The Goddess Is Still So Pitiful, She Was Invested By Me!

Chapter 138 You Are Blocking My Boss' Car!

Qi Yun was also a little helpless.

It's not that he can't afford a more expensive car.

But sometimes, the more expensive the car, the more troublesome it is to buy.

For example, some brands not only require you to pay for it, but also require you to satisfy your identity and brand tone.

Some styles are even harder to buy.

Many luxury car brands will stipulate that only if you have bought a car with a certain amount of money from their family, you are eligible to buy certain styles.

Simply put, sometimes money can't buy it.

Very sad.

Now this Ferrari california has just been available in this store.

Otherwise it is not such a good buy.

The young lady is very enthusiastic.

"Our two cars are current cars, and the upgrade will be very fast. You can pick up the car in the afternoon. For the license plate, you leave your girlfriend's identity information, and we can help you with it."

When talking, the young lady still felt a little sour in her heart.

To be honest, she has seen many rich second generations who buy luxury cars.

It is not uncommon to buy a car for your girlfriend.

But the boyfriend's family bought a car for his girlfriend...

I have never seen it.

No one is sour.

Qi Yun nodded, he was not in a hurry, even Qingxue's birthday was two days away.

When paying, Qi Yun was particularly generous.

Although he earned less than 40 million from this order.

Compared with his current net worth of hundreds of millions, it is nothing.

But I can't stand it. It's easy.

In less than an hour, I made more than 30 million yuan.

Just very happy.

The smile on Qi Yun's face fell into the young lady's eyes.

That is a spoiled smile.

I've never seen such a joy in buying a car for my girlfriend.

The little sister said in a strange way: "Sir, your girlfriend is so happy!"


Qi Yun was stunned for a moment.

The little sister blushed, and she didn't know how she could say what was in her heart.

"I treat your girlfriend so well, she must be very happy."

Qi Yun glanced at her, and said a word: "You don't understand, my girlfriend, she... is a thief.

Vanves of course.

Qi Yun never imagined that there is a more prosperous girl in this world than Xiao Qingxue.

The lady is messed up.

She never thought in her life that there would be a handsome eighteen or nineteen-year-old guy telling her the criteria for finding a girlfriend.

It's Wangfu!

Isn't this what happened in her mother's time?

She watched Qi Yun and the three walk out of the store in silence.

A colleague from the side came over.

"Oh? I can't bear to be a handsome guy? Yes, he is handsome and rich. He bought all the most expensive cars in our store!"

"You said... Is it too late for me to go to the temple to worship now?" The young lady thought deeply.

"Are you so superstitious? My mother just went!" said the colleague.

"You don't understand, traditional virtues can't be lost!" Miss Sister said firmly.

As soon as you leave the car shop.

Qi's mother, who was quite happy just now, suddenly became a little silent.

Not to mention anything else, even Qi's father is too lazy to complain.

Qi Yun didn't feel it at first.

Until Papa Qi elbowed him.


As soon as he turned his head, he saw Dad Qi winking at him crazily.

Signal him to look up to mom.

As soon as Qi Yun turned his head, he realized that this mother's expression was wrong.



By the way, this tone is emotional!

Qi Yun knows his mother too well.

"What's wrong?"


Qi's mother said she was fine, but she looked worried.

Just don't say it.

At this time, Dad Qi quietly leaned into Qi Yun's ear.

"Your mother...that's jealous!"


Qi Yun looked at Qi's mother's expression, she really looked like her!

"Think about it, did you buy me a car? Now you bought another one for Xiao Qingxue..."

Qi Yun understood.

"I'm not saying it's not good to buy for Xiao Qingxue, but your mother... this makes me feel uncomfortable."

Does Mama Qi hurt Lian Qingxue?

Of course it hurts.

Qi Yun gave Lian Qingxue money, and she didn't object at all.


How to say.

Watching his son spend money on women outside.

It's hard to be a mother.

Qi's mother is also awkward.

She felt sour, but she was too embarrassed to eat Lian Qingxue's vinegar.

Can only do not speak.

Qi Yun looked at Qi's mother, Qi's mother was looking around, but she didn't speak.

"Cough! Mom! I didn't take you shopping when you came to the capital. This shopping mall is good. Let's go shopping more?"


Qi's mother was listless, and the three of them wandered around the mall.

As she walked, the mother was dragged by Yun to a clothing store.

"Mom, try on this dress!"

Qi Yun took out a coat and put it on Qi's mother.

"Clothes? Why buy me clothes?"

"This is what I said, the son has made money, what's wrong with buying two clothes for my mother?"

Qi Yun patted his chest and said proudly.

....It's too expensive!"

The coat that Qi Yun was holding seemed to be made of mink, and it cost tens of thousands of dollars.

Qi's mother was terrified when she saw it.

Killed and refused to wear.

"Mom, just try it! If it doesn't look good, we don't want it!"

Qi Yun persuaded.

"I..... Shall I try?"

Qi's mother looked at the coat in Qi Yun's hand, and was also a little cautious.

She goes into the fitting room.

Dad Qi was next to Qi Yun, and secretly gave Qi Yun a thumbs up.

Didn't you see that the smile on Qi's mother's face couldn't stop?

"Dad, we'll see how you behave later!"

Qi Yun whispered to Qi's dad.

Dad Qi: "...Don't worry, I'm a professional in coaxing your mother! Just take care of it!"

Wait for Qi's mother to come out of the dressing room.

Dad Qi let Qi Yun understand what is ginger or old spicy, and what is the details.

The first is the eyes.

As soon as Qi's mother came out, Qi's father's eyes changed.

how to say?

It's the kind of eyes that are amazed mixed with happiness, and Tian Xin mixed with admiration.


Before Qi's father could speak, Qi's mother's face turned a little red.

"Does it look good?"

"Pretty! My wife is the most beautiful in the world!"

"Slick tongue!"

"Slander! This is the most sincere thought in my heart. Think about it, if you go back to the factory wearing this suit, who wouldn't envy those old women in the office?"


Probably because Qi's father's expression was too sincere.

Mama Qi gradually wavered.

"We bought this dress!"

Qi Yun said to the waiter at the side.

"So much money..."

Mama Qi was still a little cautious.

"That said, what if I can buy a car for my girlfriend and a dress for my mother?"

After saying this, Qi's mother looked at Qi Yun's eyes, which was really full of warmth.

After Qi Yun paid the money, Qi's mother's spirit changed.

Mama Qi held the bag in her hand.

But the mouth is still distressed.

"Such expensive clothes are a waste of money!"

"It's very hot in our province, what kind of mink are you wearing?"

"Oh, can this be returned!"

If Qi Yun hadn't looked at her, she would have squeezed the bag tightly in her hand.

He believed Mama Qi's words.

And so back to the courtyard.

Mama Qi couldn't bear it anymore.

She took out her cell phone and started calling.

"Who is Mom calling?"

Qi Yun asked his father a little puzzled.

Qi's father looked at Qi's mother who was chatting enthusiastically with others, and chuckled lightly.

"Who else? Relatives and colleagues at home! Let me tell you, before your mother went back, she bought a mink news, these people have to listen to it three times!"

Sure enough, Qi's mother's loud voice came from the room.

"Yes! It's a mink! It's tens of thousands!"

"I said it was expensive and I didn't want to buy it, but Qi Yun wasted money and insisted on buying it!"

"This child is disobedient now!"

Qi Yun secretly smiled.

As for the matter of Versailles, the mother is self-taught.

The snow tea shop, Lian Qingxue has been particularly annoying these two days.

Just like she thought.

She is famous.

At least within the scope of the entire capital.

She and Xuecha already had quite a reputation.

It's a bit like the kind of online celebrity shop in later generations.

Being famous is a good thing for Snow Tea.

In the past two days, the turnover of the snow tea shop of Jingcheng University has increased by half again.

Xiaoyu and the others were so busy that they were overwhelmed.

But Xiaoyu and the others were also in pain and joy.

Although tired, the business in the store is good.

Xiaoyu gets dividends, and employees also get rewards.

They also knew that Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue were not stingy people.

But for Lian Qingxue, she encountered some troublesome things.

She met the stalker type suitor.

In fact, even Qingxue was somewhat famous at Capital University before.

There are many admirers.

But many people know that Lian Qingxue has a boyfriend.

Even those who are unwilling, will not go too far.

After all, he is still a student, so his skin is relatively thin.

But now, even Qingxue's admirer is not so pure.

Ordinary people certainly don't go too far.


But I can't stand some rich second generations, or bosses or something.

I feel that my conditions are very good, and I am very confident in my heart. I have been rejected by Lian Qingxue again and again, and I have no intention of shrinking back.

Like this one today.

"Qingxue? Do you have time at night?"

It was a man in his twenties or thirties who spoke.

He was well dressed.

The hairstyle is relatively elegant, and he is wearing a suit.

I still have a Rolex in my hand, do I want to roll up my sleeves and show off?

At first glance, it looks like a successful person.

"No, and, Mr. Fan, please don't ask for E Qingxue!"

"Huh? We're all so familiar, so it's okay to call me intimate, right? You can also call me Ming Rui, and you don't have to call me Mr. Fan so politely."

It was as if he didn't see Lian Qingxue's indifference.

This Fan Mingrui still said with a smile on his face.

Lian Qingxue said seriously with a small face: "Mr. Fan, I don't think we have gotten to know this well, and I told you a long time ago that I have a boyfriend, please don't bother me."

Even Qingxue had a headache.

This Fan Mingrui is the boss of a nearby company.

Hearing from him, the condition of the family is good.

Anyway, listening to him brag, even if his family background is good, he can also live up to his expectations.

I said that I am good everywhere.

In the past two days, Yintian has come to the Snow Tea Shop.

Come to the store and do nothing.

Just to see if Lian Qingxue is here.

As soon as Lian Qingxue came to the store, he came over to strike up a conversation.


Lian Qingxue was annoying.

But this Fan Mingrui didn't do anything excessive, and she shouldn't be too tough, after all, the visitor is a guest.

Even Qingxue was very troubled.

You can only show your attitude by rejecting again and again.

But Fan Mingrui obviously didn't take Lian Qingxue's words to heart.

When Lian Qingxue said that she had a boyfriend, he didn't care at all.

Instead, he said: "If you fall in love while you are a student, you may not be able to stay forever, right? Qingxue, you have such good conditions, but you have to think carefully, not just any man can match you."

Hearing what Fan Mingrui said, Lian Qingxue showed a trace of anger on her face.

"Mr. Fan, you don't need to worry about my boyfriend and I. Besides, my boyfriend is in your heart, not just any man."

When Lian Qingxue spoke, although she didn't use any special words.

But Fan Mingrui could deeply feel Lian Qingxue's feelings for her boyfriend.

He felt uncomfortable for a while.

"Qingxue, how old are you now? How many people have you met? Besides, you are just a student now, how do you know the wonderful world? For example, the places I want to take you tonight are all from the upper class in our capital. The circle, the people there, are more powerful than your boyfriend, I don’t know how many there are!"

Fan Mingrui said a lot in a crackling voice.

Lian Qingxue was not moved at all.

"So what? I don't think there's anything wrong with opening a milk tea shop! What's more, I'm not interested in the so-called upper class you say!"

"Oh!" Fan Mingrui was also angry when he was rejected again and again, he stood up and walked to the door of the shop and said: "Lian Qingxue, I didn't mean you, with your innocence, you don't even understand what you are giving up! "

"Think about it, if you and your current boyfriend are together, you can only be a proprietress and open a milk tea shop in the future! Even if you open a chain, so what? It's not hard work!"

"But if you choose another way! Your significant other may be extremely expensive, or it may be a billionaire boss. You can simply drive a luxury car and live in a luxury house, and become a pampered noble Woman! This kind of life is beyond your imagination now."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind them.

"Boss, your car is here!"

Qi Yun stood behind Lian Qingxue, very respectful, and said like a housekeeper.

Lian Qingxue: "???"

I saw Qi Yun say to Fan Mingrui who was beside him: "Mister, give way, you are blocking my boss' car.

Fan Mingrui turned his head and saw the Ferrari shining in the sun at the door.


What did he just say?

What luxury car?

PS: Set up a FLAG tomorrow, eight thousand!

It doesn't seem to hurt much today, but I just want to sleep every day after taking the medicine...

I feel that the side effects are a little bit big, and my eyes are very blurred when I write.

I don’t know what I wrote in this chapter, and it was blocked as soon as it was published. Fortunately, I couldn’t fall asleep after reading it at night, and I just revised it. “The previous writing is still a bit rough.

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