Luo Yan toward white ice smile, did not reply, left and right hands grab two bottles of Erguotou, "bang! Bang The two bottle caps rose up in the sky, fell on their heads, and the two bottles of Erguotou were blown together. Gulu Gulu, the throat moved rapidly, and the liquid in the bottle decreased rapidly.

Bai Bing is really shocked. If she drinks beer, she can understand it. Now at Erguotou, Luo Yan doesn't slow down. Instead, he speeds up. The two bottles blow together and drink faster and fiercer than just now. Bai Bing's heart is like tens of thousands of grass mud horses running wildly. Today, she really meets the immortal. Is he the reincarnation of Jiuxian? Hey, you don't drink according to the basic law! It's not scientific!

Of course, Luoyan is not reincarnation of a Jiuxian. Reincarnation of a Jiuxian is a fart. He is reincarnation of a cultivator. No matter how much wine on earth is, in Luoyan's eyes, it is no different from boiled water. Erguotou is just boiled water with flavor, and all the wine he drinks is evaporated by his real Qi, So now he doesn't need to go to the toilet as often as ordinary people to relieve the pressure in his stomach.

"Dong! Dong Two, Luo Yan nailed the last two empty wine bottles heavily on the table, and said to Bai Bing with a smile, "do you think this speed is OK?"

"Yes, yes." Bai Bing wiped her sweat with a paper towel. She was so excited. She looked at her watch. In less than ten minutes, 15 bottles of beer and 10 bottles of Erguotou were all drunk by Luo Yan. All of these can be entered into the Guinness world record.

"That means I passed the interview?" Luo Yan asked.

"Well, it passed." Bai Bing said with a smile.

"I want to ask, what do I do at work? Do you drink with people? Isn't your company a nightclub? " With a monthly salary of 20000 yuan, you can go to work as long as you can drink without diploma or work experience. It's too much like the recruitment style of a nightclub, but the salary is so high that it doesn't seem so simple.

"Cut, what nightclub? We are a serious listed company, Yizhimei company, specializing in selling high-end women's clothing, cosmetics and nutrition." Bai Bing was also relieved. After four days of recruitment, she finally completed the task assigned to her by the chairman.

"The charm of Iraq? Women's stuff? What did I do when I went? As a salesman? " Luo Yan was stunned and asked him to do anything, but it was a bit difficult to be a salesman. He had few words, and the salesman relied on eloquence.

"No, your job is to drive the chairman to and from work every day."

"That's the driver." Luo Yan breathed a sigh of relief. No wonder he asked if he had a driver's license at the beginning.

"Which driver do you see making 20000 a month?" Bai Bing covers her mouth and laughs. She finds that Luo Yan is a little cute. It seems that she has come out to look for a job for the first time. She doesn't know anything.


"Because the chairman's company is on the rise and has a lot of business, so she has a lot of social activities. However, she is highly allergic to alcohol and feels uncomfortable when she drinks. Therefore, besides being a driver, you have to accompany her to attend these occasions, and then block other people's toasts for her at the wine table and dinner table." Bai Bing said and handed Luo Yan a material, "here, this is our company's introduction, you go back to study tonight."

"When do I go to work?"

"At eight o'clock tomorrow morning, this is the address of the chairman's home. You can go directly to her home and pick her up to the company. I'll be there to introduce you." Bai Bing hands Luo Yan a piece of paper.

Luo Yan took a look, it says the west blue bay garden area No. 18. He knew that this place was a villa area in the suburb of Jinling City, where a villa was worth tens of millions. Luo Yan had a house there before, but now it has been taken back by the Luo family.

"Working hours: from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. if there is social intercourse, you can get off work at what time it ends. The probation period is one month, and the salary is 20000 yuan. After you become a regular, it's 25000 yuan. Do you have any problems?"

"No problem." Luo Yan is very satisfied with this condition, which is much better than other companies he applied for just now.

After discussing some details, Luo Yan signed the contract and left. Before leaving, Bai Bing specially told him not to be late tomorrow. The chairman has a strange temper. If he is late for work on the first day, he may be fired on the spot.

Work is so smoothly resolved, Luo Yan whistled out of the talent market, it's only three o'clock in the afternoon, he has no place to go, it's impossible to go back to school, start work tomorrow, it's estimated that he won't go back to school in the future.

Moreover, Luo Yan is not interested in reading. If he finishes high school, goes to university for another four years, and then comes out, he has to find a job. Let's not say whether we can find someone with a higher salary than what we have now. Let's just talk about the tuition and living expenses of four years' University. As for the Luo family, he was convinced that he was really abandoned. He was so miserable that no one came to help him.

Now she has more than 4000 yuan left. She can't go back to school and sleep in the classroom every night when she finds a place to live. Lu Tian's little girl will scold him to death. Although she seems to have a different attitude towards herself today, it doesn't mean that she can do whatever she wants. In her eyes, she should be a girl who can fight, Or nothing. At least such a good girl as her, boys with poor academic performance are out of her way.

Although it is easy to find a rental house in Jinling City for more than 4000 yuan, there are few conditions to satisfy Luoyan. He doesn't want to live in the low rent house he used to live in. Although the rent is cheap, the place is too small and there is no activity space. How can we say that now he is an office worker with a monthly salary of 20000 and is qualified to choose a better living environment.

He doesn't want to meet his former classmates and acquaintances. The Luo family's sphere of influence should also be avoided. It's not that the Luo family abandoned him, but that he abandoned the Luo family. It's better for him to stay away from the Luo family. You go your way. I'll cross my log bridge. I'll be responsible for the future affairs of Luoyan. What happened to your Luo family, I'm not going to step in.

He has to be close to LANWAN Garden District in Xicheng, so that he won't rush to work every day. He has to live in a quiet environment and have a place where he can practice martial arts. It's hard for him to improve his cultivation level now. He can only rely on the secular martial arts he has learned before. If he doesn't practice martial arts, he will be wasted. He is not invincible on this earth. At least he has many ancient martial families and secluded sects in his mind, The children of these aristocratic families can also practice in the secular world. It's hard to say if they meet them.

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