The Goddess Is Still So Pitiful, She Was Invested By Me!

Chapter 171: To Be A Man, One Must Have A Conscience!'s subsidy offensive doesn't just affect company executives like Qi Yun and Yu Hai.

In addition, thousands of people are also facing choices.

Gao Huan is one of them.

He is the rider of Shanhai Express in the capital.

I was a North drifter in my early years, and I have been doing odd jobs all the time.

Life is hard.

Later, I heard that Shanhai Express is recruiting delivery staff, and the benefits are not bad.

He joined Shanhai Express.

Because of his hard work, he also received a year-end award from Qi Yun himself last year.

It can be said that because of Shanhai’s overseas sales, he has earned an income that he never thought of before.

But recently, he found that something was wrong.

Outside a mall.

A group of riders chatted in the shade.

Gao Huan was among them.

"Are you hungry? We're recruiting again." A person lit a cigarette and said.

"Just recruit." Gao Huan said indifferently.

Hungry, this is not the first time recruiting people in the capital.

He even knew that there were a few people here who were also riders who were hungry before.

Later, he became his colleague because of the good benefits of selling goods in Shanhaiwai.

"It's different now! I heard people say, hungry, this time, very rich!"

The man was mysterious and even extended a thumb.

It is really arrogant to show that you are hungry now.

"Why are you rich?"

Someone asked curiously.

"I heard that now you can order takeout when you're hungry, and you don't need much money! The riders over there are selling orders every day!" The man's tone was very envious: "It's a lot of money!"


"Of course! I'm just hungry. I came over there! I heard that they can't finish the order in a day now, and the minimum is 10,000 to 20,000 a month."

Hear what this man said.

The riders present were all silent.

Everyone has different ideas.

They are earning a lot now, even without the Spring Festival subsidy, they can still have an income of about 10,000.

But they can also feel that there have been fewer orders from Shanhai overseas recently.

They were all snatched away by the hungry.

Don't look at things like they don't know much about investing in shares.

But this kind of thing about their personal income.

They are actually very clear.

"Shanhai, isn't it too late~?"

"I see Xuan! He is rich and powerful, how can we carry our little arms and legs?"

"How about we go hungry?"


No one spoke, but many people still had excited expressions in their eyes.

The next day, Gao Huan found out that several of yesterday's colleagues had resigned.

They returned both the car and the uniform to the company.

When I saw them on the street again, the other party was already wearing the uniform of Hungry Well.

"Brother Huan!"

The man was a little embarrassed.

"Is that you? How is it?"

Gao Huan didn't mean to blame the other party, people go to high places.

"Tired! Every order they give is less than that of Shanhai Express." The other party complained a little bit, and then showed a look of excitement: "But there are really many orders! Since eight o'clock in the morning, I have not I've had a rest! I don't even have time to eat!"

Gao Huan nodded and said, "That's good."

It is a good thing to have more orders, so you can earn more.

People like them are not afraid of being tired, they are only afraid of being exhausted and still have no money.

"Brother Huan, why don't you come over too? There's a shortage of people here!"

The other party persuaded.

Huan Nian is older, and he looks at his colleagues around him.

This person has also been taken care of by him, and he can't help but want to take him with him.

Gao Huan thought for a while, then shook his head: "Forget it, I'm still on the mountain and sea side, I'm used to it."

"I heard that Shanhai is about to collapse!" The man's tone was a little anxious: "The boss of our company can tell you, why are you hungry? You invested so much money just to bring down Shanhai! Brother Huan, don't be stupid gone."

After Gao Huan listened, he didn't speak for a while.

It took a long time before he spoke: "Then let's talk about it after the mountains and seas collapse. They gave me so much money, and my conscience can't bear it if I leave like this."

"Brother Huan!"

The other party wanted to persuade him again.

But Gao Huan had already waved his hand, got on his bike and left.

Gao Huan chose to stay, but many people chose to leave.

After all, the singular number of hungry is getting more and more every day.

And the orders for Shanhai overseas delivery are correspondingly decreasing day by day.

According to Gao Huan's observation, the number of mountain and sea riders in his area has decreased by one-third or even half.

This is also caused by the poaching of people here by Ele.

Those who stayed were also panicked.

Gao Huan was quite calm.

It's not that he doesn't understand.

But he always had a silly idea in his mind.

Shan Waimai is his benefactor.

In the past few years, he can be said to be extremely poor, that is, he can earn 20,000 to 30,000 to 30,000 yuan in a month or so, and there is also a year-end bonus.

Not only that, they also paid the five insurances and one housing fund for themselves.

Much better than many factories.

Gao Huan was secretly grateful all the time.

He didn't read much either.

But I have a simple idea in my heart.

At this time, it is difficult for Shanhai Hai to sell, so I can't just leave, can I?

To be a human being, you still have to talk about your conscience.

Although the odd number of Shanhai overseas delivery has indeed decreased a lot recently.

His income is seven or eight thousand.

Much less than before.

And the income is not as good as every day.

Gao Huan also felt very heavy.

On this day, after Gao Huan delivered an order of takeaway, her phone suddenly vibrated.

At first glance, it turned out to be a text message from the headquarters of Shanhai Express.

quite long.

""||Thank you for your loyalty and persistence to Shanhai in difficult times. To thank you, (Wang Nuo's) we will upgrade your rider level and increase your delivery fee share. ——Qi Yun. "

Gao Huan looked at the text message and showed a silly smile.

Although he feels that increasing the sharing ratio cannot solve the current problem, after all, the problem of Shanhai Express is that there are few orders.

But his heart is also very warm.

At least, Qi Yun never forgot them.

"That's it, crazy."

He made up his mind that even though Shanhai Express was a little poorer, he had to persevere until the last day.

Thinking of this, he was a little moved by himself.

But the next moment, another text message came again.

"Shanwai Delivery will invest 400 million yuan to start delivery subsidies! The order volume will increase rapidly. Riders, please be prepared and arrange your working hours reasonably."

Gao Huan was a little speechless.

Fuck, you are so rich, I am so touched by myself!.

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