The Goddess Is Still So Pitiful, She Was Invested By Me!

Chapter 145 Send Money! The Dignity Of The Delivery Staff!

The old employee is called Li Han.

In his thirties, he has been working for several years.

Some time ago, she was recruited by Chen Shanshan.

He saw that the little girl beside him looked at him strangely, and couldn't help but smile.

"Do you think I'm growing very fast?"

"Well, kind of... kind of..."

The little girl was very embarrassed.

She wanted to say shameless.

But Li Han has been taking good care of her.

He is embarrassed.

"Brother teaches you one thing, no matter what, the truth is what you eat in your stomach."

The little girl nodded, but she was still a little confused.

"It's because I didn't tell you too much. Do you know what the boss of my previous company was like?"

Li Han turned the water glass in his hand and smiled.

"What does it look like?"

"Don't talk about anything else, I went to the company in the first year, and I didn't understand anything like you." Li Han recalled: "I thought at that time that as long as I worked hard, I could take care of the company.

I will definitely get a promotion and a raise

The little girl listened intently.

This is very similar to her idea

To be honest, Snow Tea Company has a nice vibe.

If Qi Yun doesn't come to the company, it is enough to pay for it.

She is a fresh graduate, and her salary is a little higher than most of her classmates.

She is very grateful.

"But later, I was exhausted. After working for seven or eight years, I was promoted to be a team leader...... Do you know what makes me angry the most?"


"My later leader was an employee I brought along. He was actually not very capable, but he was promoted very quickly... I found out later that he is a relative of the boss."


"Actually, I endured it too, but last year, I had a serious illness and almost collapsed, so I understood. This part-time job is a part-time job. Don't get too involved in the drama. Maybe I will work for two years, and I will Changing jobs again? We have delicious food today, so let’s eat more and don’t think about anything else!”


The little girl knew that Li Han was confiding in herself.

Nod hard.

"Isn't that right! Let's have a good meal when the boss or leader finishes speaking!"

Li Han saw that the little girl seemed to have listened.

Can't help laughing with satisfaction 29.

At this time, the manager of the hotel ran over.

He looked anxious, as if something was wrong.

"Where's your boss?"

He found Chen Shanshan and asked.

Chen Shanshan took a look and found no trace of Qi Yun.

"What's the matter?" she asked.

"What's the matter? Who did you invite for the annual meeting of your company?" The hotel manager said dissatisfiedly.


"Come and see!"

Chen Shanshan followed the manager to the hotel gate to have a look.

Only to find out that the delivery staff from Shanhai Delivery had arrived.

Chen Shanshan knew it.

Qi Yun is also the largest shareholder of Shanwai Express.

Belongs to the brother company.

What she didn't expect was that Qi Yun invited a delivery person to come over.

You know, Shanhai Food has been rolled out in the capital.

There are over a thousand takeaways....

Although not all of them came.

But there are hundreds of them.

"Why don't you let them in?"

Seeing so many delivery people being blocked outside, Chen Shanshan said.

"Go in?" The hotel manager looked absurd: "What level is our hotel, these people go in

He didn't finish his sentence.

But the meaning was conveyed.

Speaking of it, not only now, but ten years later, there are still many hotels or communities where takeaway guys are not allowed to enter.

Hearing what the hotel manager said, the takeaway guy standing outside the door didn't have a particularly good-looking face.

On the other hand, they also have a little low self-esteem.

"How about we go?"

"Yes... let's go..."

"Didn't you say you want us to come to the annual meeting?"

"But they don't let us in, they look down on us!"

To be honest, they themselves have a guilty conscience.

The delivery staff also started their own debate.

Many people want to leave.

Chen Shanshan was helpless, she raised her eyes and found Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue coming!


"Huh? Why are there so many people stuck here?"

"The hotel won't let them in....."


Qi Yun was taken aback.

"what happened?"

"Director Qi, this...they don't match the image of our hotel!"

The hotel manager on the side said.

Qi Yun frowned.

He looked at the group of takeaways.

They all look complicated.

Part of it was anger.

Part of it also feels like it doesn't belong in this place.

They all looked at Qi Yun.

I want to see what my boss has to say.

"Not in line? My company's annual meeting, can't my company's employees enter?"

Qi Yun asked a little angrily.


The hotel manager is also numb.

"Okay, if you won't let them in, let's find another hotel!"

Qi Yun was too lazy to talk to him.


Hotel managers find it particularly tricky.

It's not that they can't afford to offend Qi Yun.

But for business, how can we push customers out?

You know, Miyun has occupied the hotel's largest banquet hall for one night.

But it made a lot of money for the hotel.

If he drove away such a big customer.

In the future, I will eat and hang up.

"Okay! Director Qi, you have already spoken, what else can't you enter?"

He winked at the security guard on the side.

The security guard got out of the way.

The delivery staff of Shanhai Company, you look at me, I look at you, and they all walk inside hesitantly.

Qi Yun could tell.

They're still a little bit cringe-worthy.

Qi Yun sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"It's because I didn't think carefully..." Qi Yun blamed himself a little.

It was Qi Yun's request to let the delivery staff come to the annual meeting.

Yu Hai actually didn't understand.

But Qi Yun insisted.

But now Qi Yun found that maybe he thought too simple.

This group of takeaway workers went through this incident.

I'm afraid they will also look at themselves with strange eyes.

Sure enough, he entered the banquet hall.

The group of takeaway workers naturally formed a group.

Compared with the previous employees, there is a clear distinction.

Originally, the banquet hall was very large.

But as soon as they came in, it seemed that there were a lot of people.

After all, there were hundreds of people here all of a sudden.

There is also a small thousand people in the entire banquet hall.

But even with so many people, a dividing line can still be vaguely seen.

The takeaway staff surrounded the city by themselves, which meant that they were a little separated from others.

Even Qingxue was a little worried.

After all, this is not a good thing.

"Go and talk to the master of ceremonies, let's change this process......

Qi Yun suddenly said to Chen Shanshan who was at the side.


"Just tell them..."

At eight o'clock in the evening, Congress began on time.

Qi Yun stepped onto the stage.

"Cough...... Hello everyone, maybe most of you don't know me very well, it doesn't matter, I don't know you very well either."

There was a burst of low laughter from the audience.

Indeed, Qi Yun has kept a relatively low profile in both companies.

Except for some old employees from the beginning.

Many people don't know him.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Qi Yun, there are two companies here, and I am the investor and major shareholder of the two companies.

"Well, to put it simply, it is to send money to our company."

After Qi Yun said this, the audience became quiet.

Who doesn't know, this is a big boss.

Who dares to laugh?

Qi Yun's expression also turned serious.

"Maybe someone knows that when we just came in, some unpleasant things happened: Our delivery man was blocked at the door and was not allowed to come in..."

No one in the audience thought that Qi Yun would say this.

For a while, it became more secure.

A group of takeaway workers have complex expressions on their faces.

When they first came to the annual meeting.

is very exciting.

Most of the delivery guys here, from previous life, are not particularly nice.

Some students come out to work.

There are also former migrant workers.

Speaking of which, to be able to come to a five-star hotel, they are all fresh.

But being stopped outside the hotel made them understand.

People here look down on them.

Other employees were able to get in smoothly.

Just the group of them, those wearing delivery uniforms, were stopped outside the door.

Who can feel better?

Invisibly, their excitement has almost disappeared.

Many people feel that they should not come.

There are even some people who feel that their profession as a delivery man is not on the table.

The hotel manager was also in the room.

After all, he was serving Qi Yun and the others tonight.

Hearing this, a little embarrassment appeared on his face.

He thought that Qi Yun was going to scold him, and buy people's hearts by the way.

He didn't care.

In the service industry.

Being scolded is also normal.

Qi Yun scolded him, how many pieces of meat could he lose?

There was also a well-placed apology on his face.

However, Qi Yun's next sentence stunned everyone.

"The responsibility for this matter lies with me!" Qi Yun held up the microphone.

"I said before that every delivery person is an employee of our company. And our company's employees should not be so disrespectful."

Qi Yun said very seriously.

"Before, I discussed with our general manager Yu Hai, what is the foundation of our Shanhai Express?"

"Many people think it's an algorithm, a technology, or a business."

"But in my heart, you, our company's delivery staff, are the foundation of our company and the most important asset of our company."

"You should not be wronged, you are wronged, it is my responsibility!"

Qi Yun spoke from the heart.

The food delivery industry, after all, is a labor-intensive industry.

No matter how advanced the algorithm is.

No matter how many franchised merchants there are.

The takeaway is the most important thing.

From the beginning, Qi Yun has been investing more in its delivery staff.

In this era, no food delivery company buys insurance for delivery staff.

Not to mention the five insurances and one housing fund.

I bought it from Shanhai Express.

Of course, Qi Yun also has the desire to increase investment in his heart so that he can spend money and rebate.

But there are plenty of ways to spend more.

Qi Yun chose to spend on the delivery staff.

There is no other reason.

I just understand in my heart: the person who suffers the most cannot get the least.

He looked at the deliverymen of different colors under the stands.

Someone was a little moved to hear his words.

Many more, unmoved.

Most of these delivery people have experienced the tempering of life.

Just two sentences, they will not be moved.

"Maybe, words are too weak, so I change

The annual meeting process. "

Qi Yun waved to 517 behind him.

Several waiters came over pushing a big cart.

The cart was covered with a layer of red cloth.

Square and square, no one knows what it is.

"I decided that the first task of our annual meeting is to reward our delivery staff!

After speaking, Qi Yun yanked the red cloth off the cart.


There was a burst of exclamation.

Not only the delivery staff, even the employees who arrived first couldn't help stretching their necks to look.

.....…A lot of money!"

The audience buzzed.

Yes, the cart is full of money.

Red ones, piles upon piles.

There is Qi Yun shoulder height.

The cart is also quite big.

Everyone can understand at a glance that this is a lot of money.

The little girl next to Li Han was dumbfounded.

Turning his head to look at Li Han, he murmured.

"Brother, was your previous annual meeting also so straightforward?"

Li Han: "...... I attended it before, maybe it was a holiday annual meeting

Is it customary to send money at the annual meeting?

Very vulgar!

But does it work?

very effective!

The scene of the annual meeting, which was still a little dead just now, suddenly boiled up.

"I'm going to reward our delivery staff with this money! Everyone has it! Among them, there are more outstanding employees!"

Qi Yun's words made the atmosphere of the venue even better.

...By the way, what do you think of me transferring to deliver food?"

Li Han suddenly turned his head and said.


The little girl knew that her Brother Li was very realistic.

But I didn't expect it to be so realistic...

"Now, those whose names I have read, please come up to receive the year-end rewards."

Qi Yun took out a list.

"The first one, Sheng Huai!"

Sheng Huai ran up happily.

He is also a takeaway outfit, looking at the banknotes beside Qi Yun, his eyes shine.

Qi Yun continued: "Perhaps many people know about Sheng Qiang. He has acted bravely and maintained the image of Shanhai Express. Here, we will give him a bonus of 20,000 yuan!"

Qi Yun took out two stacks of money and handed them to Sheng Huai.

People in the audience have red eyes

In the past, although Qi Yun promoted what he did in the company, many people didn't care.

After all, they are also afraid of trouble.

but now……

Their desire to contribute to society is just around the corner!

Can't hold back!

Send down the happy and unrequited Sheng Huai.

"Second place, Zhao Yu! He is our employee who delivers the most meals per day! Reward 20,000 yuan!"

"The third…………

Qi Yun read the names one by one.

Each person will be rewarded with more than 10,000 cash.

There are almost a hundred people.

PS: There are at least 3,000 more! We will not rest until we finish writing 10,000!.

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