"Luoyan, help me, help my grandfather, Luoyan... Wuwu... Will you help me?" Yiyao was convulsed with tears and spoke intermittently.

When she heard that Luo Yan knew how to do medicine, she was like a drowning man holding on to the last straw, holding on to Luo Yan's hands and pleading bitterly. The cold tears trickled down, all hitting Luo Yan's arms.

"Yes, don't get excited. I'll save your grandfather. Believe me." Luo Yan comforts Yi Yao softly.

This is the first time Yiyao begged him, and the first time Yiyao took the initiative to hold his hand. For the first time, they had a physical touch, which made Luoyan's cold heart produce subtle ripples.

He helped Yi Yao to one side, turned to Li Minhan and said, "old man, can I borrow your silver needle?"

"Do you know acupuncture, too?" Li Minhan looks at Luo Yan inconceivably. He thought Luo Yan just wanted to show his kindness in front of Yi Yao. But when he heard that Luo Yan wanted to use a silver needle, it made him look at Luo Yan a little differently.

Today's medicine is developing towards western medicine in an all-round way. Young people are learning western medicine one after another. When they are sick, they take western medicine. If they can't eat well, they have injections. If they can't get injections, they have surgery. If they don't have any effect, they have chemotherapy. For example, Chinese ancient and profound traditional Chinese medicine, on the contrary, few people are interested in it.

Few people know about traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, massage and acupoints. Li Minhan often laments that after their generation of traditional Chinese medicine enters the earth, these ancient Chinese medicine techniques will be lost.

"I know a little bit about fur." Luo Yan took Li Minhan's silver needle box and laughed.

Open the silver needle box, Luo Yan hands each holding a silver needle, and then closed his eyes and stood there for a long time.

Seeing Luo Yan's action, Li Minhan shakes his head and grins bitterly. He thought he could see some wonderful medical skills, but now he finds out that this young man can't do acupuncture at all. No one can grasp the needle in his hand. The needle should be put one by one. If he goes down to the wrong acupoint, something will happen.

Yi Yao saw Li Minhan shaking his head. A glimmer of hope just ignited was extinguished in an instant.

Although she doesn't know the medical skills, she has seen Li Minhan give the needle to her grandfather several times, which is totally different from Luo Yan's technique. When she saw Luo Yan standing there for a long time, as if she couldn't do it, she almost wanted to shout to let Luo Yan stop.

If grandfather sleep for a while automatically get better, if Luo Yan blind treatment instead of the grandfather's condition worsened.

At the moment, Yi Yao is at a loss. She looks at Luo Yan blankly.

The reason why Luoyan stood there for a long time was not that he couldn't start, but that he was injecting genuine Qi into the silver needle. However, Li Minhan and Yi Yao didn't know what genuine Qi was. They were just ordinary people. They couldn't understand Luoyan's behavior at the moment, and Luoyan didn't want to explain it.

After all the silver needles are wrapped by the real Qi, Luo Yanhu opens his eyes and throws the silver needles to yiqifeng quickly.

Yes, it's throwing! It's not inserting. It's skillful and fast. It's not throwing a needle at random. Every needle accurately finds the acupoint. The whole process goes smoothly and smoothly.

"Needle in the air! This is the legendary needle in the gap! Who the hell are you? " Li Minhan shocked to call out, stupidly looking at Luo Yan.

How can it be? Acupuncture and moxibustion, which is only mentioned in ancient medical classics, is the most powerful acupuncture technique in the legend. It has always been regarded as a fallacy and a joke by the medical community.

Because it is impossible for anyone to throw out a small silver needle with his hand and find the acupoints on the human body accurately. This technique is impossible for the World Darts champion to become a doctor.

"Uncle Li, what is a needle in the air?" When Yi Yao saw Li Minhan's shocked appearance, her mood was also infected, and she was very excited.

"Yiyao, your grandfather is saved, he is saved, old man Yi, you should not die! Ha ha... "Li Minhan looked up at the sky and laughed.

"Grandfather is saved... Grandfather is saved..." Yi Yao now has only these five words in her head, whispering constantly.

By the way, Luoyan, it's Luoyan. Is Luoyan really so bad that even Doctor Li Minhan can cure the disease that he can't do anything about? Who is he? Why does he know everything? Is he really just a driver?

After all the silver needles were thrown out, Luo Yan began to step forward and hold the tail of each silver needle in turn. He poured real Qi into the needle again and began to rotate the silver needles by rubbing his fingers.

The silver needle, which was infused with genuine Qi, trembled violently after a few turns on Luo Yan's hand, and made a "buzzing..." sound. Even if Luo Yan's finger left the tail of the needle, the silver needle still trembled, which seemed to be equipped with a motor.

Li Minhan stood up fiercely, staring at the silver needle shaking on Yi Qifeng's body. What's the technique? Why does the silver needle shake? It's like dancing.

He has been practicing medicine all his life, and acupuncture is his strongest medical skill. But what he sees today has refreshed his world outlook. First, he saw the legendary "point acupuncture" skill, and now he sees silver needles that can dance. He has never seen such acupuncture before, and even the ancient medical classics have not mentioned it.

Even Yi Yao, who knew nothing about medicine, felt that something was wrong. Although she didn't know acupuncture, it didn't mean she couldn't see the situation clearly. Her grandfather's face began to return to normal gradually. It was no longer as white, black and blue as before. Now her face has a little blood color.

Yi Yao covers her chest with her hands and looks at Luo Yan. She finds that Luo Yan is sweating all over, and her T-shirt is all wet. She wants to take out her handkerchief to wipe the sweat off her face, but she is afraid that it will affect the treatment of Luo Yan. She can only stare at Luo Yan and pray for her grandfather.

Luo Yan's body is a little uncomfortable now, but he still overestimates his strength. If he is in the second level of refining Qi, he will have no pressure to apply needles, but he only has the first level of refining Qi. At the beginning, he is OK, and the more he gets to the back, he will feel more and more lack of follow-up of real Qi.

Fortunately, it's the end stage now. As long as we stick to it for a few minutes, he can't give up now even if he is in danger of being attacked by Zhenqi. He promised Yiyao, "I will save your grandfather." the man has to do what he says.

"Hu..." five minutes later, Luo Yan exhaled a long breath. By mobilizing all the real Qi in his body, he finally completed the treatment process beyond his current ability. He quickly pulled out all the silver needles, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and stood up.

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