The two security guards heard Han Yuwen's order, let go of their hands and feet, and let out a loud drink. At the same time, they rushed up. One of them attacked Luoyan's chest with two fists, and the other kicked Luoyan's footwall with two legs. They cooperated perfectly.

The airport security screening is very strict, most of them are graduates of the police academy. They have obviously received authentic martial arts training, and their strength is not small.

Luo Yan is deeply afraid that Chu Bingyan in his arms will be hit, and there is a camera here. He can't use the cultivation magic randomly.

If there is no camera, he will throw a wind blade in the past and make them fall to the ground immediately, but he won't have to live on the earth the next moment.

Immediately, scientific organizations all over the world will follow him, take him to the experimental platform, dissect and study his body.

He is not invincible now. If he meets the national army and powerful hot weapons, he will not be able to retreat completely with his level of refining gas. Fortunately, he has picked up the secular martial arts during this period.

Luo Yan directly rushed up and kicked a security guard in the air.

As soon as the security guard saw that Luo Yan's flying feet hit him, he was very strong and heavy, mixed with the sound of breaking the air. He was very surprised. He quickly stopped the attack, tied up his horse's steps, put his arms together, crossed his cross defense posture and blocked his chest, trying to carry Luo Yan's foot hard.

Just the next moment, the security guard yelled, the person has been inverted out, sliding more than ten meters on the smooth ground, "bang!" He bumped into a pile of chairs to resist the momentum.

Another security guard was stunned to see that his companion was kicked away. Before he recovered, Luo Yan's second foot had already been kicked to his chest. He also yelled and flew more than ten meters away. They collided and fell to the ground, unable to move for a moment.

Around the passengers found the movement here, have surrounded, looking at Luo Yan holding a gorgeous beauty, but also a person hit fly two security, are a little confused.

From inside the airport, more security guards rushed out with batons. They were ordered to make trouble in the airport hall.

"Master Wen, what's the matter?" When the security guard saw that the young owners were also involved, they surrounded them one after another.

"This man, he wanted to abduct this woman. I saw him and came out to stop him. I didn't expect that he came to beat people when he found out that something had been revealed." Han Yuwen kicks two security guards when he sees Luo Yan's feet. He's so flustered that he just wants to run away. When he finds that there are so many helpers around him, he's confident again. Standing among the security guards, he looks like a leader.

"I saw it too. The man came in and took the beauty away without saying a word." Someone echoed.

"Yes, this beautiful woman has been sitting there for a long time. She should be waiting for someone. The man came over and didn't know what means he used to confuse people directly."

"Yes, I can testify."

Around the men pointing to Luo Yan, Hu 78 Road, they only see the appearance of things, do not know the real reason, but see a beauty so was taken away, how much a little imbalance in the heart.

When Han Yuwen saw that the public opinion was on his side, he was even more proud of it and began to stir up the rhythm“ In broad daylight, there are such animals. Is there any royal law? "

"Send him to the police station, this kind of person should be locked up in prison, save harm!" Someone said angrily.

"Yes, if it wasn't for this brave young man, today's beauty would be ruined!" Another man came forward.

"What a beast

More and more people spoke in support of Han Yuwen, and the situation fell to one side.

At this time, from the security team out of a person, he first pressed hands, indicating that we do not get excited.

"Passengers, please be quiet and listen to me. My name is Yang Shengming. I'm the security team leader of this airport. I've got a general idea of what happened. Please rest assured that we will never let such criminals go unpunished."

Finish saying, Yang Shengming pulls out the baton in the waist, waved a hand, the hand behind immediately surrounds Luo Yan round.

Yang Shengming looks at the girl in Luo Yan's arms and is stunned. How beautiful! No wonder this man is willing to take such a big risk, such a peerless will really lead to crime.

"You put this girl down and come with us, or we will enforce the law against you." Yang Shengming warns Luo Yan.

"Why should I come with you? Are you qualified to enforce the law? I don't even ask the client. It depends on subjective judgment. She knows me, and I can't take her away yet? " Luo Yan is not in a panic. If these security guards dare to use force, he has to teach them a truth. Don't abuse their power by holding some law enforcement power.

In recent years, urban management smashes vendors, and violent law enforcement by security guards emerge in an endless stream, all because these low-quality rat droppings have ruined their reputation.

"You brag. Do you know her? Why don't you say she's your girlfriend? " Cold encounter text break big curse way.

"Yes! You are right. She is my fiancee Luo Yan a listen also happy, this cold encounter text how guess so accurate.

Although Chu Bingyan broke his engagement with him, it's a critical moment now. If he doesn't show his identity, even if he arrives at the police station, he will be charged with robbing a civilian girl. Luo Yan doesn't want to be detained. He will have to go to work tomorrow.

"Just like you, are you worthy of this woman? If she is your wife, I will kneel down for you. " Han Yuwen yells.

Damn, this man is so shameless. He's dressed in a stall, and he says that he's Bai Fumei's husband. He doesn't pee and looks at himself in the mirror.

"Don't be so hard spoken, young man, and plead guilty."

"What you are doing now is not only kidnapping, but also slandering other people's reputation. The crime is even worse."

"Ha ha, this is the funniest joke I've heard this year. It's really a toad who wants to eat swan meat."

The onlookers made sarcastic remarks one after another. The young man didn't see the coffin and didn't shed tears. He was still making a fuss.

Suddenly, a surprised voice came from behind.

"Luo Yan! Why are you here? " Wang Ya today is a night flight, she just walked into the hall, found a group of people around here, and then she saw the familiar figure.

"Sister ya, do you work here?" Luo Yan a see is Wang Ya, said hello, if Wang Ya can help him explain clearly, that is no better.

"Wang Ya, do you know him?" Han Yuwen is a little guilty. He's been chasing Wang Ya for more than half a year, and he's about to catch up. Today, he's picking up girls behind Wang Ya's back. I didn't expect that he's hitting her right now.

"Yes, I used to be a neighbor." Wang Ya took a look at Luo Yan, and then at Han Yuwen, a little confused.

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