The Goddess Is Still So Pitiful, She Was Invested By Me!

Chapter 142 Lian Qingxue: \"I Just Don't Want To Waste!\"

Lian Qingxue regretted it now.

Very jealous thief friends regret.

Why doesn't she have a long memory!

The last time she listened to Yu Xia's suggestion, she almost fell into a tiger's mouth.

This time it's fine.

Direct social death!

"Cough! Mom and Dad are here to celebrate your birthday! I want to give you a surprise!"

Qi Yun spoke up, trying to ease the atmosphere.

Lian Qingxue: "...

What a surprise.

She was almost dizzy in surprise.

Fortunately, her back was facing Qi's father, Qi's mother and the others.

They didn't see their cheongsam, but heard the conversation between her and Qi Yun.

Otherwise, Lian Qingxue would have swallowed a candle and committed suicide today.

In other words, she felt that she was not far from suicide now.


When Qi's father, Qi's mother and Lian Zhongyong sat down.

Qi Yun was distressed.

In this situation, it is not good for him to propose marriage!

Look at Lian Qingxue.

Even Qingxue's face was buried under the table.

He winked at Qi's mother.

Mother Qi understands.

"Qingxue, happy birthday! I also bought you a present!"

Mother Qi took out a gift box.

Inside is a dress.

Lian Qingxue finally raised her head.

She took the gift box.

The voice is as small as a mosquito: "Thank you, auntie!"

Mama Qi narrowed her eyes with a smile.

Suddenly Zai Lian Qingxue said in a low voice: "I can wait for you to call me mom.

Lian Qingxue blushed even more when she heard this.

But my heart was relieved.

She didn't dare to look up, shyness is one aspect.

But on the other hand, it is fear.

After all, her bold speech was heard by Mom and Dad.

Lian Qingxue had to worry about leaving a bad impression on Qi's father and Qi's mother.

Some people of the older generation are still very old-fashioned in their thinking.

Mama Qi still knows a little bit about girls.

As soon as she said that, Lian Qingxue understood that Mama Qi was comforting herself.

She told herself that not only did she not have a bad impression of Lian Qingxue.

On the contrary, I look forward to Lian Qingxue becoming my family.

But there are still people who think more rigidly.

For example, Lian Zhongyong on the side......

Lian Zhongyong didn't think about his granddaughter.

I'm busy staring at Qi Yun now!

If it weren't for Qi Yun to fascinate his granddaughter.

My granddaughter can be so bold!

After all, Qi Yun is still to blame!

Qi's father, Qi's mother, and even Zhong Yong didn't stay long.

After all, the atmosphere is awkward. 023

It is also difficult for Qi Yun to propose marriage.

When Lian Zhongyong left, he was particularly unwilling.

I kind of want to pull Lian Qingxue to go with me.

Qi's father and Qi's mother just went out.

Lian Qingxue lay down on the table.

He looked as if life would be worse than death.

"Woooo! How can I see my uncles and aunts in the future!" She moaned.

"Why can't we see each other?" Qi Yun comforted: "We are all adults now!"

"Hmph! It's all your fault!" Lian Qingxue stared at Qi Yun with her small mouth raised, "Why didn't you say anything when they came!"

"Didn't I want to give you a surprise......"

"I don't care, I don't care~"

Lian Qingxue covered her ears.

He looked like he didn't want to listen to Qi Yun's explanation.

Obviously, her mentality has collapsed now.

"Actually... I told them to hide.

"Hmph! I said it was you!"

Lian Qingxue was furious.

Seeing her like this, Qi Yun rolled his eyes.

"The reason why I didn't say it is because I wanted to propose to you today."

Qi Yun took out the small box containing the diamond ring and put it on the table.

Lian Qingxue was stunned.

She stared blankly at the box on the table, her voice fluttering.


"That's right, Mom and Dad were originally hiding, and when I proposed, they just came out!"

Lian Qingxue was dumbfounded.

Feelings are my problem?

"But I can only find a chance next time..."

Qi Yun sighed.

To be honest, he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Lian Qingxue heard Qi Yun say this.

Eyeballs turn and turn.

The little hand sneakily touched the diamond ring box.

Qi Yun saw her movements from the corner of her eye.

But he remained calm.

Want to see what this little guy is doing.

Lian Qingxue held the box.

Also looked at Qi Yun.

I saw his eyes looking away, as if he didn't see his actions.

sneak a smile.

Open the box.

The diamond ring inside appeared in front of her eyes.

I saw her little hands twitching.

Hook out the diamond ring.

Quietly put it on her finger.

The diamond ring was specially bought by Qi Yun (cjbf) according to the circumference of Lian Qingxue's finger.

Just right.

Lian Qingxue secretly put on the ring.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

But when she looked up, she found Qi Yun was looking at her.

With a smirk on his face.

Lian Qingxue immediately put on a straight face.

I am still angry!


"Is this locking you up?"

"No way! I'm Dai Dai!"

"Then... this is an engagement ring, are you agreeing to marry me?"

Hearing what Qi Yun said, Lian Qingxue's head was held high.

But the neck is red.

I dare not look at Qi Yun at all.

"Who said... I just don't want to waste! I bought all the rings!"

"Oh~ don't waste it!"

Qi Yun smirked.

Lian Qingxue couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to take off the ring.

But Qi Yun hugged Lian Qingxue in her arms.

"Will you marry me?"

Qi Yun said in Lian Qingxue's ear.

Even Qingxue didn't speak.

Just nodded quietly.

"Huh? If you don't speak, you don't want to?"

Qi Yun teased her.


Lian Qingxue said quickly.

Look at Qi Yun's expression again.

I didn't know that I was cheated by Qi Yun again!

"Hmph!" She tilted her little head.

Qi Yun lowered his head.


After a long time, the heads of the two were separated.

"Where are your hands?"

"Ahem, I'm used to it! Little Qingxue, did we not finish something just now?"

Qi Yun was still a little excited inside.

It's hard for Xiao Qingxue to be so active.

Now everyone is gone.

Of course he wants to satisfy Lian Qingxue!



"Uncles and aunts know that you are here! You have to go back tonight! Otherwise, what will they think!"

Lian Qingxue snorted.

"Little Qingxue, you don't have to be so cruel, do you? Why are you pushing me!"

Qi Yun was pushed out the door by Lian Qingxue.

He saw the door slam shut in front of him.

Silently looking at the bright moon in the sky.

Was the proposal a success?

But he was kicked out of the house again and lost a great opportunity!

"I... am I losing or gaining?"

Since her birthday, Qi Yun saw that even Qingxue's chances were much less.

Because the final exam month of Beijing University is here.

Lian Qingxue was extremely nervous.

Holding the book every day is reviewing.

What about getting engaged and married.

It was all left behind.

Qi Yun dormitory.

Sheng Huai stopped playing basketball.

Holding the exercise set, he looked bitter.

Buried in brushing questions.

Qi Yun is also reading.

Sheng Huai is learning and learning, probably a school.

He turned his head and glanced at Qi Yun.

"Huh? Qi Yun, what are you looking at?"

Qi Yun brightened the book cover.

"Modern algebra? Did we take it this semester?"

Sheng Huai was a little confused.

"No, this is the course for next semester, I'll check it out in advance."

"You don't study?"

"Hmm..." Qi Yun thought for a while, as if he didn't have anything to review.

But, will you be beaten if you say so?

Sheng Huai didn't seem to care.

Instead, he began to chatter: "I advise you to read more about advanced algebra! I heard that last year, Professor Dai failed 30% of the class!"

As he spoke, he shivered.

As if frightened.

Qi Yun was also stunned: "So cruel?"

The freshman courses in the Department of Mathematics, in fact, are the two most important courses.

One course in mathematical analysis and one course in advanced algebra.

It can be said to be the foundation of undergraduate mathematics.

The credits are high.

The modern algebra that Qi Yun is looking at now is an advanced course of advanced algebra.

Capital University has requirements for students' grades.

One of the biggest requirements is that the number of students who have reached grade A cannot exceed 30% of the class.

Grade A means excellent.

More than eighty-five points.

To put it bluntly, it is to prevent the teacher from being too nice and everyone giving high marks.

Let the test scores be as dry as possible.

But Qi Yun didn't expect that.

Professor Dai can also operate in reverse.

People who can hang 30%...

"It's so ruthless... I heard that many people cried after passing the Gaodai exam last semester."

Sheng Huai had a lingering feeling of fear on his face.

Why is he afraid to play basketball?

Isn't that what you're afraid of?

There are really not many fools who can enter Capital University.

This can be linked to 30%, and Sheng Huai feels scared when he thinks about it.

"The other teachers are very good, even if you don't pass the exam, they will try their best to give you a pass...Professor Dai doesn't show affection at all!

Qi Yun thought about it, maybe Professor Dai really is such a person.

He is very serious.

In the first class, he left the school textbook aside.

First, I scolded for half a class what is wrong with this book.

He lectures very quickly, and he doesn't follow the book at all.

Students are also very hard-working.

But on the other hand, if you understand, you know that he speaks very well.

Quoting extensively from sources, explaining the profound things in a simple way.

Almost at your fingertips.

It can only be said that this kind of teaching method is also in Beijing University.

There are more academic masters.

Otherwise, I'm afraid most people will be caught blind.

Once, when Qi Yun was reading a book, he encountered a problem that he didn't quite understand.

Send an email to Professor Dai for advice.

As a result, at twelve o'clock in the evening, the professor replied with a particularly long email.

Talked to Qi Yun in detail for a long time.

Talk about it.

Just two words: capricious.

"Who says Professor Dai is an academician?" Qi Yun replied.

"Yeah...they are all big bosses, don't mess with them!"

Sheng Huai also sighed.

In the past two years, Capital University has paid special attention to the teaching of undergraduates. As an academician, Professor Dai also came to guide freshman students.

It is also because he is an academician that he can be so willful.

He scolded other people's textbooks for poor writing, and maybe other authors could only nod their heads and listen to the instructions.

Because the author is his student...

That's the big guy.

If he failed, no one could do anything about it. They could only honestly take the make-up exam and retake it.

No wonder Sheng Huai was so nervous.

At this time, Wang Jun came back.

He looked quite relaxed, not at all like Sheng Huai.

"What are you doing?"

"Review!" Sheng Huai wailed, "I'm going to take the college entrance examination soon, I don't want to fail!"

"Review? Review what?" Wang Jun looked indifferent: "I won't review!"

...... you are so confident?"

"Hi! I'm not like you guys. What counts as a grade?" Wang Jun said coolly, "I just took the exam naked! Long live the pass!"

"What if you hang up?"

"Fail the exam? Let's take the make-up exam after failing the exam!" Wang Jun looked very pleased: "Let me tell you, life without failing the exam is incomplete!"

Seeing Wang Jun's free and easy look.

Sheng Huai was a little envious.

After all, he is in a panic right now.

"I don't dare to fail the exam, or my mother will beat me to death!"

"Hey, my mother doesn't care about me! Besides, we are all adults, so what are we afraid of! I just went to the Internet cafe to play games for a long time today! It was so cool! I don't care about the exam at all!"

Wang Jun smiled.

I heard Wang Jun say that.

Sheng Huai hesitated a little.

Otherwise, do not review?

Just when Wang Jun was bragging, Zhu Qian came back.

Zhu Qian is the hardest one in their dormitory.

I go to the study room every day on weekdays.

Come back too late.

As soon as he saw Wang Jun, Zhu Qian said, "Oh? Wang Jun, you're back? I told you to come with me!"

"Call me?"

"That's right, didn't you study in the library all day? I saw you! When I left, I called you, but you disappeared again!"



Qi Yun and Sheng Huai fell into silence.

"Library? Study for a day?" Sheng Huai said quietly, "How did I hear that Wang Jun played in the Internet cafe for a long time?"

"Impossible? I saw it with my own eyes! He is so serious that he didn't see me after studying for a whole day!"

Zhu Qian said in a daze.

Sheng Huai stared at Wang Jun.

Wang Jun: ...Maybe, I remember wrongly?"

...What is it to fail a subject? No more revisions? You thief, give me your life!"

Furious, he walked towards Wang Jun.


Wang Jun's screams spread far and wide.

"Good job!"

Qi Yun couldn't help applauding too.

Wang Jun is too stupid!

PS: There is still a chapter of 4,000 words tonight. .

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