"Master Wen, look..." sister Huang didn't know how to deal with this situation for a moment.

"Then there's no need to order." Han Yuwen takes back the bank card with a smile, finds a seat and sits down, staring at Chu Bingyan sitting in the waiting hall.

Now he is like a hunter, watching the prey. He already knows that Chu Bingyan's bank cards are all frozen, and he seems to have no paper money. Now he should be penniless, and he looks like a young lady running away from home. He will not ask for help from his family.

This is his chance, as long as grasp the opportunity, when she is hungry, then come forward to invite her out to dinner.

Hehe, this beautiful woman has no social experience at first sight. She will put some love medicine into the wine at that time. It's OK tonight. When she thinks that this cold peerless beauty will lie on the bed and show her passion to him, and cold Yuwen will be burning in the crotch.

Luoyan is sitting next to Yiyao. Yiyao has a business to talk about tonight. After a few hours of discussion, they finally signed a contract. Both sides are very happy. The other party invited Yiyao, Baibing and Luoyan to Jinling Royal KTV to drink and sing.

Therefore, Luo Yan is now engrossed in wine fighting with the other party. The other party has brought a total of 89 people. Since the legend spread in Jinling business, every boss who talks business with Yi Yao has brought more and more people, and they are more and more powerful.

Today's posture, the other side is obviously well prepared, one by one, taking the way of wheel combat. The other side can rest, but Luoyan doesn't even have time to breathe.

Yi Yao, sitting on one side, began to worry. She was afraid that Luo Yan would be drunk and lay down, but she was afraid that Luo Yan would be drunk. After more than half a month's contact, she made a great change to Luo Yan. Every time she saw him drinking with others and forced her face to smile, Yi Yao felt a little uncomfortable, but she couldn't tell why.

Yiyao not only once firmly believes in her heart, she pays, but Luo Yan does things for her. There is an employment relationship between them. There is nothing wrong with them. The contract is clearly written. If Luo Yan can't bear it, she can terminate the contract, and she won't pursue any liquidated damages from Luo Yan.

But Luoyan has been working for more than half a month. Almost every night, Luoyan works overtime and has few rest time. Yiyao has decided that if Luoyan continues to work, she will pay him 30000 yuan next month, 5000 yuan more than when he signed the contract.

As the cups and cups mingle, Luo Yan finds that the mobile phone in his trouser pocket vibrates and looks at it. It's a strange number. Luo Yan hangs up directly and continues to blow with the other party with a wine bottle. It's working time now. Yi Yao is still sitting beside him. He can't be lazy. It's just that this strange number is like a ghost. After hanging up, he calls again. Luo Yan hangs up again.

Chu Bingyan is sitting in the waiting hall of Jinling airport. People come and go around her. From time to time, someone looks at her, but no one dares to talk.

Everyone can see that there is something wrong with this gorgeous beauty's face. She has an angry face and looks like she wants to eat people. But even Chu Bingyan, who is angry, is still so moving. Most of the men waiting for the plane are quietly enjoying it. Many people pretend to play with their mobile phones and secretly take pictures.

For these Chu Bing Yan are used to, she took out a pair of sunglasses from her pocket, put them on, changed a position, sat in the corner, this will let her a little bit at ease.

All her bank cards have been frozen. She knows that her family in Yanjing has found out that she has escaped. Now she is taking measures to force her out. It's naive to know that she should withdraw her money before boarding the plane!

What should I do now? I'm trapped in Jinling, penniless and hungry.

Chu Bingyan sits on the chair and touches her stomach. She can't call back to Yanjing for help, and she can't call her parents who are far away. She believes that since her bank card can be frozen in the family, the phone call will be monitored. Now it seems that it's not easy for her parents to be transferred abroad suddenly. It should be that they have been plotting for a long time. Fortunately, they escaped from Yanjing. It's really lucky.

Jinling City now only one person can help her, that is her fiance Luo Yan, Chu Bingyan inner struggle for a long time, finally summon up the courage, touch out the mobile phone.

Luoyan's mobile phone number she has is given by her father. Her father always wanted her to try to communicate with Luoyan, but he only saved Luoyan's number, but never contacted Luoyan.

From childhood to adulthood, she was disgusted with men. In her growing up experience, men gave her a bad impression. Some secretly followed her, some secretly took pictures of her, and some wanted to tease her. All of these people liked her appearance, or they liked her family background, which was too superficial.

She hopes her lover can give her a sense of security. It doesn't matter whether she is handsome or not and whether she has money. As long as she doesn't just like her appearance, she really loves her, knows what she needs, understands her mind with a look, and melts her with a hug.

Qin Ziyu is not such a man, and Luo Yan seems to be even less, because she dials two calls to Luo Yan in a row, and they all hang up. This Luo Yan is just too bad.

Chu Bing Yan doesn't give up to dial Luo Yan's phone again. This time it's even simpler. The phone just rings and is hung up.

Chu Bing Yan Leng Leng looking at the hand of the mobile phone, she finally want to understand where the problem is, she this is a new number, Luo Yan don't know, may think is to promote insurance what harassment call.

The little finger pressed quickly and sent a short message“ I'm Chu Bingyan. " Then sit there and wait for Luoyan to call her back. But Chu Bingyan waited for half an hour, the mobile phone did not move, quiet as if it was broken.

Luo Yan heard a note coming in from his mobile phone, and took a look at it. It was the strange number just now. He opened the note, and the five words that jumped out made him stunned“ I'm Chu Bingyan. "

Chu Bingyan! What is she looking for? Didn't they all break their engagement with me? It's sick, isn't it. Luo Yan directly put the mobile phone back into his pants pocket, but he didn't pay any attention. He picked up the wine bottle and continued to fight. Yi Yao was still sitting next to him. He didn't want to be put up with a sign that his work attitude was not correct.

Yiyao is sitting beside eating the fruit plate, but her eyes have been staring at Luoyan. Today's Luoyan is a bit strange, and she has been looking at her mobile phone.

Yi Yao thinks that Luo Yan doesn't have a mobile phone. They've been in touch for more than half a month. They've never seen Luo Yan play with a mobile phone, and they've never seen his mobile phone ring. Today, for the first time, they heard that someone called him several times, but he didn't answer. This really puzzles Yi Yao.

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