Kalena was confused until Luo Yan drank“ Load the gun, That's how she reacts.

"No!" Kalena ran to Luoyan in a hurry and opened her hands to protect the people behind her like a chicken.

"Please don't kill them, please..."

"Get out of the way!" Luoyan cold road“ There's nothing to say about trespassing on the border. Let's make an example. "

Kalena looked blankly at the man who rescued her from the sea of fire at the first moment, and cried at the next moment“ They are just bewitched by kaseja. Please forgive me

"Let us go."

"We don't dare to cross the border any more."

"I don't want to die!"

"Wu Wu Wu..."

Faced with the cold muzzle of the gun, more than 100000 people in Costa Rica were scared to pee, knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing for mercy.

Karena knelt down, too“ It's really wrong to enter the frontier, but please remember that they are all civilians. Please forgive them this time. "

The face under Luo Yan's mask couldn't see any expression, only the cold voice came out“ They are civilians. It is against humanity to kill them, but the border is sacred and inviolable. If they break through without punishment, where is the dignity of our country? "

"I will be punished for them." With Luo Yan's words, Kalena seems to see a turning point.

"You?" Luo Yan looked down at her.

"As a princess of a country, I should bear the responsibility for the mistakes of my own people. I only ask Shura warlord to let them go. I am willing to accept any punishment."

"For a group of foolish people who have fought and killed you, is it worth it?"

Kalena nodded, determined“ It's worth one hundred thousand for one person! "

"Well, since you think it's worth it, I'll help you."

Luo Yan pondered for a moment and said“ The source of the war launched by Costa Rica is to occupy the underground mine of sangsong. In order to warn your country not to be a wolf again in the future, I will punish you for mining under sangsong and never return to your country. "

Kalena cried with joy: "thank you for the completion of Shura God of war."

"Ah!!" All the people of Costa Rica were moved and wailed.

"It can't be like this. The princess is a golden branch. How can she be enslaved to other countries and mine for a lifetime?"

"We did harm to the princess!"

"I regret it. Why did I listen to casaja? The princess is so kind."

"I will dig for the princess."

"I'd like to..."

It's as if they have a conscience. The people of Costa Rica are making a noise, trying to protect their princess.

"Shut up Luoyan waved coldly. The helicopter hovering above immediately stretched out two gun barrels, breathed and puffed with fire, and the bullets clattered around the people of Costa Rica, which scared them to embrace their heads.

"In five minutes, if I see you staying at the border, the barrel of the gun will not hit the ground next time." Luoyan is killing and drinking“ Go away

After all, people are afraid of death. Soon, these people fled the border in panic.

After the people of Costa Rica were gone, Luoyan sent out the frontier army, leaving only the pro Army Long Yan to repair the broken barrier.

Kalena kneels on the ground, looking at the direction of the country in a dazed way.

This may be her last time to see her country. From today on, she will dig underground in the dark and cold, and never see the sun for the rest of her life.

Then a hand came out“ There's no one else. Get up. "

Kalina looked up from her hand and saw a fierce face, double foreheads, horns and red fangs, like a ghost Shura coming out of hell.

"No, don't touch me! Stay away from me Kalena shrank in horror.

She was a little scared by the masked Luo Yan, very cold, very heartless, very cruel, very bloodthirsty.

"Princess, it's me. Calm down." Luo Yan quickly took off the mask, revealing Kalena's familiar face, her mood was more stable, but her eyes were still full of confusion.

She can't tell which is the real Luoyan, wearing a mask makes her strange and afraid, and taking off the mask makes her feel very safe.

It's no wonder that she can't tell. Luo Yan with mask is really playing a frightening role. It's also for the purpose of deterrence.

The United States, which did not see the military first, was frightened by the masked Luoyan, and the two aircraft carrier battle groups fled.

"In fact, I just scared your people. I didn't really want to kill them." Luo Yan tried to explain in a gentle tone.

"You're sick. You don't scare them. It's me! I was scared to death by you. I thought you really wanted to kill them... Wuwuwuwu... "The familiar tone reassured Kalena, but at the same time, she felt very aggrieved. She grabbed the stones on the ground and hit them with tears.

Luo Yan is hit repeatedly jump foot“ Well, let me explain. "

"I won't listen!"

Longyan people who worked nearby all laughed. Although dog food spilled on their faces, they were very happy to eat it. It was mainly sweet.

Especially Lu Jingwen, with an aunt smile on her face.

Kalina threw stones for a long time, but none of them hit Luoyan. She was angry and roared“ Why do you scare me with murder? "

She was really scared just now. She thought that Luoyan was going to slaughter more than 100000 people in front of her.

"Because then you will plead for them and they will remember your kindness." Luo Yan said, took out his mobile phone and opened an Internet Forum in Costa Rica“ You see, the people who fled back just now have already publicized your deeds on the Internet. The princess sacrificed her life to save the people. She was trapped in sangsong, mining all her life.... "

Kalena froze and slowly put down her little hand holding the stone.

She understood, Luo Yan just now's ruthlessness is all pretends, is washes the white to build the momentum for her.

"After this incident, I think your reputation among the people of Costa Rica will be even higher than before. The people respect you as an angel. No gossip will appear on you from now on." Luo Yan goes to Kalena, squats down and looks at her with a smile.

"Wow Kalena rushed over, hugged Luo Yan and cried“ Do I still want to go underground mining? "

Luo Yan stroked her hair“ I'm just acting in front of people. How can I let you go mining? "

Karena sniffed and continued to ask with a cry“ Am I free now? "

"Of course, you can go wherever you want."

"Will you marry me?"

"Why not marry?"

"Wu Wu Wu..."

Kalena also want to ask what, small mouth has been blocked by Luo Yan.


Kalena, who has escaped for a long time, is brought back to the camp by Luoyan.

Soon after, there was a ripple of bells.

Long Yan all know what happened, show a knowing smile, at the same time admire Luo Yan's strong.

You can't refuse to accept it. Martial people's physique is different from that of ordinary people. They really have great ability in that aspect.

But something like Luoyan, which can be used as a weapon, is an alien.

It's no wonder that the Hougong lady group doesn't mind. It seems that they know the bombing power of the artillery. It's a free gift to form a team if you want to play singles. You have to form a group if you want to play boss.

The bell rang until late at night, and then gradually subsided

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