"National TV interview? Not seen!"

Qi Yun flatly refused.

He is very busy.

For the writing of this paper, Qi Yun has spent a lot of time.

In the past two months, he has put aside almost all company and business matters, and devoted himself to academics.

It belongs to the out-and-out shopkeeper.

Looking at Lian Qingxue who had just entered the door, Qi Yun knew in her heart that during this period of time, it seemed that she had worked hard.

But Lian Qingxue has to be busy with company affairs on the one hand.

On the one hand, I go home every day to prepare meals for myself.

Plus she still has schoolwork to finish.

It can be said to be continuous rotation.

Although this little girl may not even know what she wrote in her thesis.

But he still endured all the pressure silently, without saying a word.

Now that the dissertation has finally been written, Qi Yun naturally wants to take over Lian Qingxue's work.

Let her rest for a few days.

Now, Shanwai Express is still competing with Jack Ma’s Ele.com.

In addition to laying out the Shanghai market, Snow Tea is also preparing to expand to other first-tier cities.

One can imagine how busy Qi Yun is.

Now for an interview.

He felt like a waste of time.

"Don't!" At this time, Dean Han rushed in from outside the door: "You have solved the Riemann conjecture, what an honor? How can you engage in the Jinyi Night Walk?"

The expression on his face was rather anxious.

Of course Qi Yun understood Dean Han's thoughts.

After all, I am a student of Capital University, so if I accept an interview, the school is also honored, isn't it?

The most important thing is that although Jingcheng University does not lack honors, Qi Yun's top achievements.

That's... so lacking!

"Dean, it's not that I don't cooperate with the college's work, but look at me......"

Qi Yun pointed to the pile of documents piled up on the desk.

The expression is really helpless.

Dean Han's heart skipped a beat.

Knowing that Qi Yun really wanted to refuse.

If it is an ordinary student.

He might still be able to use his identity as the leader of the academy to suppress him.

But Qi Yun......

Just kidding!

Didn't you see that people hope that the top universities in the country invite Qi Yun to be a tenured professor?

Just like that, Qi Yun refused.

Show off your authority in front of Qi Yun?

His head was not kicked by a donkey!

"That's it! You take some time to come out and get this interview done, and I will arrange a graduation defense for you next week! Special matters!"

Qi Yun's eyes lit up, it was really heavy.

Omitting the graduation process of ordinary students can save him a lot of time.

"That's fine! I will support the school work!"

Qi Yun smiled and looked very generous.

"You boy, don't get cheap and act like a good boy!"

Dean Han pointed at him and scolded with a smile.

As soon as he went out, Dean Han's face collapsed.

Qi Yun wants to defend who will be the judge?

In other words, who is eligible to judge?

At least he can't.

Scratching his head, the dean felt that there was another piece of space on top of his head.

In the past, he was afraid that the children in the courtyard would not succeed.

It turned out that this student was too powerful.

Hairy too!

"Teacher Qi, he made an appointment here`"?"

The next day, Ye Zi, a reporter from the national TV station, arrived at the place agreed with Qi Yun on time.

She was dressed in business attire, with short hair tied into a ponytail, and ten centimeter high heels, she looked like an elite.


Looking at the bright snow tea sign above the head.

Ye Zi, who had been through battle for a long time, couldn't help but fell into the mausoleum.

This is different from what she thought!

She has been running news on the science and technology side of the national TV station, and she is considered a well-known reporter. This time, she heard that someone in China had solved the Riemann conjecture, and she immediately knew that this was big news!

Although she is not from the Department of Mathematics, she is still well known as the name of Riemann's conjecture.

For this interview, she not only made up her mind to read several popular science books on mathematics.

I even asked a few professionals in the mathematics field for advice.

Trying to have some academic exchanges with Qi Yun.

Have a high-quality interview!


Is the milk tea shop a little serious?

It doesn't seem like a place for academic exchanges.

"Teacher Qi, you're still very trendy..."

Ye Zi made a lot of preparations, but forgot to investigate Qi Yun......

She took it for granted in her mind that someone who could have such great academic achievements.

Maybe not with silver hair.

That must be a highly respected scholar, right?

At least thirty or forty years old.

So as soon as she entered, she began to look for the older people in the snow tea shop.

But looked around.

Nothing was found.

Ye Zi became anxious all of a sudden.

"I heard that Mr. Qi was unwilling to accept our interview at the beginning, did he let us go?"

She spoke to a few people behind her.

She didn't come alone, she was followed by a small photography team.

As soon as a few people came in, the huge camera on the photographer's shoulder behind him attracted the attention of many people.

Qi Yun, who was looking at the documents in the store, naturally also saw it.

He got up and walked towards the somewhat bewildered female reporter.

He asked, "Are you here for an interview?"

Ye Zi's eyes lit up, and she nodded quickly: "Yes!"

Qi Yun led these people to the small table.

"Want something to drink?" he asked.

"No... no need?"

Leaf said hesitantly.

Qi Yun shook his head, and ordered each of them a glass of the shop's signature.

Although he is not very interested in interviewing anything.

But when the reporter came, it was nothing for them to drink a cup of milk tea.

Ye Zi saw that Qi Yun had already ordered, and even the milk tea was served.

She was full of confusion.

"I'll just take a sip... a sip!"

Ye Zi secretly made up his mind.

She is here to do business, how can she expose herself as a foodie?

Ye Zi usually does interviews outside, and doesn’t eat or drink much.

The reason is that the interviewees will think that she is unprofessional when they see her eating.

This is her professional habit.

She picked up the milk tea in front of her and took a small sip.



Ton ton ton!

Wait until the photographer behind him coughed twice.

Only then did Ye Zi suddenly come to his senses, wishing he could slap himself on the forehead.

She felt her hands had a mind of their own.

All of a sudden it was exposed!

But when she thought about it, she breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Teacher Qi didn't come, did he?

It's not too embarrassing either.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help asking Qi Yun: When will Teacher Qi come?

She still thought Qi Yun was an assistant or a student or something.

He came to receive her first.

As a result, she saw a slightly strange look on Qi Yun's face.

He said slowly: "The teacher Qi you mentioned...is his name Qi Yun?""||

"That's right! I just made an appointment with Teacher Qi Yun for an interview today."

"Yeah." Qi Yun pondered for a while, then said: "Let me introduce myself, I am Qi Yun......

Ye Zi felt that the muscles on his face were frozen.

She opened her mouth wide and looked at Qi Yun.

There is only one thought in my heart:

who is crazy


Ye Zi squeezed the interview book in his hand, and asked with difficulty: "You solved the Riemann Hypothesis?"

"Well, maybe, just maybe...the academics haven't fully agreed.

Qi Yun said seriously.

"Are you...... twenty years old this year?"

"Nineteen years and eight months.

Still too rigorous.


Ye Zi couldn't go on asking.

She tried very hard to delete the fragmented image of a scholar in her mind, but she looked at Qi Yun.

It was still hard for her to believe that the man in front of her was ten years younger than herself.

No, boy, is what those mathematicians call a master.

You know, when she went to consult those people in the mathematics field, she could completely feel the admiration, even admiration, for Qi Yun from those people.

Almost everyone regards Qi Yun as a mathematician.

If it wasn't for this, she wouldn't have known such a big oolong......

She even had a faint doubt in her heart:

Did you make a mistake?

It's not that she (Li Zhao's) looks down on anyone, but that she already understands Riemann's conjecture quite well.

Deeply aware of the difficulty inside.

So it's even harder, a young man under twenty years old, who can solve this problem...

She would rather believe that Qi Yun is crazy.

Just when she was struggling, Qi Yun's cell phone rang suddenly.

Ye Zi looked at Qi Yun on the opposite side and said hello, got it, and hung up the phone.

She also faintly heard that the person on the opposite side seemed very excited, saying something like a mathematics conference.

"Excuse me... is this call related to the Riemann Hypothesis?"

Ye Zi's heart moved and asked.

It can be regarded as related, the International Congress of Mathematicians invited me to give a report...

Qi Yun said flatly.

"Is it to report the proof of Riemann's conjecture?" Ye Zi guessed.

"Well, by the way, get an award."

17 awards?

"Fields Medal..." Qi Yun touched his chin in distress: "I don't seem to have much time!


She gets it.

The world is crazy!

PS; After playing with my girlfriend for the National Day holiday... I am so decadent that I don't want to write anything.

But I agreed to finish writing this ending, let’s add another one.

It won't be too long, probably only a few days. .

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