They talk and laugh while eating. Luo Yan thinks that Wang Ya is a good woman. She is beautiful, sexy and mature. The most important thing is that she is kind-hearted. She helps him when he is in trouble. She knows that he is not rich and that the place he chooses is to have enough to eat. If she changes to the girls he used to know, she can go to a hotel and order a big meal, It's necessary to have tens of thousands after a meal.

The meal was very relaxed and pleasant. It cost only 20 yuan. Before leaving, Wang Ya asked Luo Yan what he planned to do. Luo Yan didn't know. He said that every step was a step. Wang Ya thought for a while and gave Luo Yan advice as a passer-by. He said that if you have nothing to do, you can go to the talent market and find a job to settle down, Developing slowly, Luo Yan thinks that Wang Ya's suggestion is very good, and it's a good way.

After they broke up, Luo Yan went to the talent market. Now it's the end of May, when college students are graduating. The talent market is extremely hot. There are people everywhere. Every job seeker is busy promoting himself with a pile of forms, resumes and diplomas in his hands.

Luo Yan with the dense flow of people, hard to squeeze into the hall of the talent market, but a look at this posture is a bit silly, he did not prepare anything, empty handed, in addition to an ID card and driver's license, nothing.

Looking at the job seekers around, one booth after another, Luo Yan feels that he can't be so indifferent any more. When he comes, he has to try. Now he's not willing to go.

Looking at a company booth vacant, Luo Yan quickly stepped forward and sat down.

"Hello, sir, what position do you want to apply for in our company?" In charge of recruitment is a young girl, with a pair of black frame glasses. See Luo Yan empty handed, sit down and don't take the initiative to come up with a resume, the girl has the result in her heart, but the process still has to go.

"Hello, I'm qualified for any position. As long as you hire me and give me any job, I can do it well." Luo Yan is looking for a job for the first time. He doesn't have any experience. He says what he thinks in his heart. When he finishes, seeing the girl's look of disgust, he knows that his first impression is a little bad.

But Luo Yan doesn't think he's boasting. He's a reincarnation practitioner. He's competent for all the work on earth. Physical work is needless to say, technical work. It's easier. Go back to check the materials and read the books on technology. With his memory and understanding, he can work the next day, What he lacks now is a diploma and an opportunity.

"Ha?" Hear Luo Yan's tone so big, the girl coldly smile out, like Luo Yan this job seeker she see is too much, always feel oneself ability top sky, in fact is high eye low hand, play lip service. She put away her smile and said in a poor tone: "show me your resume and diploma. Our company only recruits people with bachelor's degree or above."

"Resume and diploma are just a few pieces of paper, which can't represent ability. I don't have it, but you can give me an opportunity. No matter what position I'm assigned, I can..."

"Next!" Luo Yan words also finished, little sister directly waved to greet Luo Yan behind the people in line to come forward.

"Really, I didn't lie to you." Luo Yan is a little reluctant.

"This gentleman, we are here in the talent market. If you don't have a resume, a bachelor's degree, or a technical certificate, you have only one mouth. I suggest you go to the labor market. It's more suitable for you. Maybe you can find a good job there with your eloquence." Miss completely lost her temper. This person clearly came to make trouble. She came to the talent market to apply for a job without anything, wasting everyone's time“ And please get out of the way. There are people waiting in line behind you. "

"Get out of the way. I don't have a bachelor's degree. What are you doing here? Go where you should be. " Behind the college students crowded up, a face said sarcastically.

Luo Yuan has no choice but to get up and leave. He doesn't believe in dozens of companies here, and there is no one who knows the Pearl. But in the next few hours, Luo Yan is really hit. He goes over one by one and gets the following answers:

"Sorry, we are one of the top 500 enterprises in the world. We don't recruit migrant workers."

"Our company has no shortage of toilet sweepers."

"This gentleman, you are a great God. Our temple can't accommodate you. Ha ha... Really, you are too powerful for us to invite you."

"Are you here to be funny? Please don't waste my time, next... "

“Get out!”

"Go away!"

Rao Shi Luo Yan was very thirsty and sweating, but after a few hours, he didn't even find a job.

It seems that making money on earth is not as simple as making spirit stone in the realm of cultivation. In Xuanfeng, I have at least all kinds of magic weapons and the ability to go to heaven and earth. When he crossed the earth, he was killed by a diploma. Besides being able to fight, he didn't seem to know what he could do. This is also a legal world. You can't fight when you see people on the street and rob when you see them. Moreover, it's not in line with his character. Bullying the weak and robbing families and houses are robberies.

Luo Yan strolls around and comes to the back door exit of the talent market. Just when he wants to go out, he sees many people around in front of a nearby company's booth. Suddenly, a stretcher is carried out in the crowd. On the stretcher lies a person with a mouth full of saliva. His eyes are confused and his consciousness is fuzzy. He constantly says, "help... Help me... Get up, I still... Still..."

"I'm sorry, sir. You're really not suitable for our job. Let's take you to the rest room first." The staff carrying the stretcher said with a smile.

Luo Yan thinks it's a bit strange. He just wants to get a job, but he can still make it look like this. What's this for? He's curious.

"What a tragedy."

"Yes, this is the fifth one today."

"Do you think that 20000 yuan a month can be earned so well?"

"This company has been recruiting only one person for four days, and you will know how difficult it is until now."

"Let's go, let's go. I can't do it anyway."

The crowd slowly dispersed, and each busy went. The more Luo Yan listened, the more strange he felt. After careful observation, this is a closed booth. There is a curtain hanging at the door, which looks mysterious. Luo Yan lifted the curtain and went in.

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