brands with many franchisees, it is basically impossible to maintain quality control.

Many milk tea shops with good reputation in later generations are basically directly operated players.

"Even I can come up with a lot of correct answers." Qi Yun didn't seem to see his face.

"What should we do if the business of our store is not good? Hire people! Let's invite people to line up, take a picture and post it online, and people will see that this shop is so popular! Don't they all come?"

Lu Ming: "...

You are so talented!

"Not enough? If it's not enough, I'll play a limited edition and have a hunger sale. If it really doesn't work, let's hype up a milk tea festival!"

"It's more ruthless. We can lower the wages of the staff in the milk tea shop. The milk tea shop doesn't need any highly educated employees. If you can't stay here, there will always be people who can stay."

"In this way, consumers are dissatisfied, employees are dissatisfied, and franchisees are dissatisfied, but what does that matter? We make money!"

"Chairman Lu, are my answers correct enough?"

Lian Qingxue looked at Qi Yun, the fingers of both hands were tightly twisted together, with a sad look on her face.

But she looked at Qi Yun, and suddenly lowered her head slowly, not wanting Qi Yun to see her face.

Lu Ming's eyes were complicated.

"Since you understand..."

Qi Yun's idea even made him feel very operable.

He didn't know that what Qi Yun said was even some successful or popular cases in later generations.

Now he has only one doubt.

Qi Yunming knew very clearly in his heart, even better than him.

Why would you refuse.

"These answers are all correct, but I don't want to choose."


"Because there is a person who doesn't want me to choose this way."

Qi Yun turned to look at Lian Qingxue.

Even Qingxue, who had kept her head down, raised her head in bewilderment at this time.

(cjdb) "Because of your girlfriend?"

Lu Ming also looked at Lian Qingxue in disbelief.

Qi Yun reached out and held Lian Qingxue in his arms.

"Senior, let me introduce to you, this is my girlfriend, Lian Qingxue, the name of this store is because of her.

"From the very beginning, Xuecha was opened for her, and she also slowly managed Xuecha from a small shop to what it is now."

"Then...if I ask Qingxue, is she willing to accept investment? Guess what she will say, senior."

Qi Yun looked at Lian Qingxue who was biting her lip.

"She'll say yes! Will she?"

Lian Qingxue nodded obediently.

"But I know she doesn't want to."

"I know that this girl regards the brand Snow Tea as a testimony of my love with her."

"Senior, have you seen the opinion book over there?"

In a corner of Xuecha, there is a thick opinion book.

"You may think this thing is a decoration, but only I know that there is a girl who will read every comment carefully and reply to every one seriously."

"Senior, tell me, why is this girl so serious?"

Lu Ming was speechless.

"Because she is stupid, she has a very unrealistic dream. In the dream, she wants to make the Xuecha shop to be liked by everyone, to make everyone who works for Xuecha happy. I hope that the name Xuecha will last forever. spotless.

Qi Yun looked at Lian Qingxue.

Lian Qingxue is different from him.

For Qi Yun, the Snow Tea store wasn’t even a business in the beginning.

But a tool for brushing money.

But Lian Qingxue was different.

Lian Qingxue is only eighteen or nineteen years old now.

Her thoughts on the world are particularly pure and beautiful.

Xuecha carries many of her fantasies.

These ideas are very difficult to implement in the real world.

After opening the store, Lian Qingxue felt that everything was beautiful.

The orphanage has money, and there will be no shortage of money in the future.

Xiaoyu and the others can also slowly have a high income.

And I, through my own efforts, can prove that I am the girl who helped Shang Qi Yun.

But now, after Qi Yun said those "correct" choices, she was afraid.

She is afraid that the snow tea she has painstakingly managed will lose its quality due to overdevelopment.

She was afraid that Xiaoyu would not be able to work happily in Xuecha.

In her mind, Snow Tea is like a happy paradise.

Beautiful, pure and flawless.

Everyone can live happily here.

She didn't say it.

Because she knows that her own ideas are unrealistic.

Just an impossible dream.

She knew that she was too greedy, and she also wanted the atmosphere and reputation of Xuecha shop forever, and the rapid development of Xuecha.

This is simply impossible.

But what Lu Ming said was the best choice for Qi Yun.

"What you said is very good, and what I said is also true. But to me, no amount of money, no right choice, is not as important as this girl's perfect dream.

' Qi Yun continued: "Senior, maybe it's too hypocritical to say that."

"But I rejected you, not because of anything else, but because, when I opened this store, I just wanted to make this girl happy."

Is Qi Yun short of money?

Of course there is no shortage. If you want to expand, there is no need to wait for Luming to invest.

In fact, he improved the treatment of employees and worked hard to train employees for promotion, all in order to protect Lian Qingxue's fantasy.

Lian Qingxue looked at Qi Yun in a daze.

There were tears slowly in the big eyes.

"Even if it's worth paying back with hundreds of millions of dollars?" Zhou Ming's tone was a bit complicated.


Qi Yun replied with a smile.

At this time, he was speaking from the heart.

If it can make Lian Qingxue happy, he is even willing that Hey Tea will never expand.

Anyway, he is systematic and self-willed.

PS: I find that I am still not suitable for writing these, and I will gradually reduce this writing method in the future. Today, there are at least two chapters with 6,000 words, and I will try to write Barenzi for everyone. .

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