The Goddess Is Still So Pitiful, She Was Invested By Me!

Chapter 120: Go Back And Set Up A Monument For Qi Yun!

Lu Ming and the original boss squatted in the shop.

The employees in the store were trembling.

These two are big bosses, and it's not like Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue who grew up with their employees.

No matter how they look at it, they don't seem like people who can work in a milk tea shop.

On the contrary, it looks like a dedicated supervisor.

For a while, there was silence in the milk tea shop.

At this time, a boy came in from outside the store.

It froze all of a sudden.

Turn around and leave.

"Hey! Classmate! Why are you leaving? Where did we not do well?"

The original boss was in a hurry.

He is not like Lu Ming, who has so much money in his hand.

His total net worth is only 10 to 20 million.

Losing money in the past two days made him feel pained.

The boy scratched his head: "There's no problem, it's just the atmosphere, it's too much like my tutor's laboratory... I'm afraid when I enter the door."

Clerk: .....Looking sideways at Lu Ming and the two of them.

Students, you are right!

Luming: "...

Former boss:

After the two of them calmed down, the atmosphere in the shop gradually became active, and the business picked up.

Because of the discount, the number of people who came to the store today was much more than the previous few days.

Seeing this scene, although losing money.

The original boss couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

At least the discount has the effect of "zero one three".

At noon, a man and a woman came in.

The two looked like students of Capital University.

It's not far or close, within half a meter, but not touching.

Just the right ambiguous distance.

The boy kept stealing eyes on the girl's expression.

"Shall I buy you a cup of milk tea?"

he asked the girl.

The girl nodded, looking at the order list, a little hesitant: "I heard that the snow tea next door tastes better."

The boy's heart skipped a beat.

In fact, he also knows that the taste of snow tea is relatively better.

But... isn't this store offering discounts?

Boys are not stingy.


Maybe you need money tonight?

Why not go to the hotel, go to the hotel, go to the hotel.

He had a ten-thousandth fantasy.

Although he understands, the relationship between the two of them has not yet been determined.

But, men are animals that love to dream!

At this time, there was a sudden commotion from Xuecha's side.

Everyone in the store couldn't help but look over.

The girl couldn't help but look up, with a curious expression on her face.

Seeing her like this, the boy secretly sighed in his heart.

If it's expensive, it's more expensive.

Men still have to be a little more airy.

"Shall we go and see?"

he said to the girl.

The girl nodded, and the two walked out of the store.

After watching this scene, Lu Ming: "???"

He couldn't help but look towards Xuecha.

What is this?

Steal his business all at once?

He felt a little uneasy.

Followed to go out.

The man and woman came to Xuecha, and a large group of people had already gathered around the door of the shop.

They are all students.

There is also a tall billboard next to the door.

What is written on it is also very conspicuous.

"Kiss to win milk tea: as long as the kissing time reaches 30 seconds, then you can get two free cups of milk tea.

There is also a line of boys below: "This store is having an event, couples enter the store to consume, and the second cup is free!"

Seeing these two sentences, the boy was also attracted.

Kiss in public.

A little exciting.

There is also a huge timer at the entrance of the store.

It seems that it is specifically for calculating time.

However, although there are many people watching.

But those who dared to try did not.

After all, I'm still a student, so I can't let go of it a little bit.

Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue looked at it for a while, Lian Qingxue was a little anxious.

"How about we give them a sample?"

Qi Yun's voice with a smile rang in her ears.

Even Qingxue's little ears turned red all of a sudden.

"don't want!"

"Xiao Qingxue, now is the time for you to dedicate yourself to your dreams!"

At this time, Qi Yun didn't listen to Lian Qingxue, picked up Lian Qingxue, and stood under the timer.


Lian Qingxue, who was still baring her teeth and claws, suddenly became soft, obediently raising her face.

Forget about the present environment.

The two were so fascinated by each other that they even forgot the time.

But the onlookers did not forget.

Thirty seconds passed, one minute passed, two minutes passed.

By the time Qi Yun finally let go of Lian Qingxue who was out of breath, three full minutes had passed.

When Lian Qingxue woke up, she realized that everyone was looking at her and Qi Yun.

There were people whistling and cheering all the time.

Shy and annoyed, she patted Qi Yun's shoulder lightly.

Xiaoyu stood up at this time: "Congratulations to our boss and his wife for overfulfilling the task! Two cups of milk tea will be rewarded! Is there another one to try now?"

The two have high looks, and the kiss is even more pleasing to the eye.

Or, show off your affection fiercely.

This romantic atmosphere also affected the young lovers around.

Now hearing what Xiaoyu said, a couple of young couples immediately stood up.

Come up to the challenge.

This thing is said to be a challenge, but it is not difficult at all.

It is nothing but shame to overcome.

Now Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue brought the atmosphere together, and it became hot all of a sudden.

A pair of young lovers are challenging.

Some couples are too shy to go forward, but they are also very happy to watch.

Not to mention, not even getting two free drinks.

A free drink is not earned!

As for single dogs...

Although there is no discount for single dogs.

But they have dog food...

Although they don't understand why they look so enthusiastically.

I only know why the more I look at it, the sadder it becomes, and the sadder it becomes, the more I want to watch it...

The only one who is not very happy is Luming.

He was just scratching his head.

For Snow Tea, the discount is not even 50% off, not everyone can find a partner...

But the effect is better than a simple discount, I don’t know how much better!

He looked at Xuecha and almost attracted everyone around him.

In my milk tea shop, there seems to be no one left.

want to cry.

The Kissing Challenge, which started out pretty normal.

Then it gradually became abnormal.

It can't be said that it's abnormal, but it has a bit of an unexpected philosophical atmosphere.

When Qi Yun saw two boys coming forward, he was also a little stunned.

Is it so open in this day and age?

A boy seems a little helpless.

Pulled by another boy.

The two actually completed the challenge.

Lian Qingxue saw this scene.

Just one word on the face:

I can't understand it, but I'm shocked!

"Are they just for the free milk tea?"

She tilted her head and asked Qi Yun in puzzlement.

Qi Yun was also thinking about one thing.

It seems... If there is one person among them who is not for the free milk tea, would it be more terrifying?

Well, if two people are not innocent......

Then Qi Yun will sincerely send blessings.

Helps with overpopulation of men.

It is also a contribution to society.

It wasn't just Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue who were shocked by these two.

The audience is a little bombarded.

They want to see a little excitement.

But don't be so exciting!

The boy who just came from Luming's store was also completely shocked.

He looked at the two boys.

I looked at myself again.

Everyone has this kind of courage.

How can I be so cowardly?

He opened his mouth, and when the words came to his lips, he wanted to speak but got stuck.

I can't wait to slap myself twice.

I'm scared to go home.

"What's wrong?"

The girl next to him looked at him suspiciously.

"I'm about we pretend to be a couple and get a free cup of milk tea!" He said cautiously, "Just pretend!

The girl was silent for a while.

The boy's heart sank gradually, and he lowered his head slightly.

"You...if you don't want to..."

"Actually... two free cups, isn't it more economical?"

The girl's soft voice rang in his ears.

The boy suddenly looked up.

Looking at the face of the girl.

“Just to save money”

"Yes! Save money, save money!"

Looking at Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue, he made a secret decision in his heart.

Go back and set up a monument for Qi Yun!

The merit is immeasurable!

Lu Ming looked at it for a while, but couldn't stand it anymore.

Desperate, sad.

He returned to the store with a dejected look on his face.

"What's wrong?" asked the original boss.

"...Do you see if there is still business in the store?"

Lu Ming pointed to the store.

There are guests, but only one or two.

Looking at Xuecha again, the door was blocked.

Lu Ming also saw several employees of his own family stealthily leaning on the door, looking towards Xuecha.

...... Lu Dong, why don't we do this business!"

The original boss couldn't hold it anymore.

If you think about losing money, just lose money. There will always be a day when you will make money.

But look now.

The loss is 5.7.

Making money is like a dream.

Lu Ming didn't speak anymore.

The original boss continued: "Your junior, he is too good! We are here, we can't compete with him at all!"

Lu Ming's eyes lit up, and he said to the original boss: "Yes! You are right!"

"Then we closed the shop?"

"Closing the store? Who wants to close the store?" Lu Ming shook his head: "Not only do I not want to close the store, but I also want to open it! Although Qi Yun can dominate near the University of the Capital, but the capital is so big! I want to expand first and occupy the entire capital market!"

When the original boss heard it, his eyes turned black.

He always felt that Lu couldn't afford his family's little wealth.

But he dared not raise objections.

After all, although he is said to be a major shareholder, he is actually in charge.

In terms of strength and background, Lu Ming is still stronger.

Looking at Lu Ming's ambitious expression.

He couldn't help asking: "If Xuecha expands..."

"Impossible!" Lu Ming was full of confidence: "The other party doesn't have as much money as us!"

PS: 12,000 is completed, and I can finally go to sleep. It seems that I saw a reader saying that Lian Qingxue called her grandpa and grandpa. The first one is that sometimes people in my hometown call me grandpa, and the second one is that Lian Qingxue is the only family member, so calling grandpa is closer. That's it. .

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