The rider who is hungry only feels that every puff of smoke he spits out is like a big sigh.

So sad.


He paid five yuan a piece.

Three hundred yuan a day.

Definitely not a lot in this day and age.

It can even be considered a high salary.

He was also very satisfied before.

But this person is afraid of comparison.

Compared with the treatment of Shanhai's overseas delivery.

He is off balance.

" you usually earn so much?"

He asked with some difficulty.

"That's not true. Usually, an order is only five or six yuan. Isn't this the Spring Festival, and we have a Spring Festival subsidy."

said the other party.

He felt better.

Fortunately, I'm not particularly bad...awesome?


Why do people have Spring Festival subsidies?

He doesn't even know what a subsidy is.

He is still depressed.

I heard the other party continue to say: "I made nearly 60,000 yuan in three months last year."


He froze.

Sixty thousand in three months?

Twenty thousand a month?

He swallowed.

"How many orders do you deliver a day?"

I saw the other party scratching his head: "Work hard a day, more than 200 orders, more than 10,000 a month, and then the company issued a year-end bonus, and another 20,000."

Although he heard the year-end bonus of 20,000 yuan, he was hit again.

But he was still attracted by the quantity of two hundred orders.

"More than two hundred orders? So much?"

More than two hundred orders are not a lot.

The current algorithm is not so developed.

Especially not so strong route planning.

Food delivery is still a bit slower than later generations.

Two hundred orders may have to work from morning till night.

He also delivers food, and knows the hard work in it.

Now he only delivers about 60 orders a day.

Although part of the reason for this is that he is a novice and is not familiar with the road conditions.

But on the other hand, it was really tiring.

"I was laid off a few years ago, and I have a wife and children to support at home, so if I get a little tired, I'll be a little bit tired, as long as I can start a family.

The other party smiled shyly.

His heart was sour.

He is also a middle-aged man, and everyone knows that it is not easy.

The faint jealousy and envy just now dissipated quite a bit.

"Brother, it's not easy for you." He patted the other person on the shoulder.

"It's nothing difficult. In fact, if I can, I would like to work in the company for the rest of my life."

The other party said with a smile.

Very sincere.

He shook his head.

"I don't think I can do this for a long time... Anyway, I don't want to do this for a lifetime."

Let alone this era.

In later generations, delivery staff will still earn a hard-earned money.

And many people find it indecent.

Many times, doing this is a helpless move.

he is the one.

The two were talking, and the students who ordered takeaway also came down.

They each give the takeaway to each other.

Riding an electric bike together, we walked outside the school.

Just out of the school gate, when turning to a trail.

A scream suddenly sounded from behind them.

"Robbery! Someone snatches the bag!"

The hungry rider looked back.

A young woman is standing on the pavement.

Crash yelling.

Beside her, an electric car passed by.

A man wearing a helmet reached out and pulled her bag abruptly.

The speed of the man was very fast, and he threw away the woman who was robbed at once.

rushed towards them.

His heart moved, Lin wanted to block the opponent.

But when he saw the waist of the man with the helmet.

He felt cold.

There was a small fruit knife stuck in the opponent's belt.

Through that black helmet.

He could feel the ferocity of the other party.

It seemed that he felt that he wanted to stop someone.

The man in the helmet rode on the car and yelled at him.

"Go away!"

The speed is a little faster.

He stopped.

In my mind, I remembered the faces of my children.

The courage in my heart is like the sea water on the beach.

Disappeared cleanly.

None left.

He sighed softly in his heart.

He realizes that he is no longer the man he was when he was young.

Without the original passion and fearlessness.

And it's not like he hasn't done good things before.

But the result was hard for him to bear.

Good people do not necessarily have good rewards.

He already understood the result.

Thinking of this, he squeezed the handbrake.

Watching the helmeted man whizzing past him.

Indistinctly, a sneer was left behind.

Not just him, there are others on this street.

At this time, they all faintly gave way to the road.

No one dared to stop.

Only the woman who lost her bag was left with a desperate look on her face.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash of a vehicle colliding.

wake him up.

As soon as he looked up, he saw the delivery man from Shanhaihai, who knocked down the electric scooter of the man in the helmet.

Probably the helmet man didn't expect that someone would really stop him.

The cars were all overturned.

I also rolled two rolls on the ground.

The whole person was dizzy.

However, the riders of Shanhai Express seemed not to be affected by the impact.

Throwing off the electric car in his hand, he strode over and pressed the opponent under him.

"do not move!"

Of course the other party can't be obedient.

Still struggling on the ground.

This helmet man is a bit strong.

No one can hold him down.

Are you hungry? The rider has a clever heart.

He hurried over and kicked the fruit knife away from the opponent.

Maybe seeing someone come forward.

Others also rushed over.

Presser's presser's presser's presser's foot.

This made the opponent unable to move on the ground.

At this time, the girl who lost her bag ran over.

Her face was still red and she was out of breath.

Probably ran too fast.

She also saw the scene just now.

The rider staring at the mountain and the sea, his face is full of gratitude,

"Brother...thank you!"

She picked up her handbag.

After flipping through it twice, I took out a stack of money.

Handed over.

"Eh? What are you doing?"

"Brother, this bag is very important to me. If I lose it, I will lose my job. I really have nothing to express. Please accept this little money."

The girl said very sincerely.

The rider of Shanhai Express waved his hand quickly.

"No, no, I can do it with a little effort."

"But your electric car is broken, so it's also your money for repairing the car."

The two cars collided.

The electric vehicles sold by Shanhai were also seriously damaged.

The headlights are broken.

It looked a little miserable.

"Hey, I really don't need it! I'm doing a righteous act, and the company will reimburse me for it! If you really want to thank me, just order more takeaways from our company in the future!

The rider pointed to the Shanhaidian logo on his chest.

Said very seriously.


"Really, it is our company's request that I help you."

The little girl nodded and looked at his chest seriously.

"Mountain Overseas Delivery? I remember!"

There has been a robbery.

Naturally someone called the police.

By the time they finished taking notes and came out, a lot of time had passed.

"Today is useless."

The hungry rider looked at the sky and felt a little depressed.

It's not cost-effective to be brave.

In these two or three hours, they can make a lot of money.

"Hey, I think it's worth it."

He heard Shanhai Rider say that he didn't seem to care much.

Hearing this, he couldn't help but look at the other party in admiration.

Speaking of which, I am really true

But the other party didn't.

In fact, he is grateful to the other party now.

than making money.

He is also very happy to be able to do something meaningful.

Feeling a little turbulent now.

"Brother, you are this!"

He gave a thumbs up to the rider of Shanhai.

He could hear it just now.

That girl still wants to thank (cjcc) each other.

But the mountain and sea rider really doesn't want anything.

Speaking of it, he felt that the other party was a bit stupid.

But it didn't hinder the admiration in his heart.

At least he feels at ease when he gets along with such a person.

"No! I really didn't do anything!"

Unexpectedly, the other party was still shy.

No credit at all.

"Didn't do anything? Look at your electric car? It costs a lot of money to repair, right?"

He looked at the other party's electric car.

I am very distressed.

It took a few thousand to buy an electric car by myself.

The opponent's electric car looked a little more advanced than his own.

I'm afraid I can't get it without four thousand.

"Didn't I just say that my company will fix it?"


He froze.

Of course he heard it.

But he didn't believe it!

I thought the other party was fooling the girl.

"That's right, the company will bear the loss of being brave. Generally speaking, I don't have to pay for the repair of the car.

"Will it be fixed?"

"Not necessarily."

"I'll just say..."

"It may also be replaced directly with a new one."

He looked at each other.

Trying to see a hint of Banhao's joke on the other person's face.

But after half a day, he was desperate.


Absolutely not.

The face of the other party is very serious.

"That's okay, then your loss is not too big, that is, it is not easy to accept orders these two days."

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the heart is a little sour.

But he was still very happy for the other party.

After all, good people don't say that there will be good rewards.

It's not too bad, is it?

"I have no losses...Didn't I just say that? The company will reimburse all the losses, and there is also a reward for being brave. Calculated, I must have earned more than I have in the past two days."

"Besides, with this incident, I will definitely not pay back the year-end bonus!"

The tone of the other party is very happy.

But his heart is really sour.

The acid is home.

No, if our company can do the same.

I have courage too!

Who is still hesitating?

I can kill that helmet man with a single car!

Now he understood.

It turned out that the other party was really not shy.

It's because the other party has no worries.

"Is your company so good?"

"Yeah!" The other party nodded, very resolutely: "Didn't I just say that if possible, I want to work in the company for the rest of my life. Anyway, there are five social insurances and one housing fund, and there are still guarantees after retirement..."

Five insurances and one housing fund?

Why didn't he!

He swallowed.

If you say what he is most dissatisfied with this job.

It's just that there is no guarantee.

Always made him feel like a temp.

"Isn't it... going to your company to be a rider, is the requirement high?"

"Requirements? In fact, there are no requirements, just to have a good attitude towards customers and to be in good health?"

"That's it?"

"Uh, does being able to ride an electric bike count?"


He took off his vest, and looked at the other party sincerely.

The attitude is very affectionate: "Brother, please take me to you now... No, let's go to the company?"

Well, he is not a traitor.

He just felt that the mountain was selling blue, correcting the sun point.

fate with him

Are you hungry? Beijing branch.

Their office environment is better than that of Shanhai Express.

Yu Hai, who sells food from Shanhai, is also a cheap eater.

Especially now that Shanwai Express has been burning through Qi Yun's money.

It's better to be hungry.

After all, they got financing.


When I came to the capital, I rented an office in the best office building in the capital.

It's not that I'm hungry, I'm floating.

This is one of their strategies, which is to use this kind of action to cast an impression of being rich and powerful.

Put pressure on Shanhai to sell.

In fact, they attach great importance to Shanhai Express and the Beijing market.

Zhang Xuhao, the chairman of, has come to the capital in person.

Take control yourself.

"Our plan is to be fast! We must form momentum and stand on our heels when the other party can't react!"

Are you hungry for the capital market.

In particular, a plan called the Blitzkrieg Plan was formulated.

They really carefully studied the development of Guoshan Overseas Delivery.

The word-of-mouth of Shanhai Express is very good.

But the development is not fast.

Whether it is Qi Yun or Yu Hai, in the early days, they tended to be steady and steady, first of all to control the quality.

But Zhang Xuhao felt that he had seen a flaw.

He took the money given by the investment institution and skipped the time of the Spring Festival.

It is to expand rapidly when Shanhaiwai Express has not reacted, until it occupies the capital market!

"The most important thing is the recruitment of riders. How is the situation now?"

"We recruited 1,400 riders a week, which is already more than that of Shanhai."

Zhang Xuhao was even more satisfied.


"But what?"

"Our riders have run a lot this week."


"Hmm... ran to the mountains and seas!"

PS: I won't divide it into chapters, a plot is not easy to break down.

About the ex-girlfriend, I don't need to lie or anything, it's not something glorious, and I don't have any benefits.

That's just my broken thoughts, please be merciful, especially for her, I haven't blocked comments or anything, but I will block and delete comments in this regard, um, like this.

In fact, I finished writing those yesterday and wanted to delete them today, but the VIP chapters cannot be deleted randomly, so I have no choice but to regret it.

grateful. .

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