The Goddess Is Still So Pitiful, She Was Invested By Me!

Chapter 111 Xiaoyu: Jumped Backwards, Careless!

Cry to cry.

Xiao Lin did not delay in handling the transfer of ownership for Qi Yun.

Because she is a novice, the sister Wang who brought her also went out in person.

"Please provide a copy of your ID card, so that we can apply for a real estate certificate."

She said to Qi Yun.

"Do it with her ID card."

Qi Yun pointed at Lian Qingxue and said.

"You mean, all the property rights of this house belong to this young lady?"

Miss Wang was dumbfounded.

But she found out that these two are not husband and wife.

Just a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship.

Buy a house worth more than 10 million yuan for your girlfriend now.

It means that even if they break up, it will be very difficult for Qi Yun to take back the house.

She couldn't help looking at Lian Qingxue.

I really want to ask:

When you met this kind of boyfriend, which temple did you worship in your previous life?

There is no other meaning, she will pay close attention to goodbye in this life.

Even Qingxue couldn't help it now: "This house is too expensive, I can't have it.

To be honest, she has already been able to accept Qi Yun giving her things.

Even before coming, she felt that she was mentally prepared.

Although the house is expensive, as Dean Li said, since he married Qi Yun, it still belongs to him.

But with a house of more than ten million yuan, she was really scared.

Tremendous stress.

Qi Yun couldn't make Lian Qingxue back down just like that.

If he bought this house, if all of it was Lian Qingxue, he would get ten times the rebate.

All of a sudden more than 100 million 29.

A wave of sudden wealth.

"Qingxue, do you know that I have always had a wish?"

Qi Yun looked at Lian Qingxue affectionately.


Lian Qingxue had a familiar feeling, she always felt that Qi Yun was going to start fooling herself again, so she was secretly alert.

"I promised you on that night when I confessed to you that I would give you a home."

Lian Qingxue: ......... No, I can't believe it.

"This house is the beginning of our family. Think about it, with a house, we will have our own small home in the capital."

Lian Qingxue began to hesitate.

"We can decorate our room well, we can buy the furniture we like, we can paint the walls with the color you like, and we can create a cozy little nest for us."

"We watch the sunrise and sunset together, cook together, watch TV together, and do ordinary but happy things together.

Lian Qingxue... was moved.

Unknowingly, she thought about Qi Yun's words, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

Sister Wang and Xiao Lin looked at each other.

"Small" nest?

You explain, what is small?

Seeing the expression on Lian Qingxue's face, Qi Yun added more force: "The house is in your name just to tell you that my money is your money, and my house is your house.

"Little Qingxue, everything about me belongs to you, as long as you belong to me."

Lian Qingxue gradually fell into Qi Yun's sweet talk.

Sister Wang on the side tightly held the house purchase contract in her hand, expressionless.

Tell yourself over and over in your heart:

Can't go! No matter how sour you can't go!

If you leave, you will have no money!

Hold back!

She cried silently in her heart, but seeing other people have such a boyfriend, it was really sour!

Qi Yun sighed deeply.

He is easy.

He is obviously a dedicated and good man.

In order to spend money for his girlfriend, he actually trained the eloquence of a scumbag!

It's so hard to make money!

After Lian Qingxue finished the copy of the ID card in a daze, Qi Yun and she left.

Xiao Lin and Sister Wang will naturally handle the follow-up matters.

Looking at their backs, Sister Wang took a slow breath and finally left!

Sour her!

He turned to look at Kobayashi.

But he found that Xiao Lin looked at Lian Qingxue and the others reluctantly.

"...Xiao Lin, don't you think that if you are with them, you will be very jealous of that girl?"

"Jealous? Why jealous?" Kobayashi looked puzzled.

"Her boyfriend dotes on her so much."

"Such a beautiful young lady, shouldn't she be spoiled?" Xiao Lin looked at him with a puzzled expression instead.

The procedure went very fast.

In less than two weeks, Lian Qingxue got the real estate certificate in her own name.

Inside the milk tea shop, Xiaoyu moved her head closer, looking at the real estate certificate with a particularly fresh look.

They were all orphans, not to mention having their own houses.

Not even a home.

Now that Lian Qingxue has her own real estate certificate, she is quite curious.

"Four hundred square meters? Qingxue, how big is four hundred square meters?"

Xiaoyu felt that her head was not enough.

Their rooms in the orphanage are only fifteen square meters in total, and they sleep two people.

Four hundred square meters is a bit unimaginable to her.

"Hmm... I can't tell, why don't you go there to play in the future?"


Although I couldn't afford a house, I saw that my little sister had her own house.

Xiaoyu is also very happy.

Qi Yun spoke at this time: "Xiaoyu, don't be envious, I'm going to change dormitories for you too."


It was because he had just gained a foothold in the capital.

When Xiaoyu and others came to the capital, they had no place to live.

Qi Yun didn't have time to find them a house [Zhongneng gave them rent subsidies.

They found houses in two old communities by themselves.

The kind with three bedrooms and one living room.

There are twenty-four employees in the milk tea shop, men and women live in half and half, the girls occupy one house as the girls' dormitory, and the boys live in the other house.

Rent splits are cheap.

But it is very remote, and there are so many people in the house, it seems very cramped.

The milk tea shop opens at nine o'clock in the morning, and Xiaoyu and the others have to get up at about six o'clock.

It's not that Qi Yun doesn't want them to live better.

But Xiaoyu and the others are used to frugality.

I think it's good.

Now when I heard Qi Yun talk about changing the dormitory, I didn't react immediately.

Qi Yun's idea is very simple, since he has money, of course he must continue to invest in the company.

There are not enough staff to open a milk tea shop now.

He is going to simply buy the property in the name of the company.

Buying a building can't be empty, just use it as a dormitory for Xiaoyu and the others!

In this way, it is another rebate.

"...Change dormitory? Where?"

"I've been looking for it recently, and my idea now is to find a nearby single apartment building, and try to let each of you have your own room. Of course, the dormitory is an employee benefit, and you don't need to pay for it."

Qi Yun laughed.

Xiaoyu: "So good!"

She also came out to work for a long time, and learned a lot of things.

For example, the employees of their milk tea shops, in fact, the salary will not be high.

Compared with their counterparts in Beijing, their wages are already much higher.

On average, about a third more.

Now Qi Yun bought them a bachelor apartment as a dormitory?

Xiaoyu has also learned that even an ordinary single apartment now costs more than 1,000 yuan in rent.

Isn't this equivalent to another salary increase of more than a thousand in disguise?

The rest of the staff are not stupid either.

It's not like they can't count this bit of arithmetic.

"thank you boss!"

All of a sudden, the mood of the milk tea shop assistant rose steadily.

Who wouldn't want to live better?

"Did you hear that?" Xiaoyu patted the table, and said to the employees below her: "I don't ask you to work hard, but the boss is so nice, you should check your conscience! Should you work hard!"

"Don't worry, store manager! I won't get off work all night today!"

"I'm not off work either!"

"Let's not talk about today, I'll stay at get off work all night for a month!"

"Don't!" Lian Qingxue said helplessly: "You don't want to get off work, I still want to get off work at 743! Besides, the store is not open 24 hours a day!"

She glared at Qi Yun.

I think if it wasn't for Qi Yun, the staff in this store wouldn't be so crazy.

Qi Yun is particularly innocent.

Isn't he just trying to cash in?

"Why are you staring at Qi Yun?" Xiaoyu, who was dazzled by the new dormitory, jumped backwards.

She is on Qi Yun's side!

"???" Lian Qingxue stared blankly at Xiaoyu: "Xiaoyu, where are you from? We have been sisters for more than ten years?"

"Sisters are sisters, but if you don't respect my boss now, you can't!"

Xiaoyu looked determined.

It's like being brainwashed.

No way, Qi Yun is too generous, she decided, she will be Qi Yun's person from now on!

Sisterhood, you have to rely on it!

Lian Qingxue: Sorry!

She looked at Qi Yun and felt that she was so lonely in the store now.

Qi Yun: "...Ahem, the rules in our store have always been like this, you listen to the boss, but the boss has to listen to the lady boss.

Xiaoyu: "...Boss...! I'm on your side!"

"But I've always been on Xiao Qingxue's side!" Qi Yun looked surprised, as if he thought Xiao Yu didn't even understand this?

Xiaoyu felt a biting cool wind.

really cold.

She looked at Lian Qingxue and smiled flatteringly.

It seems that they want to restore the sisterhood that is about to break down.

"...All the equipment after get off work today will be cleaned by you!"

Hearing Lian Qingxue's words, Xiaoyu almost burst into tears.


You only care about pleasing the boss, but you forget that the boss's position is too crooked!

Faithfulness has been betrayed!

On the third day after the real estate certificate was issued, Xiaoyu rushed in from outside and shouted when she was at work one day.

"Not good! Someone imitated our store!"

PS: There are still 4,000 words left, I must finish writing, and I will never sleep until I finish writing!.

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