Lanzhou Ramen restaurant, it's one o'clock in the morning at night. People who eat supper in the evening have come out one after another. This Lanzhou Ramen restaurant has been open here for more than ten years, and is deeply loved by the residents nearby.

As soon as Luo Yan stopped his car at the door of the Ramen hall, he attracted the attention of many people. He had never seen such a grand sports car before.

What's more astonishing is that there's a gorgeous beauty beside her. She's really more popular than others. Many losers who eat supper all around look at Luo Yan with envious eyes.

Luo Yan didn't think so much. The car wasn't his and the woman wasn't his. He just thought the Ramen restaurant was affordable and tasted good, so he came by the way.

When waiting for Luo Yan to sit in the open-air seat outside, Chu Bing Yan still stays at one side, his eyes are full of confusion.

She said casually, which means that everything is good, but she didn't expect that Luo Yan would bring her to eat at the stall. She had never eaten in such a place when she was so old. For a while, Chu Bingyan couldn't accept it.

"Sit down, why are you standing there?" Luo Yan pointed to the position opposite him.

Chu Bingyan saw that Luo Yan had sat down, and he was a little angry in his heart. OK, you can sit down, and I can sit down. You are used to eating, and I am also used to eating! Looking at the greasy table, she put her hands on her thighs and didn't touch it.

Just just in the airport for Luo Yan to improve some of the good feeling, and now gone, or five points can not be more.

On purpose, she doesn't drive more than 10 million top sports cars and indulge in wine and drink at night. Now she invites me to a meal and brings me to the stall. Her heart is so cool.

I thought that if Luo Yan was really worthy of trust as her father said, and could treat her well, she might try to associate with him.

But now Luo Yan's behavior is not much better than Qin Ziyu's. Qin Ziyu is to humiliate her, while Luo Yan is to disgust her. Both of them are bastards.

"What kind of ramen do you have?" Luo Yan looked at the menu and handed it over.

"Whatever!" Chu Bingyan didn't reach for the greasy menu.

"Then beef ramen, do you like spicy Luo Yan put down the menu awkwardly.

"No Chu Bingyan's taste is always light, and she doesn't like pepper.

"Boss, two bowls of beef ramen, one bowl with chili, one bowl without chili, one more beef and one egg if it's not spicy." Luo Yan shouts to the waiter.

"Good." The waiter responded with a smile. It's rare to see such a beautiful woman come to the store to eat. He's working hard.

Waiting for time, they sit there and don't talk. Chu Bingyan looks down at her little feet. Luo Yan looks at the crowd around him and finds that many people are pointing at them, but he doesn't care. Beautiful women like Chu Bingyan will have such a sensational effect wherever they go.

After a while, two bowls of noodles were brought up, and Luo Yan took a big bite. During that time, he found that Chu Bingyan didn't move his chopsticks. It seemed that the young lady had a bad appetite and couldn't get used to this kind of coarse food.

But there's no way. He only has a little money on him. He can't take her to a grand hotel to eat all the food in order to make her happy and enjoy it.

It seems that she still has to live with him, not like two days a day. If she pays for food, you can eat whatever you want. If not, you have to follow your own standard.

And he has been very kind to her to add a beef and eggs, this treatment is not bad, I have not been so good to myself, Luo Yan thought.

"If you don't eat it, it will be cold." Luo Yan voice reminds a way.

Hear Luo Yan speak, Chu Bingyan raised his head, dawdle for a long time, finally summon up the courage to grab the chopsticks beside.

"In fact, it's not so bad. You just think that this bowl of noodles is made by the chef of the hotel. It's just served in another place." Luo Yan sees Chu Bing Yan's action of a little resistance and whispers softly. He doesn't coax girls, and he never coaxes girls. His technique is very strange.

"Well." Chu Bingyan took a deep breath and began to move chopsticks. She was really hungry, so she thought it was to fill her stomach.

Just eat more sad, what broken man, driving more than 10 million sports car, now invite me to eat more than ten yuan of stall noodles, hard chewing the noodles in my mouth, tears dripping uncontrollably, Bata Bata all hit in the soup, stirring up a circle of ripples.

Luo Yan has already finished eating noodles, has been waiting for Chu Bingyan, see her finally move chopsticks, a sigh of relief, but in the twinkling of an eye to see her eat while tears, Luo Yan heart a little uncomfortable.

No wonder she knew that after I was kicked out of the Luo family, she wanted to break the engagement. This kind of life really didn't live together. She was born to be a big sister and a small sister. She didn't suffer from this kind of hardship at all.

Two people are not the same people, just like a line of intersection, although there has been intersection, but only gradually away.

After a few mouthfuls, Chu Bingyan put down her chopsticks and said in a low voice“ I'm full. " Then he stopped talking.

Luo Yan didn't say anything. After paying the bill, he drove her away, leaving a group of losers to discuss. Why does that beauty cry? Why did the rich second generation bring her to such a place for supper? Did they fight? Or did you break up?

Ferrari sports car interior.

May be tired of crying, Chu Bing Yan on the car closed her eyes and fell asleep, waiting for Luo Yan to park the car in the small yard, shaking her body a few times, she just woke up.

Get out of the car, follow Luoyan into the yard, after Luoyan can ask her to eat more than ten yuan of noodles, Chu Bingyan is now not surprised.

Even if Luo Yan throws her to a broken Hotel, she won't frown. Now seeing this small courtyard, Chu Bingyan's face is a little relieved, and she feels OK. At least this place seems to be able to live.

"You live here first." Luo Yan leads Chu Bingyan into the room and says.

Chu Bing Yan looked around. She had no dressing table in her shabby bedroom. Seeing the simple big bed with mattress, she asked softly“ Is this the bed you sleep in? "

"Well." Luo Yan nodded.

"I sleep here. What about you? Do you sleep in this room, too? " Chu Bing Yan is nervous, and her voice is a little trembling. She doesn't want to sleep in the same bed with Luo Yan, but she doesn't want to live in a room. It's said that her reputation is not wanted any more.

"I don't sleep here, I go out to live." Luo Yan knows what Chu Bingyan is worried about. It doesn't matter where he sleeps. There's no need to worry about these with a girl.

"Oh." Chu Bingyan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, it's two o'clock. Let's have a rest." With these words, Luo Yan walked out of the yard, and he had to return Yiyao's car.

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