To the company, Luo Yan Yi Yao and white ice put down the car, do not know where to go.

"I get off work at 6 p.m., during which time you can move freely." Yi Yao looked at Luo Yan in the car and said coldly.

Hearing the chairman's words, Luo Yan breathed a sigh of relief. If he was allowed to stay in the car all day, it would be a bit uncomfortable.

"Don't drive out to pick up girls." Bai Bing took Yi Yao's arm and said with a smile as she walked, with a teasing look on her face.

"No Luo Yan embarrassed smile.

After the two girls left, Luo Yan didn't know what to do. After thinking for a while, he'd better go around. He didn't drive the car out, and he didn't need to drive it out. If it's just for the sake of forcing, it's boring. Besides, it's not his car. It's a little interesting to drive someone else's car for forcing. In the past, he used to drive all the sports cars in his garage, But now those sports cars are divided by other young masters in the family.

Luo Yan strolled in the street for a while, and found that not far from the company building was the Jinling library. Luo Yan thought that staying was boring, so he went directly into the library to read. Now that you have crossed the earth, you should always learn the knowledge of the earth. With his spiritual knowledge and memory, you can read a book without wasting any energy. It's also good to enrich your experience during working hours.

One morning, Luo Yan stayed in the city library, looking at the bookshelves row by row. He estimated that all the books in this huge library would be finished in about a month.

Just as he forgets to eat and sleep while reading, the mobile phone in his pants pocket vibrates. Luo Yan takes out a look. It's a strange number. He's a little puzzled and presses the answer button.

"Luo Yan, I'm Bai Bing. I forgot to tell you that you can have lunch in the company canteen at noon without money." Bai Bing's voice came from the phone.

"I see. I'll be back to the company in a moment. Thank you." Luoyan hung up.

It seems that we can save money for meals in the future. Yesterday, we paid Wang Ya 500 yuan, used 3000 yuan to pay the rent, and spent 100 yuan to buy some daily necessities. Now we have 1400 yuan left on us. We have to pay our salary next month. If we can save it, we can save it. Come on, let's go back to the company canteen to see what's delicious.

Walk into the building of Yizhimei company and follow the direction of people flow. Luoyan finds the canteen.

There are a lot of people. To Luo Yan's surprise, all the people he saw along the way were women. They were all dressed in neat uniforms, high-heeled stockings and long legs. He seemed to be the only man. The T-shirt, board shoes and casual pants he was wearing seemed to be a different kind among these women. Many white-collar girls were secretly pointing at him and whispering.

Luo Yan, no matter how many, picked up the plate and went to the window to line up. It was just that the female white-collar workers of the company seemed to reject him a little. No one continued to line down behind him, and they all went to other windows.

Luo Yan is a little puzzled, how is this to return a responsibility? Even if it is to see a new face, it is not so abnormal! But it's hard for him to grasp others and ask, why are you hiding from me? That's not like an idiot.

When he arrived, Luo Yan ordered a lot of food, found a corner where there was no one, sat down and ate. The company's food was very good, and the taste was very good. It seemed that he could come here to eat every day. Luo Yan thought while eating.

In the middle of the meal, two people in security uniforms came to the canteen. Several white-collar women immediately surrounded the canteen, gesticulated to the security guard, and then pointed to the corner where Luoyan was sitting.

Luo Yan head black line, isn't it, I just come to have a meal, as for you nervous to call security to come to drive people. I'm also your colleague. Your boss recruited me in person.

"Hello, this gentleman, please show me your employee card?" Two security guards came over, batons in hand, cautious.

"Employee card? I don't have it. " Luo Yan buries himself in eating. Bai Bing doesn't give him any employee card, so he just says that he can come to the canteen for dinner.

"What about the temporary customer card?" Security continues to ask.

"Neither." Luo Yan waved his hand.

"And how did you get in?" The security guard began to look grim.

"Just walked in." In the morning, he drove Yiyao and Baibing to work. The company's doorman saw him and let him in.

"Please go out. We are a private enterprise, not a charity. If you want to come here to eat and drink, you can't do it."

"I'm also an employee here, and I'm recruited by your chairman." Luo Yan explained.

"The chairman of the board?" The two security guards looked at each other, but they couldn't take notice. However, it was too casual for them to look at Luo Yan's dress. They thought that Luo Yan was talking big. How could the chairman recruit such a poor loser“ Do you have any proof? " The two security guards questioned carefully.

"No..." Luo Yan truthfully answered, Bai Bing did not give him any proof, only one word, you can come to work tomorrow.

"Please get out of here." Security a see Luo Yan can't get proof, more think Luo Yan mouth running train, obviously is mixed in.

"If you want to prove it, ask your boss." Luo Yan's anger is a little strong, and he's not stable after a meal.

"Why throw him out and talk so much nonsense to him?" One of the security guards rushed up to grab Luo Yan's arm and drag it out.

"Ah! Ah! Ah... You let go, let go! " Before he grasped Luo Yan's arm, he was caught by Luo Yan. With a twist of his backhand, the security guard cried out in pain.

"Let him go. I want you to let him go at once." Another security guard saw Luoyan dare to resist, holding a baton, shouting at Luoyan, also opened his walkie talkie and called, "canteen, canteen, someone is making trouble, come here quickly."

Luo Yan doesn't want to make a big deal. After all, it's the first day to go to work. Although the other party is a bit unreasonable, he is not unreasonable either. He releases his hand and pushes the person over. The two security guards immediately embrace each other.

"Damn it, NIMA!" The security guard who was pushed over, as soon as he got out of the control of Luo Yan, pulled out his baton and rushed over without saying a word, and smashed him down.

Luo Yan flashed lightly, and the plate on the table was smashed up immediately. Suddenly, all the vegetable soup flew to the security guard. In a moment, the whole person was drenched thoroughly. There were vegetable leaves all over his hair, and he was still dripping water on the ground.

This dramatic picture immediately caused a burst of laughter, the female white-collar workers around all covered their mouths and hid far away to smile.

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